Last Love: Chapter 2 - Unearthing a Hidden Past

Intrigued by Liam's unexpected arrival, Evelyn ushered him inside, the sterile office suddenly feeling suffocating. "Care for coffee? It's the only hospitality I can offer at this ungodly hour."Liam chuckled, his laugh a warm rumble that sent a shiver down her spine. "Black, please. And thank you, Ms. Moore. This unexpected detour has been… enlightening."As Michael scurried to make the coffee, Evelyn studied Liam. He wasn't conventionally handsome, his features more rugged with laugh lines crinkling around his eyes. Yet, he exuded an undeniable charm that made her feel strangely off-kilter."So, Professor," she began, "to what do I owe this unusual visit?"Liam leaned forward, his eyes serious. "It's about the Zenith Tower. More specifically, a hidden message I believe may be embedded within its design."Evelyn frowned. "A hidden message? Mr. Moore, there are no hidden messages in my work. Everything is accounted for, every detail meticulously planned."Liam raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps not everything, Ms. Moore. I recently acquired a peculiar artifact – a weathered love letter dated from the building's original construction in the 1920s."A jolt of electricity shot through Evelyn. Love letter? The past, a dormant beast, stirred within her. "Let me see it," she said, her voice betraying none of the turmoil within.Liam handed her a worn leather satchel. Inside, nestled amongst faded photographs and yellowed blueprints, lay a single sheet of paper, its edges frayed and the ink bled with time.As Evelyn unfolded the letter, the air crackled with a tension that hung heavy in the silence. The words, written in a flowing script, spoke of a love story tragically cut short. A love between the architect and a young woman named Amelia, their dreams woven into the very foundation of the building.Evelyn felt a cold dread creep into her. This couldn't be real. It was too personal, too close to a wound she'd desperately tried to heal."How did you come across this?" she asked, forcing the words out.Liam explained he'd purchased the items from a dusty antique shop, drawn to the letter's bittersweet nature. He'd recognized the building depicted in a sketch and, intrigued, connected the dots.Tears welled up in Evelyn's eyes. The ghosts of the past, long buried, were being unearthed. The Zenith Tower, a monument to her ambition, now felt tainted with a love story that had ended in heartbreak.Liam watched her with concern. "Ms. Moore, are you alright?"Evelyn took a shaky breath. "This… this brings back a lot of memories. You see, Professor, the architect mentioned in the letter…"She stopped, the weight of her past threatening to drown her. Could she confide in this stranger about the man she'd loved and lost, the love that had shaped her into the woman she was today?"Was someone you knew?" Liam prompted gently.Evelyn met his gaze, the blue depths mirroring the stormy emotions swirling within her. With a trembling voice, she whispered, "He was my father."