Back at School again

"Zack, wait up!" Voice said 


Zack heard a familiar voice and turned around to see if it's the person he's thinking of. 


"Ben!"Zack said 


"What's up, dude? Ben said. 


Ben walks up to Zack and does their signature handshake and hug. 


"Hahahaha, bro, nothing. I just had this weirdest dream you had there, Zac said. 


"What dang wasn't Dorthy kind of movie, or didn't you know weird dreams, dude, about your best brother? Ben said. 


With his deadpan eyes, he looked at Zack for a moment, and Zack realized what he meant. 


"Shut it! Idiot!" Zack said 


"Hahahahaha, sorry, bro, sorry, Ben said. 


"Nah man, your weird, but you still my brother, Zac said. 


"Bro"Ben said 




"Bro Bro Bro...Ben said 


"Dude, dude, dude, dude, Zac said. 


"Alright, dude king, let's go to school, Ben said. 


"Alright, bro, queen, let's hit it,Zach said. 


They started walking, talking, and laughing, and until they hit the corner to see the school, Zack had an idea, and he gave his backpack to Ben. 


"Yo, Ben, hold my backpack for a second. I need to try something out, Zack said. 


Alright, dude, Ben said. 


Zack stretched a little, stretching his legs and arms and twisting his body to be limber, and Ben watched this with a weird gaze. 


"Dude, what are you doing? Are you stretching or something for what? Ben said. 


Zack didn't say anything and stopped stretching, and he walked back a little bit and looked where he was going in an all-around way, smoothing out the ground under his feet. 


"Go!"Zack said 


Zack started running, jumped over a trash can, and landed on his feet. There was a dumpster, and he ran to it and jumped on the side wall, pressed forward, and did a backflip over the dumpster. He landed on his feet and did a handstring backflip, landing in front of Ben, who was watching all this stuff in awe. 


"Duuuuuuuuude!!! What hell was that with the flip thing, jumping over the dumpster thing, and backwards thing? Ben said.


"I guess I'm not rusty, but that hurt a little. I guess I have to train my body for a little while before I do it again, Zack said. 


"Dude..."Ben said 


Zack turns around and looks at Ben in awe. 


"What's up?" Zacksaid. 


"What the hell was that, bro!!!!!!!!"Ben said 


"It was parkour and a little bit of gymnastics, Zack said. 


Calm and obviously toned, and Ben was annoyed by it. 


"Ya, dude, I get it!!! How do you know that I never saw you do it before anyway? Ben said. 


Zack had a mischievous smile and laughed a little. 


"Hahahaha"Zack said 


"Why are you laughing, ZACK!!!"Ben said 


"Alright, alright, bro. I learned it a long time ago but never showed you it, dude." Zack 


"Whatever man doesn't tell me fine... Let's go,Ben said. 


"Hahahaha, alright, let's go,Zach said. 


Zack and Ben started walking to school again, went around the corner, and saw the school in the distance. Zack still had old memories of his school, like it was alright back then, but now he can make it amazing than before and decided to change his life around for better than his past life, seeing kids walking to school as well as talking with their friends and walking up to the gate of the school. 


"Let's go to class, dude. We have homeroom, Ben said. 


"Yeah, yeah, let's go,Zach said. 


They walked into the school building, watching every kid do their own thing, and they made it to their homeroom and sat at the desk before they heard commotion coming from his classmates. 


"Hey, hey, did you hear Brock? Voice said. 


"What happened, Alex? Brock said. 


"That class queen was asked out by five guys yesterday; turn them all down, Alex said. 


"Wow…damn well, she is beautiful and popular in the whole school, and everybody loves her,Brock said. 


"Ya, dude, I want to get a chance with the class queen; that would be a dream in the making, Alex said. 


"What's her name again? Brock said. 


"Jade…Jade Perez,"Alex said. 


Zack was listening to their conversation, and they were right. Jade Perez was the most beautiful and popular girl in school. They called her the class queen or school queen. She had a lot of names. People loved her, respected her, and adored her, but some didn't like jealous girls. There were some of them, but mostly admirers who would love to talk to her. 


"Hey, don't you have a big crush on Jade? Ben said. 


"Ya, I do, but she's way up in the social chain, and I'm at the bottom, bro; there's no way I can get to her, Zac said. 


"Come on, dude, don't put yourself down; there are plenty of fish in the sea," Ben said. 


"Ya, bro, they might be... They might be, Zach said. 


"Chyna! The class queen is coming, Voice said. 


"Wait, there's no way I'm not ready for that, Vicky." Chyna said 


"You have to be; we had 5 months in class and still haven't talked to the class queen, Vicky said. 


"Well, she's queen, and we are the poor; we can't get to close anyway, Chyna said. 


The girls were talking until it's open, the beautiful girl came in, and everyone went silent because of her beauty and pretty smile she gave everybody, known as Jade Perez, and I couldn't stop looking at her every time I saw her. 


"Good morning, everyone, Jade said.