Zacks Dead end

Hey there, I'm Zach Payne, I'm 25 years old, I'm living my best life, and the hobby I'm doing right now is parkour, my favorite thing to do and only thing to do since I was 15 years old when I was in high school. Jumping from roof top to roof top and doing crazy dives in jumps from the roof or bridge into water, I love the adrenaline and freedom it gives me and makes me feel alive. I feel love forever doing it, and nothing could ruin this moment at all for me.


"Yo Zack, look at me. Don't miss my moves, dude! one guy says. 


Guy running does back flip off the roof, landing on the on the other side of the building safely, and Zack watched all this from the other side. 


"Yoooooo! Ben, that was sick. Dude, you got some air on that one, Zac said. 


"Hahahaha, I know right, I'm getting better at this,"Ben said. 


"Well, we have been doing this since high school, dude, and you should have been better a long time ago, man, Zac said. 


"Dude, I'm not a parkour genius like you. I didn't get it on my first try, so I failed. I'm not a godlike king like you, bro. That would be nuts, Ben said. 


Ben bowed down dramatically, teasing Zack about being a parkour god. 


"I'm not worthy of the parkour god. I'm not worthy of all hail, Zack of parkour," Ben said. 


"Yes, yes, I am god, so bow down to the master of parkour peasants. All hail me, all hail me, Zac said. 


They looked at each other with a smirk and started laughing. 


"Hahahahahahaha, dude, that was cheesy, Ben said. 


"Hehehehe, alright, bro, watch me do some king-like things, Zac said. 


"Yes, your majesty, I can't wait for godlike jumping power, Ben said. 


Zack took a few steps back before he started running through the obstacles he had in his mind, imagining the trail and the tricks he would do once he got to his path. 


"Alright, bro, show me what you got, Ben said. 


"All over it, dude, Zac said.


Both didn't say anything, listening to cars and birds noises in the background and seeing clouds in the blue sky as clear as day, and they both looked at the pathway to see what Zack would take. 


"Go!"both said 


Zack started running and jumping over structures, and he saw a ladder going on the roof of the building. He jumped on the ladder, climbed it, and jumped up to his feet. He kept running and jumping from roof to roof, doing a corkscrew backflip off the roof ledge onto another roof ledge, and started running and sliding under a vent structure. He did a kick-up and ran, and Ben watched all this in amazement. 


"Yeah!!!! Bro, keep going, that's amazing. Keep going, show me King of Parkour Power, woooooo! Ben said. 


Zack kept jumping and jumping, doing tricks, and smiling while doing it. He was in a zone he couldn't hear anything and couldn't hear his own breath. When he is in his own world, nothing else matters, and he keeps running and jumping over roofs. Then he stopped in the middle of a ledge, and Ben saw him on the other side of the roof and looked at Zack in awe.


"Dude, that was amazing. How can you be so flexible when you do those things? It's like unbelievable and unnatural, Ben said. 


Ya, bro, I don't know. I just am, and it's easy for me to do all this stuff. I don't know why, Zac said. 


The two looked at the view in front of them and felt the breeze coming to their faces. They felt at peace, but a sudden loud noise scared them. 




They looked at what they heard and saw a security guard there looking around, who saw Zack on the ledge of the roof and walking toward him. 


"Hey, you get off the ledge before you kill your self!"A security guard said 


"Run!"Zack said 


"Alright"Ben said 


Both of them started running, jumping over roofs, and getting away from the security guard. 


"Hey, get back here, you punks!" A security guard said 


"Sorry, sir, but I can't do that, Ben said. 


"We don't listen to weird strangers, so bye!" Zack said 


They both laughed and started running at the same time. They started jumping over roofs and doing tricks, and Zack jumped to the next ledge, slipped from the ledge, and fell. Ben saw it and was horrified. 


"Zack!!! NO!" Ben said 


Zack saw his best friend face down, horrified by his falling, and he couldn't do anything. He watched as he kept falling and falling; it felt like an eternity. Zach kept thinking about the memories of his life. The memories of school and friends, and his first crush on Jade. He was thinking about his best friend Ben, his sister Amber, and his mother and father. He could see their happy faces, and tears went down their faces, reminding him, and he closed his eyes. 




He hit the ground hard and died. The scenery changed, and it was in the bedroom, and Zack sat up quickly and screamed. 



"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Zack said 


He screamed, then stopped, and looked around. This place looked familiar, and then he realized... "It's my childhood bedroom. Why am I here? Shouldn't I be dead?" Zack said 


He got up from his bed and looked at himself in the mirror, and he was shocked by what he saw! 


"I'm younger again, and I look like I'm 15 years old as well, Zac said. 


He looked at his face and touched his body to see if this was real, and he was right; he was alive again but younger.


"I reincarnated back to the past" Zac said. 

He couldn't believe it, and it was hard to believe this was happening to him until he heard a ding sound inside his head. 

