
The moment his head hit the pillow, Nikolai entered his dreams. His exhaustion and mental fatigue built up to the limit, yet once again, he failed to notice the open window and cleaned bedding and room. 

On the clock, the time reached three o'clock in the morning, while a figure slowly loomed in the darkness, golden eyes shimmering like a predator.

Nikita peered at Nikolai, sleeping on the sofa with his clothes flung around; without shame, he lay with his legs spread. 


Nikita's nose smelled the air, her feet stepping closer with a skill so high she created no sound.

'Another woman...? The scent of blood... a woman's disgusting blood?!'

The body of the short werewolf trembled, her hands reaching out towards Nikolai's throat as she gazed at him with widened eyes, her iris dull and hazed over. "It's bad to go to other women. Am I not enough, Nikolai?"

'You went to a leech over me...'

Her small body climbed over his waist while leaning against his chest, a quiet embrace as she placed her nose against his neck, able to smell the lingering scent of Selene drove her crazy, her hands on their side of Nikolai's face grasping the sofa, crushing the wood with a loud snap.

Nikita's face transformed into a beast-like form, then back to her lovely face, as if she lost control. Her golden eyes narrowed in a cold rage, her nose sniffing against his neck, the scent of her a vampire on her beloved drove her wild with jealousy.

"I don't want to share you, Nikolai. You're mine, only mine.."

Her nose rubbed against his neck, her lips pressing a kiss against his flesh.

"If she dares to touch you again, I'll find her and kill her..."

She moved her face, slowly approaching him and looking at his handsome features. Nikita leaned closer, closing her eyes and taking deep, shallow breaths.

Beep! Beep!

Meanwhile, disturbing her before she could kiss his lips.

"Damn, who the fuck is it..." Nikita let her foul language spill because of her anger; normally acting soft and gentle, she kept the dirty and crude sides of herself hidden from Nikolai.

A phone on the table lit up with a message. Nikolai raised her hand and grabbed it, glancing at the number and the message.

"Hah? Who the fuck are these idiots attacking our territory..."

Her face twisted, becoming darker as a vein bulged from her head—the message was from one of her subordinates saying that a group of werewolves had caused trouble in their district and attacked the club her mother gave to her to manage.

'These limp dick maggots, I'll kill them all for interrupting my special time!' Her golden eyes seemed to flicker with light; as she moved to climb off Nikolai, his hand suddenly grabbed hers.

Nikita was stunned, her head turned away as she panicked, unable to turn to face him, filled with worry she might not like what happened next.

However, she couldn't break free from his grip,


He sat up and stared at her, his lips curling up in a smile and his eyes wide. He pulled her closer to him, the two of them gazing into each other's eyes.

"N-Nikolai, why are you awake?"

"You ask me that? When you always sneak into my room and do silly things?"

"Silly things...?" Her cheeks turned red, her tail tucked between her legs, "So, you knew about it? How long?"

"Since the very beginning."

"Huh?!" She blinked her eyes and looked at him, her mouth opening, "I thought I was so sneaky... so how come you knew?"

"Of course, I would notice, no matter how much you tried to hide it or make it quiet... a guy would notice that kind of thing, you know?"

Nikita lowered her head, her cheeks glowing red, "So, you're saying you didn't like it? Me sneaking in here to spend the night with you..."

"Not at all. I enjoyed it a lot. But that doesn't make it right, and you're quite different from the way you act during the day. I was disappointed in you."


Nikita hung her head low, her ears drooping. Nikolai didn't really mind that much—if he cared, then wouldn't she realise he would have stopped her?

Instead of letting her realise this, he tried to keep the advantage and looked at her with a deep gaze. "So, you're going to leave without doing that tonight. How come?"

Nikita lifted her head, "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Well, aren't you here to play tricks on me?"


"It's not right for a woman to do those kinds of things, i-it's not right."

"What's wrong with it? If it's with Nikolai, there's nothing wrong. It's not like you don't want to... right?"

Nikita took a stance against him and pouted... It was at that moment that Nikolai noticed she felt different from usual... her feminine scent was much stronger, not because of doing anything lewd. Instead, it was like she opened the valve, letting it flow out... then her ears, soft and fluffy with a long silvery white tail like snow.

"Nikita, you're a werewolf?"

"Is it weird? To be a werewolf."

"No, it's just a surprise; I thought you were a normal girl."

"I am a normal girl."

"Does a normal girl sneak into a guy's apartment every night and do THAT to him while he sleeps?"


"That's a first. Let me ask our classmates to see if they agree."

"W-wha? No! Don't!"


"Because, because!"

"Because why?"

Nikita pouted again, "You're so mean, Nikolai. I'll get angry."

"Fine, fine."

Nikolai didn't want to anger her, especially when she was so cute. However, he felt concerned that she got a message so late and prepared to leave. "Where were you going?"

"Nowhere, I just had to check something."

"At this time of night?"

"Mhm, it's important."

"Let me guess, some kind of trouble? Can I not help you?"

"No, it's my responsibility."

"Your responsibility? You're just a young girl; what responsibility is there?"

"I'm the future heir of my clan I am not a young girl! But that is my bar I cannot let them trash it!"

He then realised that she wasn't just the cute Nikita that he knew in the past. Instead, she seemed different. Nikolai didn't mind the rough twang in her accent—in fact, it was quite sexy, and he felt his heart pounding as she talked, but he kept himself calm.

"Take me with you."

"It's dangerous."

"That's not something you can say, you've got your strength, but I can protect myself, and what if you get hurt? How would I be able to live with myself if something happened to you, Nikita?"


"Let me come with you, Nikita. I don't want you to go alone, even if you are a werewolf. You're my friend."


Although her answer was curt, her cheeks turned bright red in the darkness while her tail swayed across the air, almost breaking Nikolai's leg.

"Then let's get changed."

Nikita left him and walked back into his room, her tail swaying in the air, different from the usual Nikita; she walked with a subtle shake to her hips and with the movement of her tail. His eyes were drawn to her ass, different from usual. He realised just how alluring and round it was.

'How didn't I notice this until now...'

It was the first time he saw her like this, and while he wasn't sure what he should feel emotionally, he could feel his body getting excited.

'Hey... you said only Selene would make me like this?'

[Did I? Maybe I was mistaken... This girl is a little special, right?]

Nikolai didn't know his feelings, somewhere between a dear friend and lover, but infinitely close to his little sister. He felt conflicted. While getting dressed, he couldn't help but remember the many nights that she would climb into his bed, sometimes teasing him—on others, she would just sleep and leave before he woke up at six in the morning.

'I used to be too much of a passive loser. Why didn't I take action before now.'

However, he couldn't regret it—his past self would have likely never realised his current potential and would have been trapped in a loop of feeling that he was inferior and couldn't match her.

'Wait a minute, she said she is the future heir of a clan? Does that mean she is the daughter of some big shot?'

He thought about it, but not for long as she appeared from his room wearing a black biker jacket and white t-shirt; what was different were her defined abs and the visible thong underneath her denim hot pants and long black tights.

"What's the matter, Nikolai?"

"Nothing. You look different."

"Oh, you noticed?" She smiled happily. "Do I look good?" She asked, while turning to the side and taking poses, her long fluffy tail dancing to reveal her mood.

Nikolai watched her, but then the image of Selene on the couch writhing under him appeared in his mind and caused him to feel conflicted, as he just turned away and commented. "You look sexy, different from the Nikita I know.

"Sexy, huh? Hehe, I'm glad you think that."

He could tell she was happy with her tail's movements.

However, he wasn't sure how to react; his feelings were a mix of emotions, and he was torn between her and his awkward relationship with Selene, realising that he also felt the same sexual desire towards Nikita as he did her.

"Let's get moving; you said your bar was being trashed..."

"Nn~ let's go!"