The Silence of Old Wounds


The first rays of the morning sun filtered through the thin curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. Dhruv sat at the dining table, his eyes fixed on the open notebook in front of him, but his mind was elsewhere. Today was the day of the national-level, JEE Advanced Exam, the culmination of years of relentless studying and dedication. This was his last attempt, and the weight of its significance hung heavily in the air.

"Dhurv beta, have some curd and sugar," his mother said, holding out a small bowl. "It's auspicious, you know."

Dhruv forced a smile and took the bowl, the sweet and creamy mixture sliding down his throat with ease. His younger sister, Muskan, bounced into the room, her face alight with excitement and nerves.

"Good luck, bhaiya!" she chirped, her eyes full of hope.

Dhruv managed another smile, his mind still racing about physics problems and calculus equations. "Thanks, Muskan."

As he prepared to leave, he glanced around the house. "Where's Papa? I haven't seen him since this morning."

Muskan's face fell slightly. "He's still asleep, bhaiya. You should go; you don't want to be late."

Dhruv hesitated, a knot forming in his stomach. But time was slipping away. He turned towards the door, his bag slung over his shoulder. Just as he reached the threshold, a piercing scream echoed through the house.

"Dhruv!" his mother's voice was filled with panic.

He dropped his bag and rushed back inside, his heart pounding. In their bedroom, his father lay crumpled on the floor, unconscious. His mother knelt beside him, tears streaming down her face.

"Papa!" Dhruv shouted, dropping to his knees beside his father. "What happened?"

His mother's hands shook as she tried to explain, but the words wouldn't come. Before Dhruv could process the situation, a family friend who happened to be passing by rushed in.

"Dhruv, go to your exam. I'll take care of everything here," his father's friend insisted, his voice firm. "You can't miss this."

Dhruv's heart was wrenched. He wanted to stay, to help, but his father's friend's words echoed in his mind. With a heavy heart, he stood up, gave his mother one last look of reassurance, and ran out of the house.

The ride to the examination centre was a blur of anxiety and dread. Each minute felt like an eternity. At the exam hall, he sat down, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The questions on the paper seemed to swim before his eyes, the stress of the morning making it hard to focus.

Hours later, at 6 o'clock in the evening, Dhruv stumbled out of the exam hall, exhaustion etched on his face. He quickly flagged down an auto and directed it towards the hospital. His thoughts raced – was his father okay? Had he made a mistake by leaving?

When he arrived at the hospital, he rushed through the corridors, his heart pounding in his chest. Relief washed over him as he saw his father sitting up in bed, talking to his mother. The sight was a balm to his frayed nerves.

The doctor approached, motioning for Dhruv to follow him into his cabin. "Your father suffered a minor heart attack," the doctor explained, his tone calm but serious. "He's stable now, but we'll keep him under observation until tomorrow."

Dhruv nodded, his face a mask of composure. Inside, worry gnawed at him, but he pushed it aside. He returned to his family and assured them everything was going to be okay. After a few moments, he told Muskan, "I need to go somewhere. I'll be back soon."

Hours passed. It was now 11 o'clock at night, and Dhruv's phone was switched off. His family's concern grew with each passing minute. Muskan tried calling his friends, but each call ended in disappointment.

"All of them are useless," she muttered, frustration evident in her voice. "They're all making excuses."

Their mother sat in silent worry, her hands clenched in her lap. Muskan suddenly remembered someone. "There's one person who might help," she said, her voice hopeful. "Ayan, Dhruv's only friend from his cricket academy. They're not in touch that much but do talk on Instagram, he might know something."

She dialled Ayan's number, her fingers trembling. Ayan answered after a few rings, his voice groggy. He had been out with a girl, but when Muskan explained the situation, his tone changed.

"I'll find him," Ayan assured her. "Don't worry, Muskan. I'll bring him back."

The scene shifted to a quiet riverside near the highway. Dhruv sat on the grass, throwing stones into the water. The rhythmic plunk of the stones hitting the surface was the only sound in the still night. Lost in his thoughts, he barely noticed when Ayan approached and sat down beside him.

"So, your exam didn't go well?" Ayan said softly, breaking the silence.

Dhruv didn't reply, just smiled.

Ayan picked up a stone and tossed it into the river. "You still have a lot of options bro, IIT isn't the only solution to your problems?"

Dhruv sighed. "I don't have time to hustle in any other field, dad will retire in a year. I thought I would get into an IIT, get a good job and fulfill all the wishes of the family. Muskan wants to become a doctor, how will we bear the fees of her college? I will manage in a private college but she won't and she shouldn't also. I thought we would take a student loan and then I'll pay it eventually after I get a good-paying job"

Ayan nodded, understanding. "How about you think a little about yourself too? Your sister is worried, you know. Everyone is."

"I know," Dhruv said, his voice strained. "I just...I couldn't stay there. Not after how my exam went, everyone had so many expectations from me."

"There are other backup options too, Dhruv, you don't need to take everything on your shoulders, we'll make something out of this situation as well. I know you, bro, trust me you won't fail in life", Ayan said with confidence.

Dhruv remained silent for a minute or two and then said most earnestly, looking at the sea, "I can't afford to fail Ayan!... I don't have a backup; I am the backup "

They sat in silence for a few moments, the sound of the river filling the void. Finally, Ayan spoke again. "I remember when we were in the cricket academy. You always took everything so seriously. Never let anything slide and me being just the opposite."

Dhruv chuckled, a bitter sound. "And look where that got me"

Dhruv looked at Ayan, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and sorrow. "Thanks, buddy for coming, it helped ."

" Bro I ditched a girl on my first date today because of you", Ayan said, hitting with his fist.

They both finally laughed and the mood got better.

Flashback End

Back to the present:

Manav and the newly assigned team from the second floor were in an online conference call with Mr Benedict, the crucial client whose project had initially been assigned to Dhruv and his team.

Mr. Benedict's face on the screen was stern. "We need assurance that this project will not face further delays. Our only condition for continuing this collaboration is if the program includes automated security encryption. And I trust no one else but Mr.Dhruv Sharma to handle that part. That's the only greed that's forcing me to stay with your company"

Manav nodded, maintaining his composure. "We understand your concerns, Mr. Benedict. We assure you that this project will meet all your specifications. Dhruv will handle the security encryption."

Mr. Benedict's expression softened slightly. "Very well. I'll be expecting updates."

The meeting concluded, and Manav exchanged a glance with the second-floor team. They understood the gravity of the situation.

Later that day, after the incident where Ananya picked up the call from Dhruv's sister, Manav and Manvi called Dhruv into Manvi's cabin. 

"Dhruv, we just finished a crucial call with Mr. Benedict," Manav began. "The client has agreed to give us another chance, but under the condition that you handle the security encryption. And we have decided that you'll be working with the team from the second floor, led by Prateek."

Dhruv took a breath and said with seriousness, "I understand sir, but if I'm to work on the security encryption, I need to be comfortable. I don't want to work on the second floor in a strange environment. Security encryption program is the most hectic and brain-tiring part of any program, I need to be in my comfort, which is here on the third floor with my team around, they might not be the best suited according to you, but given how things have gone by in recent times, they will be very hungry to latch onto this opportunity of doing the task they left incomplete previously"

Manvi looked thoughtful, but Manav was sceptical. "Dhruv, the second-floor team is more skilled and better equipped for this and I take another chance with this project."

Dhruv stood firm. "I get that, but my team knows me, and I know them. If you want the client to get more than he asked for, you need to let us handle it. We'll collaborate with the second-floor team, but the project stays with us."

Manav sighed, "This is a big ask, Dhruv."

Dhruv didn't back down. "I can't guarantee results, sir. I can only guarantee the efforts"

Manav remained silent for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Alright, we'll discuss this further tomorrow."

The next morning, Dhruv arrived at the office walking just as Ananya's cab pulled up. She saw him and waited, her face still holding the remnants of irritation from the early morning disturbance.

"Good morning," Dhruv greeted.

Ananya replied with a curt nod. Ananya didn't utter a word since they started walking along and Dhruv noticed her annoyance. "Why are you so glum today?"

Ananya huffed, "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me," Dhruv urged.

"I had to wake up seven minutes before my alarm because the housemaid showed up early and I couldn't complete my sleep," she snapped.

Dhruv couldn't help but laugh. "Seven minutes! That's very huge for sure"

Ananya glared at him. "It's not funny."

"I'm sorry, it's just..… seven minutes?" he chuckled again.

She hit him lightly with her phone. "Stop laughing."

Before Dhruv could respond, Manav called out to him. "Dhruv, a moment in my office, please."

Dhruv followed Manav, with Ananya trailing curiously behind. As they reached the cabin, she stopped outside, eavesdropping.

Inside, Manvi was waiting. Manav spoke, "We've decided. The project will be back with your team, but you'll collaborate with the second-floor team, led by Prateek. And even though you'll be leading your team, Prateek will have the upper control on the proceedings"

Dhruv felt a sense of relief, but then added, "I don't think I'm the right person to lead this project, sir. I think Karan should be given a chance. He has been around for long now and understands how team projects work better than me."

Manvi looked surprised but nodded thoughtfully. "If that's what you believe, Dhruv."

As Dhruv left the office, Ananya rushed back to Karan and Aryan. "Guys, you won't believe this! Dhruv just convinced Manav to give Benedict's project back to us, and guess whom he suggested to be the team lead this time!"

Karan's eyes widened. "Looking at your excitement, probably you"

"No, it's you idiot", Ananya replied to Karan with excitement.

"Woah! There is surely something wrong with Dhruv, how come he picked you over me", Aryan replied sarcastically.

Prateek stood at the front of the conference room, a confident smile on his face as he addressed both teams. "Alright, everyone, let's get straight to business. This project is crucial, and we need to be on the same page. My team will take over once Dhruv's.. sorry Karan's team completes their part. I expect seamless cooperation from all of you."

After the briefing, the teams exchanged polite smiles and handshakes. As the room began to clear, Prateek called out, "Dhruv, can you stay back for a moment?"Dhruv paused and turned around, nodding. Prateek approached him, lowering his voice. "Dhruv, I need you to keep a check on your team's progress speed. My team is counting on you to stay on schedule."Dhruv replied calmly, "I'm not the team lead. You should speak to Karan about this."

Back at their workstations, Karan was distributing tasks with enthusiasm. "Ananya, you and Aryan take on the graphics part. I'll handle the main functionality segment and Dhruv, you focus on the security automation."Ananya, smiling, responded, "Got it, boss."

As they settled into their tasks, the atmosphere lightened with jokes and banter. Karan, looking over at Dhruv, quipped, "Hey Dhruv, what do you call a security expert who loves pastries?" Dhruv raised an eyebrow. "No idea."Karan grinned. "A cookie monster!" The cubicle erupted in laughter. Dhruv shook his head with a smile. "I expected this only from you, please mend your broken humour, Karan."

Days passed, and the tension between Dhruv's team and Prateek's team grew palpable. Members of Prateek's team frequently visited the third floor, demanding updates and pushing for earlier deadlines.

One afternoon, Prateek's teammate Raj stormed into their workspace. "Dhruv, we need that security part ready by tomorrow."

Dhruv looked up, clearly annoyed. "That's not the schedule we agreed on."

Raj sneered. "Your pace is slowing us down. Maybe you're just not cut out for this."

Aryan, overhearing, jumped in. "Back off, Raj. We're working as fast as we can."

Raj rolled his eyes looking towards Karan and Ananya. "Working as fast as you can?"

Karan, incensed, stood up. "We're doing our best here. Maybe you should focus on your tasks instead of meddling in ours."

Raj laughed. "Your best? If this is your best, no wonder you're struggling."

The day after, Prateek called both teams in the conference room to get an update on the project and discuss the possibility of a deadline. The meeting didn't go too soft, but anyway, both the teams somehow got to terms with each other even if they didn't want to. The meeting ended and Karan's team started leaving the conference room giving the other a stare. 

"Dhruv, wait a moment. We need to discuss something," said Akshat, one of Prateek's teammates.

"Sure... What's the matter?" Dhruv asked patiently.

"Your dedication and skills are outstanding. We were shocked to see such impeccable coding done in such a limited time."

"With this potential, you could handle other large-capacity projects usually given to the second and first floors, don't you think?" Akshat added.

"Yes, I know, but I'm still on the third floor and have a long way to reach the second floor," Dhruv replied, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Do you know how much we get paid on the second floor?" asked Devansh. "And the perks are amazing. You get a shared apartment... sounds good, right?"

Dhruv, confused, said, "Yeah, I know that very well... but why are you telling me all this?"

Prateek, approaching his chair around the round table, said, "See, Dhruv, we've been observing your team since you joined us for the project. We've noticed that only you seem focused and dedicated. Aryan is always cracking lame jokes, and Karan laughs senselessly at them. They prioritise gossip over work, causing delays. You end up covering up for them all the time."

"It's not like that!" Dhruv objected immediately.

"Oh? So what is it like, then? Please explain," Devansh taunted.

Dhruv went blank, unable to recall when Karan and Aryan last focused on a project.

"See, Dhruv, you shouldn't be taking responsibility for their truancy," said Akshat.

(Ananya, who had left the conference hall, forgot her phone and returned to get it. She stopped by the door and overheard the conversation.)

"And Ananya in your team seems lost in her world during project discussions. If I point it out, she starts crying for sympathy. She looks so depressed and disinterested in the project. She is always found sneaking around you asking silly questions here and there, to me she looks like a proper noob?"

(Ananya, deeply hurt by what she heard about herself, leaves her place by the door in disgust)

"No, it's nothing. It's just that she hasn't had a good couple of weeks and also she asks so much because she doesn't want to make any mistake, which I think is not wrong on her side" Dhruv said in a louder voice.

"Relax, Dhruv," Prateek said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We're just sharing our observations."

"Yes, Dhruv," Akshat continued, "We just wanted to tell you the reality. In fact, we had an offer for you."

"What offer?" Dhruv asked impatiently.

"We all want you to join us on the second floor. You have great potential and talent which you can showcase on big projects mostly given to us. We want to allow you to grow and reach your full potential and also strengthen our team. Not only this, but you'll also get a significant hike in your salary and a shared apartment close to the company, so no more auto rides. And most importantly, you'll get to work with foreign clients, handle great projects and have the chance to travel across the globe."

"How's the offer, Dhruv?" Prateek asked.

Dhruv was completely shocked and surprised by this irresistible offer, and he was deep in thought. 

"Anyway, we'll think of you Dhruv, see you", said Prateek and left the room.

The visits became more frequent and more hostile. Ananya is ignoring Dhruv and neither does she talk too much now. One day, as Dhruv and his team were deep in work, Raj and a few others from Prateek's team came over again.

"What's the holdup, Dhruv?" Raj asked mockingly. "Your team is still trying to figure out how to code basic frontend graphics?"

Ananya shot him a glare. "We're on schedule. Why don't you worry about your work? Oh sorry! You don't have any"

Raj smirked. If you weren't distracted by personal issues, you'd be more efficient, Ananya.

Ananya's face flushed with anger. "You better stay out of my personal life, Raj."

Prateek entered the scene, backing up his teammate. "This isn't just about personal lives, Ananya. Your whole team is slacking. Karan's jokes aren't helping, and Aryan seems lost half the time. I wonder how Manvi copes with you all"

Aryan, unable to hold back, retorted, "We might have personal issues, but at least none of us did ass-licking to reach the second floor. So maybe we are less skilled but at least we all are still respectful."

Prateek's face turned red. "Watch it, Aryan. Maybe if your team was as dedicated as mine, we wouldn't be in this mess."

Dhruv stood up and pushed Raj slightly away from Ananya's cubicle. "Push back guys, if you really wanna create a scene here, then trust me we aren't holding back either", said Dhruv looking towards Raj.

The altercation quickly escalated into a full-blown argument. Voices were raised, and insults flew back and forth.

Raj pointed at Karan. "And you Mr team Lead or as I should call Mr Clown, you with our constant humour, have you ever been serious about anything? No wonder your team is falling behind."

Karan clenched his fists. "At least we know how to work as a team, unlike you guys who only know how to tear others down."

Prateek laughed harshly. "Work as a team? Do you call this teamwork? It's more like a daycare centre."

Manav appeared, looking stern. "Everyone, to my cabin. Now."

In Manav's office, both teams stood tense and defiant. Manav sighed. "This behaviour is unacceptable. Are you guys junior class boys? Look at yourself. We need to find a better way to work together."

Dhruv spoke up, his voice steady. "We can't. Prateek's team isn't cooperating, and they're constantly undermining us."

Prateek, equally defiant, retorted, "Your team is dragging us down. We can't meet the deadline at your pace. We want the project solely for us otherwise the company is going to face another embarrassment for sure"

Manav looked at both teams, and frustration was evident. "Fine. If you can't work together, we'll settle this another way. Both teams will make a presentation outlining their game plan for the project. The best plan wins, and that team takes the project. Understood?"

Everyone nodded, albeit reluctantly. The tension in the room was thick.

Manav left the cabin saying this.

Everyone started to leave staring at each other. Karan stopped by Prateek, "You called me a clown, right? Very well then, wait and watch how a clown laughs after crushing your ego"

Prateek smiled sarcastically, "We'll see"

Everyone nodded, albeit reluctantly. The tension in the room was thick.

Karan Prepares for the Presentation

Karan sat at his desk, the weight of the upcoming presentation pressing down on his shoulders. He knew this was a critical moment for his team and he had to prove himself as a worthy leader too. The project was not just any assignment; it was a chance to prove their worth and skill. He opened his laptop and began drafting his presentation, meticulously organising every point he wanted to make.

Dhruv approached, noticing the intensity on Karan's face. "How's it going, Karan?"

Karan looked up and sighed. "It's a lot of pressure, Dhruv. But I know we can do this. I've been gathering all the data, the progress we've made, and the innovative solutions we've implemented."

Dhruv nodded. "Remember to emphasise our unique approach to security encryption. That's what sets us apart. And rest I trust my team lead, so don't worry"

Ananya and Aryan joined them, offering their support. "We've got your back, Karan," Ananya said with a smile. "We believe in you."

The Conference Room 

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense. Both teams sat on opposite sides, waiting for the presentations to begin. Manav stood at the head of the table, ready to moderate the session.

"Where's Karan?" Dhruv whispered to Ananya, glancing at the clock. "The presentation is about to start."

"I don't know," Ananya replied Dhruv in an ignorant tone 

Manav cleared his throat. "It looks like Karan is running late, well that's very unprofessional of him. Prateek, why don't you start with your presentation? We can't delay the proceedings any more"

Prateek smirked, confident that this delay would work in his favour. He stood up and began his presentation.

"Thank you, Manav. Our team has a proven track record of handling high-profile projects, and this one will be no exception. Our approach focuses on robust architecture, scalability, and seamless integration."

Prateek's slides were sleek and professional. He outlined their plan, emphasising their experience and expertise. "Our architecture is designed to be highly scalable, allowing for future growth and expansion. We've also ensured that our solution integrates seamlessly with existing systems."

He concluded with a flourish. "Our team is ready to take on this challenge and deliver exceptional results. We have the experience, the skills, and the dedication required to succeed."

As Prateek finished, the door to the conference room burst open, and Karan rushed in, slightly out of breath. "Sorry I'm late," he panted, quickly setting up his laptop.

Prateek and his team looked at him and laughed softly.

Manav nodded, giving Karan a moment to compose himself. "Karan, you have the floor, start right away, we don't have time."

Karan stood at the front of the room, taking a deep breath before beginning his presentation. "Good morning, everyone. Today, I'll be presenting our team's approach to the project. We've developed a comprehensive plan that focuses on three key areas: innovative security encryption, seamless user experience, and efficient implementation."

He clicked on the first slide, which showcased a detailed diagram of their security encryption method. "Our security encryption is not only advanced but also automated. This ensures that our client's data remains protected at all times without manual intervention. It's a cutting-edge solution that addresses the client's specific needs."

Karan moved to the next slide, highlighting their user interface design. "We've prioritised user experience by creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface. This will not only make the software easy to use but also enhance productivity."

The final slide displayed a timeline and resource allocation chart. "Our implementation plan is efficient and realistic. We've allocated resources strategically to ensure timely completion of the project while maintaining high standards."

Karan concluded his presentation with confidence. "In summary, our team is equipped with the skills and dedication required to deliver a successful project. We are committed to exceeding the client's expectations."

The Decision

Manav sat back, considering both presentations. The room was silent as everyone awaited his decision. He looked at each team member, weighing their arguments and their dedication.

"Both presentations were impressive," Manav began. "Prateek, your team's experience and expertise are undeniable. Your plan is solid and well-thought-out."

He turned to Karan. "Karan, your team's innovative approach and dedication are commendable. The automated security encryption is a significant advancement that directly addresses the client's needs."

Manav paused, the tension in the room was palpable. "This is a difficult decision, but I believe the project should go to the team that not only has the skills but also the passion and innovative edge required for this unique challenge."

He took a deep breath and announced, "So, I have decided....the project will be awarded to Karan and his team."

A collective sigh of relief escaped from Karan's team. They exchanged triumphant glances, knowing that their hard work and dedication had paid off. Prateek's team, though frustrated, nodded in acknowledgement of the decision.

Manav stood up, signalling the end of the meeting. "Congratulations, Karan. Your team has a lot of work ahead, but I have confidence in your ability to deliver. Prateek, I appreciate your efforts and hope we can collaborate on future projects."

As everyone began to leave the conference room, Karan looked at Prateek and winked at him. Dhruv, Ananya, Aryan, and Karan gathered together, sharing a moment of victory with high fives, although Ananya ignored Dhruv's High five towards her. "We did it," Karan said, a smile spreading across his face.

Dhruv nodded, pride evident in his eyes. "Yes, we did. Now, let's get to work and make this project a success."

The first few days after winning the project were intense. Karan, Dhruv, Ananya, and Aryan were glued to their screens, barely taking breaks as they worked to meet the tight deadlines. 

It was late afternoon on the second day when Karan, needing a caffeine boost, suggested a coffee break. The team huddled around the coffee machine in the break room. 

As Karan poured himself a cup, he grinned at Aryan, "You know, I was thinking, maybe if we pour some of this on the code, it'll wake up and debug itself."

Aryan laughed, "Or maybe it'll just crash, and we'll finally get that break we deserve."

Dhruv, smiling slightly, added, "Or the code will get so hyperactive that it starts writing itself."

Ananya, standing a little apart, quietly sipped her coffee. She didn't join in the banter, her focus seemingly elsewhere. Karan noticed her silence and, in an attempt to lighten the mood, pretended to trip, almost spilling his coffee on her.

"Oops! Almost gave you a caffeine bath there, Ananya!" Karan said with a mischievous grin.

Ananya jumped back, avoiding the spill but barely cracking a smile. She muttered, "Be careful, Karan," and walked away, leaving the rest of the team exchanging puzzled looks.

By day three, the strain was beginning to show. Karan noticed that Ananya had been particularly quiet, especially around Dhruv. Whenever he asked her a question or tried to engage her in conversation, she would respond with curt, one-word answers or pretend not to hear him at all.

In one instance, Dhruv asked, "Ananya, have you checked the latest encryption protocol I added?"

Ananya, who was sitting just a few feet away, didn't even look up from her screen. After a few moments of silence, she finally replied, "I'll check it later," without offering any further explanation.

Aryan, who was sitting nearby, raised an eyebrow at Dhruv and whispered, "What's up with her? Did you steal her lunch or something?"

Dhruv shrugged, genuinely confused. "I have no idea. She's been like this for days."

Karan, overhearing the conversation, chimed in, "Maybe she's just stressed about the project. Or maybe she's annoyed that you didn't laugh at my amazing jokes."

Dhruv gave a half-hearted smile, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

As the week progressed, the team settled into a rhythm, but Ananya's behaviour continued to be strange. She avoided asking questions about the project, even when it was clear she needed clarification. Instead, she would try to figure things out on her own, often taking longer than necessary.

On day four, Karan noticed Ananya struggling with a complex piece of code. He walked over to her desk and asked, "Need a hand with that?"

Ananya shook her head, not meeting his eyes. "No, I'm fine. I'll figure it out."

Karan frowned, sensing the tension but not wanting to push her. "Alright, but if you need help, just ask, okay?"

Ananya nodded absently, her focus still on the screen. As Karan walked away, he caught Dhruv's eye and shrugged, as if to say, *I tried.*

By the fifth day, the team was exhausted but still pushing forward. They were in the final stages of testing when disaster almost struck.

Karan was reviewing some code when he realised a critical error had been missed. He quickly called the team over to discuss the issue.

"We've got a problem," Karan said, pointing to the screen. "This could cause a major security breach if we don't fix it."

Ananya, who had been avoiding eye contact with Dhruv, finally looked up, concern etched on her face. "How did we miss that?"

Aryan, trying to lighten the mood, joked, "Maybe the code needs that caffeine bath after all."

Karan shot him a look, but couldn't help but smile. "Not now, Aryan. We need to fix this, fast."

Dhruv, already deep in thought, said, "I think I know how to resolve it. It'll take a few hours, but I can do it."

Karan nodded, "Alright, you handle that. Aryan, you and I will double-check the rest of the code. Ananya, make sure the graphics aren't affected by this change."

As they worked, the tension slowly eased, the team slipping back into their usual banter. Even Ananya, though still somewhat distant, seemed more engaged.

The team had been working tirelessly, and the time had finally come. They had sent the completed project to Mr. Benedict, the client, the previous evening. Now, they were all gathered in the conference room, waiting for Manav to arrive. Karan, Dhruv, Ananya, and Aryan were seated around the table, each lost in their thoughts, a mix of exhaustion and anticipation evident on their faces.

Manav walked in, his usual calm demeanour giving nothing away. He carried a tablet in one hand, which he placed on the table before sitting down.

Manav: "So, the video call with Mr. Benedict went well."

Karan leaned forward, unable to contain his curiosity.

Karan: "And? What did he say?"

Manav glanced around the room, letting the suspense build before he finally smiled.

Manav: "He was impressed."

There was a moment of stunned silence as the team processed what he had just said. Then, Karan let out a whoop of joy, which broke the tension in the room.

Karan: "Yes! I knew it! We nailed it!"

Aryan clapped Karan on the back. "Of course, we did. We're the dream team!"

Ananya smiled, the first genuine smile she had shown in days. She glanced at Dhruv, who looked visibly relieved.

Manav: "Mr. Benedict specifically mentioned the automated security encryption, Dhruv. He said it exceeded his expectations. So good work on it"

Dhruv nodded, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "I'm glad he liked it. It was indeed a challenging piece to work on."

Manav: "Not just liked it, Dhruv. He was thoroughly impressed. He liked the graphics of the software too so credit to everyone. He's decided to offer us more work soon based on what we delivered here."

Karan couldn't resist a little joke. "Looks like we won't be seeing the light of day anytime soon, huh?"

Aryan: "Speak for yourself. I've got a wedding to attend this weekend. Maybe you can do my part while I'm away?"

Ananya rolled her eyes at Aryan's comment. "Oh please, Aryan. The only wedding you're attending is the one in your dreams."

The group laughed, the tension in the room finally breaking into easy camaraderie.

Manav: "I'm proud of the work you all put in. This was not an easy project, especially after everything that happened with the other team. But you all pulled through and delivered something outstanding."

Karan, still buzzing with energy, leaned back in his chair. "Well, it's all thanks to my amazing leadership skills, of course."

Dhruv raised an eyebrow. "Right, and here I thought it was because Aryan was keeping us all entertained."

Aryan grinned. "Hey, don't underestimate the power of good vibes."

Ananya added, "And timely tea breaks."

Manav smiled at the banter, appreciating the dynamic of the team. "Well, whatever it was, it worked. I've got a meeting with the higher-ups later, and I'll be putting in a good word for all of you. Don't be surprised if you get a nice bonus out of this."

Karan pretended to wipe away a tear. "Manav, you know just how to get to my heart."

Manav chuckled. "Alright, alright. Let's not get too emotional here. You all deserve it. Just remember, this is only the beginning. With more work coming our way, we'll need to stay on top of our game."

The team nodded, the reality of what lay ahead settling in. But for now, they allowed themselves a moment of pride in what they had accomplished.

Manav stood up, signalling the end of the meeting. "Good work, everyone. Take a breather today, because we'll be diving into something new very soon."

As they filed out of the conference room, the mood was lighter, the stress of the past weeks finally beginning to lift. Ananya lingered for a moment, catching Dhruv's eye.

Ananya: "Good job, everyone. We pulled this off well."

Dhruv smiled, nodding slightly. "We all did."

With that, they left the room.

Hours later Dhruv notices Ananya sitting at her desk, her eyes focused on the screen, but there's a tension in her posture. He decides it's time to address the awkwardness that's been lingering between them. He approaches her cautiously, trying to seem casual.

Dhruv: (softly) "Hey, Ananya… can we talk for a minute?"

Ananya glances up, her expression guarded. She quickly closes her laptop and stands up, grabbing her phone.

Ananya: "I'm a bit busy right now, Dhruv. Maybe later?"

Dhruv: (persisting) "It'll only take a minute. Just tell me did I… did I do something wrong?"

Ananya hesitates, her eyes flickering with uncertainty before she forces a smile.

Ananya: "No, nothing like that. I just… need to finish something up. We'll talk later, okay?"

Before Dhruv can say anything more, she hurries off, leaving him standing there, a deep frown creasing his forehead.

A few hours later, Ananya is making herself a cup of coffee, trying to clear her mind. Karan and Aryan, noticing her alone, walk over.

Karan: "Hey, Ananya! You've been avoiding us lately. What's up?"

Aryan: (teasingly) "Yeah, did Dhruv scare you off with his boring work talk or something?"

Ananya forces a laugh, but it doesn't reach her eyes. She tries to brush them off, stirring her coffee.

Ananya: "Nothing, guys. Just been busy, that's all."

Karan and Aryan exchange a glance, sensing there's more to it.

Karan: (gently) "Come on, Ananya. You can talk to us."

Aryan: (nodding) "Yeah, if something's bothering you, we're here."

Ananya looks at them, her resolve crumbling. She takes a deep breath, finally deciding to let it out.

Ananya: (frustrated) "It's just… on the first day of the project, I overheard Prateek and his team talking to Dhruv in the conference room. They were making fun of the three of us—saying awful things. And Dhruv… he didn't say a word to defend us."

Karan and Aryan's expressions darken, and they lean in closer, urging her to continue.

Karan: "What did they say?"

Ananya: (voice trembling) "They said horrible things about all of us. About Aryan being a joker, Karan being senseless… and they even talked about my personal life. And Dhruv just… stood there. He didn't say anything. I thought he was a friend. Friends are supposed to have each other's backs, right?"

Aryan's fists clench, and Karan's eyes narrow in anger.

Aryan: "Didn't expect this from Dhruv"

Karan: (nodding) "Yeah, me too."

Before Ananya can respond, Dhruv walks into the scene, unaware of the tension in the air.

Dhruv: (smiling) "Hey, what's going on here?"

Ananya looks away, her emotions boiling over. Karan and Aryan exchange a glance before Karan speaks up.

Karan: (seriously) "Dhruv, we need to talk. Ananya told us what happened in the conference room with Prateek and his team. Why didn't you defend us?"

Dhruv's smile fades as he sees the hurt in Ananya's eyes.

Dhruv: (confused) "Wait… what exactly are you talking about?"

Ananya: (snapping) "They were making fun of us, Dhruv! And you just stood there, not saying a word. Friends don't do that. Friends defend each other. And you… you didn't even try."

Her voice cracks, and she turns away, trying to hide the tears welling up in her eyes.

Dhruv: (softly) "Ananya, I..."

Ananya: (interrupting) "They even talked about my personal life, and you said nothing. I thought you were different. But clearly, I was wrong."

Dhruv opens his mouth to explain, to tell her how he did stand up for them, how he shut Prateek down, but just as the words were about to spill out when an old memory rushed back—one of betrayal, of standing up for others and being let down in return.

His shoulders slump slightly, and instead of defending himself, he just sighs.

Dhruv: (quietly) "I'm sorry."

The simplicity of his apology stuns them all into silence. He doesn't offer any excuses and doesn't try to explain. He just accepts the blame.

Dhruv: (forcing a smile) "I'm sorry I let you down. That's all I can say."

He picks up his coffee, nods to them, and walks away, leaving behind a silence heavy with unspoken words. As he walks down the corridor, his heart feels heavier than ever, but his face shows nothing but a faint, resigned smile.

A few days later:

The office, late afternoon. Karan and Aryan are working at their desks while Ananya occasionally glances over, looking a bit lost without Dhruv around.

Karan: (sighing as he leans back in his chair) This place feels weird without Dhruv, doesn't it? It's like... quieter. Too quiet.

Aryan: (nodding) I was thinking the same thing. It's strange not having him around to laugh at our terrible jokes. I tried calling him again this morning, but his phone's still off.

Karan: I've been trying too. It's been days now. I mean, he's not the type to just disappear like that without a word. (pauses) Do you think he's still upset about what happened with Ananya?

Ananya: (from across the room, clearly listening in) What are you guys talking about?

Karan: (turning towards her) Dhruv. We haven't heard from him in almost ten days now. His phone is switched off, and we're getting worried. Do you know anything?

Ananya: (frowning) I thought maybe he was just taking a break. But ten days? That's too long. Did you ask HR?

Aryan: Yeah, we did. They said he informed them about taking leave but didn't mention for how long or why.

Ananya: (sighing, her concern evident) This isn't like him. Maybe... maybe we should go check on him?

Karan: (nodding) I know the locality where he lives, but I'm not sure about the exact address.

Ananya: Then we should go, right? Just to make sure he's okay.

Aryan: Yeah, we'll head there on Sunday. I just hope it's nothing serious.

Ananya nods, her mind racing with thoughts of Dhruv. Meanwhile, she keeps receiving texts from Aviraj, urging her to meet him. She looks at her phone, conflicted.

Late at night, the room is dimly lit as Ananya sits on her bed, scrolling through her phone. She's been trying to distract herself through Instagram, but her thoughts keep drifting back to her confrontation with Dhruv.

Ananya: (to herself, quietly) Did I... overreact?

She sets her phone aside and leans back, staring at the ceiling. The scene at the coffee machine replays in her mind—Dhruv standing there, looking taken aback as she accused him of not being a good friend.

For a moment, she feels a twinge of guilt. Maybe she had been too quick to judge, too harsh in her words. But then, the memory of what she overheard in the conference room comes rushing back: Prateek's team mocking her, bringing up her personal life, and Dhruv standing there, not saying a word in her defence.

Ananya: (frowning, speaking to herself) But he just stood there... Why didn't he say anything? I thought he was different... that he cared.

She sits up, conflicted. On one hand, she knows she might have been too emotional, too quick to lash out at Dhruv. But on the other hand, she can't shake the feeling of betrayal, the sting of realising that someone she considered a friend didn't stand up for her when it mattered.

Ananya runs a hand through her hair, feeling the frustration building up again.

Ananya: (sighing) Maybe I was too harsh... but how could he just let them say all that?

She gets up and walks over to the window, looking out at the night sky. The city is quiet, but her mind is racing. She can't quite let go of the hurt, even if she knows she might have overreacted.

As she stands there, she tries to push the thoughts away, telling herself that it's complicated and that maybe she was right to be angry. But deep down, a small part of her can't help but wonder if she made a mistake.

Ananya: (softly) I just... I don't know what to think anymore.

She turns away from the window, deciding to leave it be for now. There's too much work to focus on, too much happening to dwell on it any longer. But the doubt lingers, just beneath the surface, as she tries to move on.

A cosy café, late afternoon. Ananya and Aviraj sit at a corner table. Aviraj has already ordered her favourite coffee and pastry.

Aviraj: (smiling warmly) It feels like it's been ages, even though it's only been a month. I ordered your favourite coffee and pastry, by the way.

Ananya: (taking a sip) You still remember?

Aviraj: (with a slight chuckle) How could I forget?

Ananya: (getting to the point) So, what did you want to talk about?

Aviraj: (leaning back, trying to ease the tension) Why the rush? How's work going?

Ananya: (reluctantly engaging) It's going fine. We had some trouble, but we managed. What about you? How's the startup?

Aviraj: (with a hint of pride) It's coming along well. I've been focusing on it a lot, and I've finally secured some investors. Things are looking up.

Ananya: (nodding, genuinely pleased) I'm glad to hear that.

Aviraj: (sighing, looking at her meaningfully) It's been tough without you, though. You helped me so much with the first startup. I'm doing it alone now.

Ananya: (gently) I hope it all works out for you.

Aviraj: (changing the subject) What about you? Any big plans?

Ananya: (shrugging) Right now, I'm just focused on the office projects. I've also started jogging to improve my health.

Aviraj: (teasing) Health-conscious, huh? Trying to stay fit?

Ananya: (smiling shyly) Yeah, it matters. I used to be so paranoid about gaining even a single kilo.

Aviraj: (laughing) Oh, I remember! You'd go on and on about it, worrying me too.

Ananya: (blushing) Don't embarrass me.

Aviraj: (grinning) By the way, I heard about you guys having a tough time with Prateek's team. 

Ananya: (suddenly curious) Wait, how do you know about that?

Aviraj: (smirking) I've got friends in the office too, you know. Akshat told me everything.

Ananya: (nodding) Well, it was just a competition over who should get the project. We handled it well and won.

Aviraj: (leaning forward) But I heard Dhruv and Prateek had a heated argument.

Ananya: (correcting him) No, it wasn't just Dhruv. We all argued with them.

Aviraj: (raising an eyebrow) I'm talking about the time in the conference hall. Prateek was bad-mouthing you guys, and Dhruv probably lost his cool. Akshat told me they had a fiery argument with him. Dhruv must have told you...

Ananya is taken aback, recalling the conversation she overheard and realising she misjudged Dhruv terribly.

Aviraj: (seeing her reaction) I guess you didn't know.

Ananya: (quietly) I didn't realise…(Ananya lost in her moment of guilt)

Aviraj: (softly) Look, I know things have changed between us, but I've changed too. I was hoping we could try again...

Ananya: (firmly, but kindly) I've changed too, Aviraj. My focus is on my career now. I can't go back to what we had.

Aviraj: (nodding, disappointed but respectful) I understand. Thank you for meeting me today.

Ananya: (with a warm smile) We can still be friends, though. Let's stay in touch.

They both part ways, each feeling a mix of closure and lingering feelings.

Sunday morning. Karan and Aryan walk through a crowded colony, trying to locate Dhruv's place.

Karan: (looking around, confused) This place is like a maze. I didn't think it'd be this difficult to find his flat.

Aryan: (frowning) Are you sure this is the right area?

Karan: (nodding) Yeah, this is definitely where he said he lives. But I don't see any apartments here...

They continue searching until they find a small tea stall at the corner of a narrow street.

Karan: (approaching the tea stall owner) Bhaiya, do you know where Dhruv lives? He's in our office, a tall guy, who usually wears glasses...

Tea Stall Owner: (nodding) Dhruv? Yes, I know him. But he doesn't live in a flat. He rents a small room nearby. He's not home right now, though.

Aryan: (surprised) A small room? But why? He earns well enough...

Karan: (confused) That's odd.

Tea Stall Owner: (shrugging) He's a quiet guy, who keeps to himself. Doesn't talk much about his life.

They thank the stall owner and walk away, both lost in thought.

Aryan: (still puzzled) Why would Dhruv live in a small room when he could easily afford something better?

Karan: (thinking aloud) Maybe there's more to his life than we know. He does sometimes look mysterious.

They decide to visit Ananya and tell her what they found out.

Ananya's flat, late afternoon. Karan and Aryan are sitting on the couch, explaining everything to Ananya.

Ananya: (shocked) A small room? Why would he live like that?

Aryan: (shrugging) We're as confused as you are. We couldn't even find the place until we asked around.

Karan: (seriously) It doesn't add up. Why does a person earning ₹ 150K-200K per month struggle financially?

Ananya: (thoughtful) Maybe there's something he's not telling us. 

Karan: (sighing) And here we thought he wasn't coming to work because of what happened with you. But now, I'm not so sure.

Ananya: (in a low scared voice) Guys! There is something that I need to tell you.

Aryan: Go on.

Ananya: I was wrong. Dhruv defended all of us very well that day, especially me. 

Karan: (confused) What! But you heard their conversation, right?

Ananya: (with guilt in her voice evident) I only heard a part of the conversation and not the full conversation. Aviraj told me yesterday that Dhruv and Prateek had a bad verbal fight over this when Prateek and his teammates started saying things against us.

(Aryan and Karan don't say anything, just stare at Ananya)

Ananya: (looking down) I am sorry, guys!!

The three sit in silence.