The atmosphere of the VIP room gradually warmed, becoming a boiling pot for excitement and seduction, just as Nikolai wanted.
Ryan wanted to speak with Nikolai at first. But soon he became enthralled by the brunette and redhead who now sat beside him, serving his drinks and asking questions about his job and life.
"What's wrong, Nikolai?
Risa noticed that Nikolai's eyes moved from the image of the beautiful Kumiko in her mature form, dancing and singing to the music on the screen. She then traced his gazed, alternating between the rooms for them.
'It seems that someone doesn't like our group being here.'
Since the drinking games started to calm down, with Ryan almost being ravaged by the two human women, Nikolai was ready to call it to an end. "Ryan, let's send those lovely girls back. Ask for their numbers if you want them, of course."