Preparing For the Future - Conflict!

"Ahem! Excuse me, I don't need that kind of service. Could you focus on my measurements, Miss Sarah?"

The attendant's cheeks turned bright red because she mistook his words and meanings and almost embarrassed herself as she reached to pick up the tape, struggling to avoid Nikolai's gaze.

'Oi, pendant, why is my body acting like a teenage boy hitting puberty?!'

Nikolai gave a bitter smile, watching Sarah, who became quite professional and focused after his refusal. 

However, when she came close, he felt his body and mind seeking her out. He felt it was strange!

Although he hadn't slept with a woman before, it wasn't like he didn't spend time with them, and he never got random erections for something so simple before.

[Technically, after you awakened your bloodlines, your body rejuvenated and practically entered a second transformation, something that makes puberty look like child's play.]

[You will feel horny, hungry, thirsty and aggressive until you have settled your racial changes. As well... Call me Eliza]

'I see... Is that why my hormones started going crazy when seeing or smelling beautiful women?'

[It is not just your sexual desire. Do not forget you are not human anymore. It was your bloodlust, the desire to drink their blood, that made you feel these extreme feelings and made you easily excitable]

While he listened to Eliza, the necklace taught him about his changes—Sarah professionally measured his different lengths and sizes at a quick speed because her work ethic surpassed her earlier shame. 

"Don't worry about your bonus. I won't hold that against you. So I hope you can relax."

"T-Thank you, Sir Nikolai. I thought..." 

"I know, it was my fault. To be honest, you're a beautiful woman, and I should have given you more respect by waiting until it settled."

"Fufu, you're quite the amusing customer. I will definitely find what you are looking for, so please wait here and thank you once again." 

Nikolai took a slow breath, closing his eyes while enjoying the cool air from the air conditioning as Sarah left his place with the various measurements on her small digital pad.

'Eliza, I've changed so much in two days... My voice, height, body even my little brother are nothing like I used to be. Am I still myself?'

[You do not need to worry, Nikolai. The current you is your true form.]

'How?' He felt strange—how could he be so different from the previous Nikolia? Though his face seemed similar, the level of charm and appeal almost doubled!

[When you were younger, both your parents realised that the taboo stories about Hybrids were true.]

[That once their bloodlines start to awaken at eight. All would be torn apart by the conflicting genes filled with supernatural power. Think of it like born enemies tearing at each other, depending on the hybrid races.]

[Werewolves as the sole enemy of vampires for the history of both races. Neither has known peace, and their conflicts were part of the reason the Squire system now exists.]

'So much information, then how did I survive?'

[Your father believed that if a child's body couldn't withstand it, what about a mature adult? Then, added to that, your mother prepared a bloodline seal that would keep your bloodlines under control, only letting them awaken gradually after the initial awakening.]

'I see, then Eliza...'

Before he could ask his question, the clack of Sarah's heels sounded, along with the metallic hum of wheels rolling. 

She brought a whole rail of suits and outfits. When he saw them, Nikolai couldn't help but curl his lips into a rather wicked smile.

"How? I tried my best to follow your request to the instructions. Even the leisure suits have flexible and good materials for the pants and jackets to avoid reducing your mobility. I thought Black and wine red coloured outfits would suit you best."

"What do you think?" Sarah asked, looking back after checking several of the outfits with a slightly concerned face. 

"You've done well. Can I wear the clothes now? If possible, could you..."

"I've prepared matching socks, underwear and two different types of cologne to match the various outfits."

"Damn, you're amazing. I hope that I can hire an employee half as good as you in the future."

"Oh my, you flatter me, Sir Nikolai. Thanks to your simple desire and style, I could find the clothes quite easily, and only $8000 of the budget was spent overall."


A short while later, in a wine-red leisure suit with a black shirt and red tie, Nikolai stepped out of the Verface store. In the end, he paid the rest of the money to Sarah as a reward while earning her number and a kiss on the cheek.

"Not only did she help me contact a decent estate agent, she also helped me find a good place to buy new goods for an apartment."

The estate agent was in the southeast part of the city, where many of the busy clubs and bars were located.

Though it seemed a little suspicious at first, when he searched the man named "Herbert Walsh." on the search engine, he had over ten thousand positive reviews.

'I don't like this part of town—it's a little rough, and my dad said to avoid here if possible.'

"Hmmm?" Nikolai felt several eyes on his body, making him feel strange, like when you catch a spider in the dark walking just on the edge of your vision, the little bastard skittering along. 

He could hear several slow, inhuman hearts beating at a rate no human could have... 

'Am I being followed?'

[You are... It seems to be some vampire thralls, nothing special, but killing them will empower you.]

[Will you take the risk?]


Nikolai didn't hesitate to answer in his heart. 'Yes!' His steps turned away from the estate agent, his GPS bleeping at him, while he began moving towards the dark corners of this filthy place. The more he moved towards a quiet place, the more trash and dirt increased, creating a foul stench.

"Hmmm?" Nikolai found a large abandoned multi-storey apartment building. With its boarded windows and destroyed doors, it seemed to be the perfect place to deal with those who dared to stalk him.

'I can count at least seven...'

So he entered the apartment building while feeling his chest start to throb with anticipation and delight. He would surely enjoy the coming fight, even if he struggled and almost died.

This was his biggest change after awakening.

His body crouched in an ideal location to ambush people just above the main entrance, his eyes closing to see them with improved vision and focus.

"Here they come... Let the slaughter begin!"