After they finished eating, the girls vanished, leaving Nikolai alone. He then headed upstairs. Nikolai silently sat in his room, considering his options. He wanted to discuss something with his mother, but he didn't know how to approach it.
[What's the matter, Nikolai?]
Her voice carried a gentle, yet urgent air, as if she noticed something.
[I know there's something you want to share. You've been a little strange since you came back.]
[Is it related to that girl, the mermaid? Amphitrite, was it?]
His shoulders shuddered, and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Nikolai didn't want to discuss this further until he was sure it wouldn't cause any issues. Yet, the excitement that it could help bring her back drove him half-crazy with impatience.
'Mom… do you remember when I swore to help you get another body?'