The Mysterious Door

The ghouls descended upon the group like starving beasts eager to feed. Nikolai's steps were swift, measured, and silent. His right arm half transformed with claws that shimmered in the dark, he darted towards the creatures with a faint smile. A glint of silver shone in the pitch-black cave before the creature's head hit the ground, rolling over to its brethren.

Nikolai's claws severed his neck clean off. He twirled, ducked from sharp fangs eager for his flesh, and spun around with a supernatural grace.

"Hah!" Risa's voice echoed through the caves, a sweet voice like a siren, as her blades cut into the ghouls' backs. The creatures twisted their heads back but could not touch her.

The shadows slithered along Risa's body; they curled along her limbs, binding up her torso and snaked down her legs, a sense of greed and victory in their pale yellow eyes.
