The Second Bite - A Deadly Awakening!

The dark skies covered the city as Nikolai's body stumbled through the streets. His mind was still foggy and ached. The events of the evening were a complete blur from meeting the arrogant princess.

To fighting and killing some strange monster, though it was the second time in his life... Nikolai felt a sense of confusion at how he remained so calm when accepting the fact he killed his opponent as if it was nothing more than throwing something into the garbage.

'When my hand tore his chest apart, I felt a release... like an orgasm. The euphoric feeling made me want to taste it again, to kill more and devour their hearts.'

Despite his confusion, the strange voice that sounded identical to his mother from the pendant and how his physical and mental attributes could be displayed numerically shocked Nikolai. 

'How can this world be so strange, like a fantasy novel... I was just a normal person until two hours ago!'

[Don't worry, Nikolai, I will guide you as long as I can. Until this world makes sense.]

"Who?!" Once again, the necklace shone while he looked around the darkness

'The voice made him feel uneasy because that voice was special... He hated the idea something could use that voice to trick him.'


It was supposed to be dark—the lamps on this street broke months ago, but the government still didn't repair them. He stood on a back road leading to his apartment, yet Nikolai could see as if it were daytime. "What... is going on? Is this because of her biting me?"

[Calm down!]

[I will not trick you, and this isn't because of that girl's bite, but your power and heritage!]

"My power and heritage, even that monstrous, deformed claw?" Nikolai walked slowly, his eyes more sensitive to the light and dark, but also his ears could hear people speaking dozens of metres away, inside their homes. 

Children playing, adults arguing over rent or cheating. It hurt... he couldn't help but cover his ears, still not adapted to the changes his aching head just became more painful. "Then why does it feel so uncomfortable... Huh?"

[Because you spent twenty-five years without once using this power. It's like suddenly running at Mach speed from idle—your body will need to rest before it adapts to your changes.]

He could see his home from so far away, feeling the shine of other places' lights stinging—Nikolai noticed his father must be asleep since the lights were off. "If I just need to rest, then I'll trust you for now, but there is a lot I want you to teach me in the morning! Also, tell me why you use my mother's voice!"

[I promise]

'I don't know if it's stupid or optimistic, but I can't get angry when this voice saved my life... The changes in my body I cannot deny. Even my suit feels a little too tight now because my shoulders grew wider after summoning that claw.' 

Nikolai let out a long sigh before he started to pick up the pace and rushed home, wanting nothing more than to sleep this off. And maybe it turned out to be a dream. 

However, when he checked his phone, there was a strange text from a number he didn't recognise and another bank transfer from a different account for $5000!

—From Master

This is my number, don't lose it. I will contact you when you need to fight; other than that, you can use the company gym to improve yourself. Tonight was just a fluke because of your sudden awakening. Don't get overconfident. 

My lovely Pet Wolf

[SAT Deposited 5,000 into your account.]

[Current Account Every day balance: 1,010,100]


Nikolai stood on his stairs, looking at the money, and once again felt the shock, a throbbing pain in his head and body, reminding him of the brutal beating he had suffered tonight.

Yet he was too exhausted, pulling out the keys with a jingle, almost dropping them. He entered the silent apartment with no noise; even his father's breathing machine didn't echo through the house with its comforting echo.

"Dad isn't home?"

He slipped and fell over the countertop, the sound of cups and silver falling on the ground as Nikolai fumbled around. His sense of balance seemed to have collapsed as the aching in his head grew worse with each moment.

Without turning on the lights, he stumbled into the living room, noticing a note on the table from his father. 'Gone drinking, will be back tomorrow. Make sure you eat and sleep well!'

The writing was a little dirty, but he didn't get mad. It was something that made him happy for his father to have the desire to leave the house for the first time in months.

"No problem, Dad, just make sure you don't get hurt... But I have so many questions. Can I even ask Dad about it?" 

Nikolai didn't want to stress his father, especially before his operation, and thus, he would keep quiet until after the surgery happened. 

"Damn, I feel so hot..."

With that, he shuffled to his room, the window half open.

His blue curtain had blown out of his window, but he lacked to desire to fix it, while an icy yet pleasant breeze flowed into the room before he tossed off all his clothes, feeling hot and collapsed onto his bed.

At first, he thought he might be up with questions and thoughts. But Nikolai fell into a deep sleep the moment he touched the soft bedding.


A pair of golden eyes flickered in the darkness, making agile movements as the figure leapt from rooftop to rooftop, a feral grace about them.

Their speed was so fast that anyone looking wouldn't have been able to make out a person but a blur of shadow.

"This is troublesome... The meeting went on for so long I am going to miss the deadline..." The soft, feminine voice with a slightly husky tone looked up at the moon before leaping once again, now standing facing an open window with a blue curtain dancing in the wind. "Nikolai... leaving your window open like this is asking for people to come inside!"

Inside, Nikolai slept soundly, the covers tossed around his body, and a few strands of messy hair covered his forehead, his messy black hairs dancing with the wind.

The mysterious woman with golden eyes jumped into the room with an agile twist of her body, her movements more akin to a wolf than a human, as she landed atop his bed, bouncing with the old springs echoing, yet the sleeping male didn't stir, her body mounted over him on all fours.

Nikolai was sound asleep, his breathing steady and calm. Even the scent of his blood had stopped flowing from the deep wounds.

In fact, the wounds had healed nicely... Though his body was now quite muscular, the activation of his bloodline made him grow and take a step towards perfection, causing the smaller woman to gasp, clearly surprised at his nude figure.

"Nikolai... you really grew up...." The female's voice heightened as she looked down, turning away quickly as the sheets shifted. Her cheeks were a slight red as her breathing grew heavy and quick.

She was so distracted she didn't notice the necklace shining a faint white light under the covers.

"I waited so long... now you have to keep our promise and protect me."

Her lips seemed to curl into a gentle smile, revealing sharp teeth, different from a vampire but still inhuman. Her hand reached down, her nails sharp as a single nail stroked Nikolai's cheek, a tender look on her face.

"I don't like how you smell like another woman... should I lock you in my basement and never let you out again... what if she tries to take you away from me?"

Her lips moved closer to his face, her eyes shining a bright golden light. "You're mine, and I will not share, never!"

Her nose sniffed at his scent, letting out a sigh. "I waited... twenty years.... since the moment we met, and you said I would be your princess."

"I waited for so long... Nikolai...." Her nose brushed his neck, sniffing his scent, her cheeks red, her body trembling as she wanted to bite and take him right here.

"With this bite, you will become my squire. Mother has finally accepted, and Father... well, he can't stop me now." Her mouth opened as she approached his neck, her fangs dripping with saliva, and her tongue licked her lips, her body trembling with excitement. "Nikolai, soon... you will be mine and protect me. We can have a family... and live happily ever after."

"Soon...." Her teeth moved closer, and finally, her teeth sank into the opposite side of his neck from where Selene bit him earlier that night.

[Werewolf Origin Bloodline injected into Host]

[Host in stasis]

[Beginning Automatic bloodline activation!]

[Progenitor Bloodline awakening]

[Vampire Clan: Báthory]

[Survival Rate: 0.001%]




Nikolai didn't wake, but his body started to change, his muscles growing even more defined, his height increased a few inches, and the wounds on his body had healed as he slept soundly.

While his body changed, the female werewolf stayed by his side, hugging Nikolai tightly, her golden eyes shining as she refused to move from her position, enjoying the warmth of his body, her nose buried in his chest, sniffing him obsessively, until her phone began to vibrate.

'Tsk, damn insects disturbing my time with Nikolai!'

[Finally, it is starting... Ivan, my love. Please forgive me for leaving you so soon. Now, I can save our son from facing certain death! The same cursed fate that made hybrids a taboo!]

[Detected the pure blood and blood arts of the Báthory clan heiress, Elizabeth Báthory!]

[Survival Rate: 86.52%]

"Goodnight, Nikolai...." She kissed his lips before leaping out the window, her figure disappearing into the darkness as Nikolai's body continued its change.

The first hybrid to survive his awakening. 

All thanks to the obsessive antics of a female werewolf obsessed with a boy who met her in the past; despite being in her werewolf form, he didn't despise her.

A story the boy himself doesn't remember!