To the Party


A large fist smashed into the face of a silver-haired male, cracking his teeth with force as his lips tore, oozing with blood. The male glared at his attacker while kneeling, unable to fight back as the assailant grabbed the male's hair, yanking his head back. 

"Fucker, why did you do it?!"

"Hah! Fuck you, Dimitri! Peh... do you think things are still the same now?"


Dimitri answered with a swift knee to the man's abdomen. 

The man vomited on the spot, his arms trembling, before he started to convulse on the floor like a fish out of water. 

'What is this fucker thinking, speaking to me like that... he has to know I would crush his family because of this event. Why, I don't understand!' 

This male was a member of a subsidiary family that served the Fenrir clan for thousands of years, yet after a few months of investigating the current ledgers and trading goods from his family, it became clear.