Chapter 34: Dark and Stormy Night

It was a gloomy night. Lights flickered intermittently along the buildings and streets, while a layer of dark clouds enveloped the city, concealing even the stars and the moon. The silent streets were occasionally filled with murmurs, mingled with the meowing of cats and the roar of car engines. An eerie atmosphere permeated the air, hinting at something ominous.

In one corner of the city, thick smoke rose from the chimney of an old building. Two figures, one tall and one short, walked side by side down a dim alley.

They were agents of the Eye of the Sky.

A few days earlier, Gotham City had experienced an inexplicable event. Nearly everyone in the city was dragged into a nightmare, where a giant being named "Ultraman" appeared and, in an extraordinary display of power, defeated the mastermind behind the nightmare, saving the city.

This incident naturally caught the attention of the Eye of the Sky. In fact, they had already been monitoring Gotham since the red-and-silver giant had disintegrated the starfish-like creature, Starro, with a single light beam. Since Ultraman's subsequent appearance, their focus had shifted to Gotham.

These two agents were here for that reason. However, their mission wasn't classified; they were merely investigating the details of that nightmare event.

At the moment, they had just finished a late-night snack and were heading back to their safehouse.

"So, we've known all along that aliens exist?" the tall, skinny agent asked in surprise.

"Of course. Otherwise, why do you think the Eye of the Sky exists?" the shorter agent replied matter-of-factly.

The pair was a classic veteran-and-newcomer combo. The tall agent was a newbie who had just joined the Eye of the Sky this month and was clearly not fully informed about the department's history.

"Uh... I thought we existed just in case," the tall agent said. "You know, like sending messages into space based on the possibility that aliens exist..."

"And then an alien tells you, 'Don't answer'?"

The short agent shook his head.

"You really need to catch up on your history, rookie. In fact, the Eye of the Sky's first contact with extraterrestrial affairs happened much earlier than you think..."

"Have you been with the organization for a long time, boss?"

"Not too long, about twenty years," the short agent said, unconsciously puffing out his chest. "But honestly, I've seen more than you."

He reminisced, "There was this one top-secret mission back in the day. Just me and a gun, fighting my way from Coast City to Metropolis without blinking an eye..."

"What?" The tall agent was shocked. "Didn't your eyes get dry?"

The short agent abruptly shut his mouth, glaring at him with a blank expression.

When I say I don't blink at killing, you ask if my eyes get dry?

The short agent immediately clammed up, walking silently with a dark expression.

"Boss?" the tall agent tentatively called.

"Shut up," the short agent said coldly. "I don't want to talk."

"...But, boss, I think someone's following us."

"I said I don't want... Hm?"

The short agent raised an eyebrow.

The tall agent was right. They were being followed; someone was trailing them.

This wasn't unusual. After all, it was Gotham—a place where people died every day. Who knew how many corpses lay at the bottom of Gotham Harbor or how many restless spirits floated above?

Typically, elderly, weak, or solitary individuals were more likely to be targeted. It was rare for two big, burly men—especially ones who looked like they were not to be messed with—to be followed.


Or perhaps... assault?

The tall agent touched his handsome, fair face and seemed to have an epiphany.

If that's the case, these Gotham criminals, despite their heinous crimes, at least have good taste.

"Come out," the short agent said coldly.

The two agents of the Eye of the Sky were not afraid of common thugs; in fact, they found it rather amusing that they were being targeted.

But they never expected that the person who emerged from the corner was a woman.

A woman of extraordinary beauty, exuding a magnetic aura. Her bright eyes seemed to sparkle like stars, and when slightly narrowed, they displayed a hint of seductive allure. Her slightly curled hair cascaded down her shoulders like a black waterfall, smooth and full of bounce. Her full lips were alluring, sometimes curling slightly as if harboring untold secrets.

Of course, the tall agent only noticed these details later.

His first thought was:

Damn, they're huge!

Then, possibly influenced by the previous conversation, a more absurd thought crossed his mind.

They're so big... could she be an alien?

If she's looking for a good time, it's not out of the question...

The short agent stepped forward. "Ma'am..."

But before he could finish, the woman's figure blurred.

It seemed as if in a blink of an eye, she had somehow appeared right in front of him.

There was no time to think. The woman's delicate hand was already pressed against his chest. That small hand unleashed a force completely disproportionate to her appearance. The short agent felt an overwhelming force, as if a mountain had crashed down on him. He grunted and was sent flying, rolling several times before hitting a wall and losing consciousness.


The tall agent was stunned and quickly drew his gun.

"Don't move!"

He said "don't move," but he had already pulled the trigger.

Apparently, despite being new, the tall agent had already grasped the essence of American law enforcement: shoot first, ask questions later. After all, it's always better to take down the target first.

However, it was useless.

The bullets hit the woman's chest.

At that moment...

But that was it. The deformed bullets fell to the ground with a clatter. The woman frowned as she looked down, then coldly gazed at the tall agent holding the gun.

The tall agent stared at the bullets that had bounced off her, opening and closing his mouth in shock.

Not human. Definitely not human...

The woman raised her arm and casually slapped him. The tall agent's head tilted, and he, too, lost consciousness.

Both agents were out cold. Moments later, another figure appeared in the alley. A burly man approached the woman, glancing at the spot where she had been shot.

"Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine," the woman lazily replied. "As expected from a level three civilization, their weapons are so primitive. I didn't even feel it."


The burly man reached out.

"I don't believe you, unless I try it."

"We're in the middle of a job," the woman shrugged and motioned towards the two unconscious agents. "Let's take them back and interrogate them properly."

"Got it."