The howl of a wolf

Nikolai's strange hobby of drawing images on their coffee started when they turned thirteen. It was a comment in passing when he first started to notice Nikita as a woman. 'These barista videos where they draw cute things are so awesome.' Her words triggered the young Nikolai to start doing them in order to impress her. 

At first, they looked silly, a deformed flower, a terrifying rabbit that looked like a rock.

However, Nikolai continued to use his small amount of allowance to buy the cheapest coffee with cream every day after school. He did this in secret to practice for the weekend when Nikita would drag him to MoonDucks.

After a year, he could draw rather decent works and forgot the initial reason he started doing them. This little skill is how he met Mari during high school.

One day, Nikita couldn't make the usual meeting because of her family, and thus, he ended up drawing alone, and that's how it started.