Chapter 18

Since that night, I haven't dared to wield the sword again. Ever since a sound escaped with my breath, I fear what might happen if I touch it once more—or what might not happen. If I reach for it now, will I find my voice again? Mr. Czar pledged his service to me, and I trust him. I want to be as useful to Caelestis as he was to me, keeping me safe in my time of need.

"If I could touch the sword again, could I thank him properly?"


Nicia bursts through the door, her face flushed with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Her hair clings to her neck as she leans against the wall, panting heavily. Her dilated eyes and broad smile tell me everything.

"Cal, he's back!"

So, it was him who got her so flustered. She must truly care for him.

I follow her to the centre of the commotion, where kids rush to greet him as though he's been gone for years. Did he receive such a welcome when he first brought me here? As I get closer, his face emerges from the crowd, and I hesitate, fearing I might ruin the moment. But his eyes find mine, perfect and intense.

There has always been something drawing me to him, like a memory from another time. When he calls my name, all my thoughts fade.


My legs are frozen, torn between joy and fear. If I approach him, will I jeopardize his safety? This fear fills the void in my soul. Goosebumps spread across my skin at the thought of Kallias discovering Caelestis.

He strides towards me, enveloping me in his cloak and holding me tight. His heartbeat is frantic. He whispers something in an unfamiliar language, his voice filled with desperation, calling my name.

"Elayne. Elayne. Elayne."

In the darkness beneath the cloak, his tears fall onto my cheeks. I reach for his face, wiping away his tears and pulling him closer. I lift my veil and tuck my hair behind my ear, and he lets out a sigh of relief.

"You've been wearing the earrings."

I try to speak, but no sound comes out.

"It's okay, I understand. You don't need to try so hard anymore."

His words bring comfort, even though I don't fully understand them. He whispers my name again, brushing his thumb over my lip.

"Is it okay?"

His face inches closer, holding my chin gently. I tug his arm, close my eyes, and think, "Yes."