A Glimpse Into One Of The Ultimate Ability's

As if I didn't they would accidently erase all of North Korea part's of South Korea and about 75-78.9% of China along with 16% of Japan leading to the great flood of monsters about 6 months later which cannot happen at all cost as if it does her grandfather will be killed by the 7th of the great sins Envy also known as Leviathan. 

Who has the ability to ''envy'' as their name implies which doesn't seem like that much of a threat but that assumption would be wrong as it took the first regressor who is the creator of the skill infinite regression 100,967,900,067 tries just to seal that thing away which he considered that the best they could do.

And to that I would have to agree as to kill it the unique power of St George also known as { Protection } that gives him an absolute protection from all species related to dragons and allows him to use any form of miracle related to dragons snakes lizards etc. that can harm and or kill them.

Which was so needed that The first regressor tried to defile their corpse and take their ability to slay them but ended up failing do to the church already knowing what their plan was leading to their execution and the destruction of the world as Leviathan fully awakened after they.

Envied all other great serpents in all of everything including the ''Snake'' of the Sacred Tree who somehow is even more powerful but that discussion is for a later date and as that thought ended he arrived at the Hunters Association ''Hey stop right their!'' a loud shout was.

Heard by Jaxon as he tilted his head in the direction as to where the noise could be heard and he saw a buff security guard running at him but ''I don't have time for you.'' with those silent and brief words he appeared next to the guard looking at him he saw through all of their ''Loopholes'' and once he did.

*Bang* a silent bang could be heard as the guard collapsed to the ground but ''Shit I think he broke my arm but how I didn't even see his blow coming you know what never mind I have to go quickly'' and with a *Crack* he twisted his head around to cause his body to heal after death.

{ The constellation Anubis is warning you to stop using death to heal yourself as they can't always numb the pain }

Not paying the constellation any heed he quickly dashed into the front door and with a stomp he used the planets rotation to ''teleport'' into the elevator clicking on the top floor's button he impatiently waited and as he did it reached the 99th floor and after it was done opening it's doors he dashed out.

After which he looked through the hallway looking for a wall that doesn't look like a wall ''What the fuck did that even mean now that I am looking for it nothings seems out of place wait'' after saying that he looked at the elevator or where it was as it was teleported away with magic.

''Bingo'' after saying that he dashed to his earlier position as he did so he placed his hand on the wall and he used his practically infinite mana to unlock the secret door *Creek* and with a loud noise it opened.

Showing off a stair case not wanting to waste anymore time he ran inside and with a *Boom!* he jumped to the door which led to the 100th floor grabbing onto it's safety railing he flipped his body up and on to its hallway.

After that he proceeded to look around once again but him already knowing the layout of the 100th floor it didn't take him long to find the room he was looking for *Bang!* he dashed straight to the room with a sonic boom it his wake.

Not even bothering to have any care for the property of the Hunters Association he burst straight through the door and with Incredible momentum grabbed a seemingly feeble and slender left hand.










There was no sound no crack no creaking noises not even a sonic boom everything was silent no it wasn't that it was silent no it was that there was literally no noise that could be made as something happened.

Gone that was the only word that can describe the scene utterly gone not even a speck of black white dust anything just gone and utter nothingness of something that should have been there of the parts of the building in land's that should have been there.

But was not as it was no longer there gone that would be improper as it was more like somebody deleted what was once there and the person looking at that scene was none other than Jaxon Woe as he looked he noticed something the building and the land's weren't just gone something else important was missing.

Looking down to see what was missing an ''Ah? '' could be heard escaping our main protagonist lips as the entirety of his entirety of the right side of his body was deleted in fact it was such a clean deletion of himself that not even blood came out.

*Plop* so he of course fell down to the ground and as his nearly lifeless body was trying to picking it self back up or at least balance itself with his remaining arm he fell down once again and thus he died.







*Gasp* but right after a gasp could be heard as he picked up his body after his death which allowed his body to recover upon doing so he looked down and he couldn't help but ask ''Isn't it a little rude to try and kill the one who nearly stopped you from destroying several country's?''

Saying that he tried to look into the pupils of the Platinum haired girl that should be showing an endless amount of colors constantly shifting as if it was a kaleidoscope but to his surprise.

Black that was all he could see there was no pupils no retina none of that in fact he didn't know if that was the case or not but he was sure of one thing that was not human ''It'' could not be called anything of the sort but he new since it came from her it had to be ''Perfection''

And seemingly as if reading his thoughts ''It" smiled and so I died and so I died and so I died and so I died and so I died and so I died and so I died and so I died and so I died it started to blink so I thought and so I died it's eyelashes started to flutter as their eyes started closing and so I died and so I died and so died.

Its eyes were halfway closed and so I died and so I died and so I died and so I died and so I died and so I died and so I died and so I died then they closed and so I was alive ''Ah fuck is that what I have to stop?'' after asking that question to no one in particular he passed out.

From seeing not even 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001% of 0.01% of ''Perfection'' and even that could be called barely close to 0.01% as they were in a human body and they didn't even attack they just smiled and blinked at them with no hint of malice.

=== 1 Hour Later

''Ugh'' a grunt could be heard as a figure in a jackal mask could be seen slowly getting up 'Where the fuck am I?' was a silent thought of Jaxon after he realized that he was not on the 100th floor of the Hunters Association summoning his ''weapon'' he got from the tutorial he used it to stand up.

''I can see that you are in good health Mr. Jackal how are you feeling?'' after the sweet honey like voice was heard Jaxon responded with ''Just peachy I only died about 21ish times so I feel great how about you?'' Han Seoyeon ''smiled'' and said ''Likewise but there is no need to ask me after all.

I believe I killed you by accident sorry by the way I didn't try to anyway your my bodyguard now congrats you went from unemployed to the bodyguard of Han Seoyeon'' hearing that I could not help but tilt my head then ''The fuck why!?'' Han Seoyeon responded to that by saying ''My grandfather will kill you otherwise as well as me so You.Are.Now.My.Bodyguard got it?