She is hesitant to fall for him

Inside the room,he placed her on the bed gently and took off her shoes.

Knock, knock

"I'll go open the door. Don't move."

He opened the door and took the box from the service man.

"Let me see." He placed her on his lap, after that...a crack sound was heard.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" Shen Ning immediately removed her leg from his grasp.

He pushed her hands away. " Let me apply the medicine. It won't hurt tomorrow."

He went to make a call. "Bring two set women's clothes to HL Hotel. Also, investigate today's accident and why the brakes of a newly bought car failed to work..."


After taking their bath, they changed their clothes brought by PA Wang.

Lying on the bed, Qin Yuheng noticed that there was a single blanket but Shen Ning didn't object.

Hugging her, he had a blissful smile on his face while Shen Ning's heart was pounding fast.

"Today you called me an ugly man... Wifey, are you disatisfied with your husband's face?"

"N-No. I was too anxious so I called whatever came out from my mouth. Infact you are very handsome."

"Oh?" Raising his eyebrows, Qin Yuheng's eyes flashed a sly smile. "Then it's not your fault... it's your mouth's fault."

She didn't understand what he was blabbering all about!

"I have to punish your mouth then." He lowered his head to kiss her. Ever since they kissed each other, he started to become greedy for more.

The next day after having breakfast at the hotel, they went to the Moon Villa.

In the bedroom, Shen Ning laid flat on the bed tirelessly. " I'm not going to college today. I'm so tired."

"Take rest then. I'll ask for on your behalf. I'm free as well."

How could he leave his wife at home alone when she just yesterday confessed to him to take their marriage seriously. He was in cloud nine! He wouldn't go to work today, so what he is the boss, humph!

He personally cooked in the dinner that day. All her favourite food. A stumpious dinner as a celebration.

In the dinning table, She was surprised that no one else was there except two of them. "Where are the servants?"

"I gave them a day leave. Come, let's have our dinner." He was too happy to hide his smile.

"You have smiling whole day, it looks creepy now." She took a seat beside him.

He some shrimps on her plate. " Eat."

When they finished eating, he took the dishes in the kitchen to wash them.

"You go take a shower." Then pushed her out of the kitchen.

After finishing his work, he took a bath then went to the bed.





"I'm very happy today."

"I know." She hugged tighter then drifted to sleep.

The next day, as usual they went to their respective college and company.

ShengTian Group...

"Don't you today CEO is in good mood."

"He is smiling too. He didn't scold anyone today."

"Something good must have happened."

The employees in ShengTian were curious about their CEO's good mood that day.

In Qin Yuheng's office, he was looking at the report absentmindedly. Suddenly his phone rang. It was Huo Siang calling him. "Yuheng, do have time today? Let's hang out. It's early."

"I'm not free. I've to home."

"You can go later."

"I've to help my wife with her studies."

"Your relationship improved?" Few days ago, he looked sad , now suddenly he was so happy. Hmm, what might have happened?..

"She accepted me as her husband. Yesterday, she confessed that she wanted to take our marriage seriously." He couldn't wait to show off!

The other side was stunned. "Really?"


"Did she told you if she loves you?"

"..." She didn't say those words though...

Huo Siang understood his silence. She might be hesitant to fall in love again.