Chapter 21

After an especially punishing session, I moved toward the village walls, my body heavy with the weariness of the night's exertions. The desert air was cool, but it did little to soothe the aching muscles that cried out for rest. As I neared the shadowy perimeter, something tugged at the edges of my awareness—a presence that sent a shiver down my spine.

I halted, heart pounding as I turned slowly, my breath catching in my throat. There, just beyond the reach of the flickering torchlight, stood a figure cloaked in black, the night itself seeming to fold around him. For a moment, I couldn't make out his features, only the imposing height and the sense of something both familiar and dangerous.

Then, the faintest glimmer caught the light, a flash of oceanic blue from beneath the hood. My pulse quickened, recognition settling over me like a whispered secret. Caelestis. Even hidden in the shadows, those eyes, like the deepest part of the sea, gave him away.

He took a step forward, the cloak rustling softly with the movement, and for a moment, I feared he would speak my title. But his lips curved into a barely-there smile, something gentle and elusive, as he softly uttered my name instead.


The sound of it on his lips, rare and intimate, sent a thrill through me that I couldn't quite suppress. There was something different in his tone—an undercurrent of warmth that contrasted sharply with the calculating coldness he often wore like armour.

"I've been watching your progress," he murmured, his voice low and smooth, almost like a caress. "You've improved. Czar is a strict teacher, but he chose well when he decided to help you. You move with purpose now."

I swallowed, feeling a mix of pride and apprehension at his words. "Thank you," I managed to sign with my hand, hoping he understood the gratitude that my voice could not convey.

He stepped closer, the light catching more of his features now—the sharp lines of his jaw, the slight wave of his dark hair as it framed his face. He kept his distance, but his presence was overwhelming, the air between us charged with something I couldn't quite name.

"There's strength in you, Elayne," he continued, his gaze never leaving mine. "Strength you may not fully realize yet. But soon… you will."

His words were cryptic, as they often were, but there was no mistaking the sincerity in his tone. He wasn't just praising me; he was speaking as though he knew something I didn't, as though he had seen a glimpse of the future that I was still blind to.

I wanted to ask him what he meant, to probe deeper, but before I could gesture again, he reached out, the cloak shifting to reveal his hand. It hovered for a moment, as if unsure, before he let it fall back to his side.

"Rest now," he said, his voice returning to that familiar, guarded tone. "You've earned it."

With that, he turned and melted back into the shadows, leaving me standing there, breathless and confused, the echo of his words lingering in the cool desert air.


From then on, I felt his presence more often, though he never made himself known. Sometimes, I would catch a glimpse of him standing just outside the village, watching from the shadows as I trained. It was as if he was testing me, waiting to see if I would falter, if I was truly ready for the burden I had taken upon myself.

But I didn't falter. Each night, with Czar's guidance, I grew stronger, more confident. The sword became an extension of myself, its weight familiar, its power a steady hum in my veins. And as the days turned into weeks, I began to see the change in myself, the strength I had once thought lost slowly returning.

It was nearly a month after I first began my training when Caelestis finally stepped out of the shadows. The night was calm, the desert wind a mere whisper, when I felt his presence behind me once again. This time, he didn't linger in the distance. Instead, he stepped forward, his gaze intense as he watched me complete a series of movements Czar had drilled into me.

I paused, breathless and flushed, as he approached. The sword felt heavy in my hand, the night's training taking its toll, but I stood my ground, meeting his gaze with a newfound resolve.

Without a word, Caelestis extended his hand, and I hesitated for only a moment before placing my sword in his grasp. He tested its weight, his expression thoughtful, before he handed it back to me.

"Let's spar," he said simply, his tone leaving no room for argument.

I blinked in surprise, my heart racing at the unexpected challenge. I glanced at Czar, who nodded slightly, his approval clear. This was my chance to prove myself, to show that I was ready.

Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself and faced Caelestis. The night air was thick with tension as we began, his strikes quick and precise, testing my limits, pushing me further than I thought I could go. But each time I stumbled, he was there to catch me, guiding me, showing me how to move, how to think like a warrior.

When we finally stopped, both of us breathless, I realized something had shifted between us. Caelestis wasn't just my protector; he was my partner in this fight, someone who believed in me even when I couldn't.

As I looked at him, standing there looking straight at me, gleaming in the moonlight, I knew that I was no longer the same girl who had trembled in fear at the thought of touching this sword. I was becoming something more, something stronger.

And I wasn't alone.