
The weather was gloomy on that day.

Inside the car,"When you reach there give us a call." Mother Shen adviced her eldest daughter who suddenly decided to another city two months ago.


"Take care of yourself, eat your meal on time . Also study well."


"If you aren't happy then why do you want to far away from us. I don't understand you at all." Mother Shen grumpily looked at her daughter.

Shen Ning didn't respond but looked out the window. Her eyes shows reluctance.

Her younger sister, Shen Qiao glanced at her. She knows why her sister don't want to stay. She is probably suffering heartbreak and want to escape.

Shen Ning suddenly turned to her father."Dad, stop the car for a moment."

Shen Jiming was startled by his daughter's sudden reaction." What happened?"

Shen Ning shook her head. " Nothing. I will be back soon."Then she alighted from the car and walked towards the telephone booth on the opposite side of the road.

After dialing that familiar number, it rang few times before the call got connected.

"Hello?...Who is this?"

"Mu Chen, Goodbye" Goodbye. May I never meet you again. From today onwards you are not a part of my future. With that she left the telephone booth.

Bang!A large truck lost its break and crashed into her, immediately blood flowing out of her head.

"Ning'er!..Xiao Ning! Open your eyes! Don't sleep!"

Mother Shen held Shen Ning in arms."Jiming, quick call the ambulance!". Father Shen was trembling in fear.He shouldn't have allowed her to get out of the car.

In the hospital, After three hours...

Father Shen saw the doctos coming out of the operation theatre so went upto them.

"The patient lost a lot of blood. For now, she has been transferred to intensive care unit but another surgery is needed or there might get a clot in her brain." The doctor took off his mask.


" It shouldn't be delayed much. Atleast, one week." After saying that, the doctor left.

Hearing this, everyone's face paled. They knew it wasn't a simple surgery but they didn't have that much amount now.

Shen Huilan, her eldest aunt came forward. "Brother should I ask Ting to transfer some money?"

" It's still won't be enough. Moreover he will need those money sooner or later and I won't be able to return soon." Shen Jiming refused his sister. He also wanted but his nephew recently went abroad and didn't earn much. With those money the surgery will not be started. Not to mention he didn't have money with himself now.

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