4:meeting and escaping the corners of death

she laid down tears falling from the corner of her eyes " please don't to this you are drunk Calvin"

Calvin-I don't care about the bloodline all I want is for u to be mine and today you are mine so don't make this hard on yourself

Calvin pinned her hands forcing to kiss her while she looked beside making him angry he continued ripping her clothes while Noreen fought with her little energy left and tears making their way down " please please ",she muttered feeling her hope slip away when there was a knock on the door from outside the house

the bell rang another time to signify there was a person at the door

Calvin cursed with his lips as he let go of Noreen who was still crying he looked at her

,"stay quiet Dear I don't want to hurt you shhhhhhhh I'll be right back just stay quiet"

Calvin went out the room locking it Noreen stood up and ran towards the door and tried to open it she went to the window and looked outside

"Calvin please"

calvin-thank u heres your cash

delivery man- thank u sir

the delivery man had brought a package for Mrs Diana

Calvin went back inside as the man left on his motorcycle he entered Noreens room and didn't find her he went to the bathroom and again he did not find her he returned and felt the gust of wind coming from one of the window and went to it he peeped by the window and found Noreen coming from the pool which she had thrown herself into to reduce the impact

she came from the water breathing heavily when she locked eyes with him and turned running towards the gate

and started running towards the forest that surrounded their house

"shit shit "Calvin shouted as he ran from her room

she was patting heavily she leaned on one of the trees she was scared and her heartbeat was about to pop out she took a heavy breath and started running again

"please please" she kept running when she accidentally fell down her knee started bleeding "ow"

tears kept escaping her eyes she rubbed them when the figure that appeared before

her caused her to tremble in fea


"please don't do this I beg you"

he walked towards her and pulled her from the ground

" your choice you can make this hard on your self or try being a good girl"

no no I can't let me go let me go she said

he shouted

"am not letting you go you are mine and I won't let you go " he said again forcing himself on her

"you are such a freak let me go "

she pushed her landing a slap on him

"I hate you I hate you" she shouted

he smiled and rolled his tongue on the cheek that he was slapped when he landed a heavy slap o her making her fall to the ground again

he sighed and put his hands on his waist "I think will have to go the hard way dear cause I gave you simplee instructions but you make your head hard right "

Noreen was bleeding from her lip she grabbed the soil from behind her with her hands as she pushed herself backward with her legs when he followed her and leaned to take her when Noreen threw the soil on his face and she stood fast

"never" she said to her she started running as fast as her legs could carry her Calvin rubbed the dirt off his face smiled and continued running after her Noreen was over a small ground raising when she accidentally tripped making her to roll over the cliff she rolled and was at the road Calvin saw her and ran to the small cliff when he saw her down there at the road she tried to get up though she was in a lot of pain she stood up and looked at him tears flowing from her eyes still wondering what had gotten to her lovely stepbrother who was her best companion since when her family left her when she suddenly got hit by.....

She stood there when she saw the flash of light and soon she was on the air and fell down the rain still pouring down on her face she slowly closed her eyes letting go of her breath

Calvin was out of words he kneed down as tears came rushing from his eyes "no no no"

Two men came from the car "what is this oh shit !!!"

One of the men said touching his head

One went and kneed down touching her lifeless body "she is still warm bro let's rush her or call 911 "

The other one was out of himself we don't even know this place if there is even a close hospital from here the 911 themselves may delay coming and if she is really alive she will die let's just carry her on the car and look for a near hospital here"

"Try locating it on the Google maps " the other one said

Calvin pulled himself up as he saw the men taking Noreen in their car when he started taking his energy less steps to them when he heard a familiar voice

Mrs Diana-Calvin Calvin she called Calvin stood and look at her

mom? ? Why are you here how come??! mom I killed her pointing to the direction of the road I killed her he said crying

Mrs Diana walk to him

hey heyy listen look at me you and me where not here and all of this was just an accident okay???! you did not do it there's nothing wrong you did

Calvin looked at hervagain it's not true I have to go she's dead I have to go to her I have to

Mrs Diana pulled him slapping him so he can come to his senses

" no you're not going anywhere and what what you are going to do if she's dead ??! she's dead but I can't have my son taking away from me Calvin fell in the hands of his mother "no no I killed "

mother him patted him " it's all right"

"Make way make way make way" it was one of the nurse shouting rushing the girl to the emergency room

The two men stood looking as their patient went into the emergency room one of the guys was named Alvin and the other was called Jaden

Alvin-it's going to be all right it's going to be all right

Jaden -but again with the girl she looks like she was being chased are we sure she's a good person

Alvin-we don't know we will know for sure only if she wakes up he looks at the emergency room

About 4 hours by had passed by she was still in theater after being transferred from the emergency room Alvin was moving here and there

Jaden-bro relax is going to be alright Alvin-you don't understand bro if this girl's die I become a murderer

Jaden-no bro it's not your fault it's not like you hitted her on purpose it was an accident and accidents happened

Alvin just looked at him

I'm sorry are you mister umm Alvin?? I'm a detective from Mia police station I got a report that you are the one that reported an accident

Yes it was me have you been able to identify the girl?! Alvin asked

He said handling some papers to him " we were not able to identify her its because there was no identification on her body also since she is still young her national identification was still yet registered

But also being near at the border she may be one of migrants they always tend to sneak in we are still thinking in on that one but some of the questions will be answered if she wakes up"

Alvin looked at the papers seeing some pictures they had taken of her from her arrival at the hospital

Detective -As u can see apart from the wounds she had from the accident it looks like she was attacked her clothes were ripped and she had marks on her hands and face

" it's not just an accident"Alvin said and sat on the bench his brain thinking on the next thing to say

Jaden-or she is a terrorist??!

Alvin-come on now!!he turns to the detective the girl if she was attacked the attackers will look for her so try to investigate discreetly if her guardian is available he or she will look for her or will file a missing person report let's wait

Detective-the problem is that we don't even have a name to start with let's hope she wakes up or the guardian comes Forward

But sir sorry have you studied law??

The detective asked raising her brow showing an interesting site to him

Alvin gives a smile yes "I did "

Detective - Oh that why

Calvin -mom I can't stay like this am gonna check on Noreen am gonna go find her

Mrs Diana -and what tell the police that she ran away because you tried to take advantage of her no am not seeing my son getting into prison

Calvin-but she was like your daughter or not is that why you've been giving her this he said showing a white bottle that few days back he asked about it

Mrs Diana-putting her coffee down he looked at him you know??

You thought I would not mama it looked suspicious from the very beginning why mom why were you giving her this why ??why were you prescribing to her these medicines??

Mrs Diana smiled and stood up from the chair she started working towards Calvin "my son "

Mrs Diana-when her father left year's back he created funds for her education when she turned 18 and well I had to get the payment of raising her and worst for betrayal and luckily her father continues to deposit the money into the account even though he doesn't know if her child is alive or not and you know an interesting fact is what if I had to use the money she should not be alive so

Calvin- so you used this medicines on her

Mrs Diana- of course son those medicines cause heart widening heart problems of course and she would die silently and slowly by heart problems and not raise suspicions while I wait for her account to be activated

Calvin-I can't believe you did this for money???

Mrs Diana- you know Calvin before when we lived in the slums before her father took me I learned one should do what it takes to get what one wants I did it to survive for you and me yes I loved her but she had to go for me to be Happy for you to be happy

Calvin-no but

Mrs Diana-i can't have you taken away by her departure I'll take care of everything from now on

Calvin-but still we shouldn't do this to her mom not like this he said tears leaving his eyes as he fell on his knees

Mrs Diana-it's okay Calvin. My son it's okay

The man was smiling at her

"So you want me to eliminate every school record of her miss Diana " he said

Mrs Diana- yes like she never existed here

The man was sitting in his rotating chair

"It can be done but what do I get in return??"he asked

Mrs Diana lowering her coffee looked at him and put on a smile

About a month had now passed Noreen was transferred to the city under Mr Alvin name the famous and successful young owner of Brighton company after failure of legal guardians to come forward or file a missing person report but also they did not want to broadcast about her to the public as they did not know if she was in danger or not the only solution left was for her to wake up and only she could tell who she really was

He did not leave her as he felt responsible for what had happened to her

Mr Alvin with his best friend Jaden went to see her progess that day there where outside the patient rooms

Mr Alvin-so you say her vitals are stable

Doctor -yes she's being fine for the past week sometime back we thought she would be brain dead but at least she's showning good signs say her heart...

Nurse panting from the run she made

Nurse-sorry doctor doctor we need you it's the patient( they all turn to her)

Doctor- which patient? what has happened??

Nurse-its that girl from the accident she is awake

Is this true ?? All of them ask

Doctor-tell them to prepare the MRI scan,(talking to the nurse ) Mr Alvin she's awake let me go first

A few minutes later Mr alvin?? a nurse called Mr Alvin-yes that's me

Nurse-you can see your patient now

Alvin-thank you

Noreen was sitting on the bed in her patients uniform a doctor and two nurses where in the room when one was finishing giving her an injection Alvin together with Jaden walked inside

Alvin looked at the doctor as Noreen focused at them trying to interpret them in her mind

Jaden looked at the girl she came from a heavy sleep but she looked mesmerizing

Noreen- do I know you ??

Alvin was unable to say anything and looked at the doctor then back to Jaden

Noreen-do you know me? who am I?

Alvin-doctor what does she mean?? Looking confused

Doctor- am sorry sir but the girl has lost her memories

Jaden-oh shit (soft murturing)

Doctor-we don't know it may be temporary or permanently

Alvin-doctor p-er-ma -netly u are kidding right??

Noreen just looked at them and put on a weakly smile not knowing what's going on

After a few minutes

Alvin walked out with jaden their hopes being screwed

We are doomed bro totally Alvin said

Jaden-oh so what's next....