The Auction - 01

"I wonder if Nikolai will praise me." Risa whispered to herself, gazing at the grey clouds circling the central S-City district. 

Her eyes narrowed, peeking around.


The slight squeak of her body suit caused her to grimace, and she could only bite her lower lip in frustration. 

 'It's clinging to my body... it feels strange.'

The plan would soon begin as Risa dashed over the grey skyline, leaping across buildings and rolling along their tiles to reach close to the prospected location. 

"Well... this headset is something Nikita gave me..."

Risa's fingertips brushed against the small black device in her ear.

It was like the mercenary headset but much smaller. The device rested comfortably inside Risa's fluffy ears, supported by a leather cushion. 

A model suited for Monsters and Lycans rather than humans.
