School rumors

When I got back home, smiling like an idiot, my family noticed, and my sister, who saw my face, laughed at me for being happy. 


"What!"Zack said


"Hahahahaha, why are you smiling like that idiot? You look stupid. It looks like you found somebody that you're in love with and almost made a move, Amber said. 




"Huh, you found someone, and you almost did it,Amber said. 


Zack smirked at her. 


".....hehehehe" Zack said 


"Shut up, you laughing dork!!" Amber said 


"Okay guys, calm down; there's no need to fight, and Zack, do you have a girlfriend, and who is she? Mom said.


"Yes, but she's not a girlfriend yet, and she is; she's the school queen, Jade, Zack said. 


"Huh, she's a school queen. How the hell did you get her to like a dork like you?Amber said.


I just shrugged my shoulders while smiling. 


"I don't know, Zack said. 


"Stupid happy brother!" Amber said 


"Well, my boy is going to get his first girlfriend. I'm proud of you, my boy!" Dad said 


"I can't wait to meet her in the future, Mom said. 


"Yeah, I hope I can meet her so that I can tell her that you are a pervert and that she should stay away from you,Amber said. 


Zack smiled away, then narrowed his eyes against his sister, which made her scared for a second. 


"W-What D-Dork? Amber said. 


"Nothin, I just found a great match for you. I have a couple people in mind, Zack said. 


"Why say that with an evil laugh? Amber said. 


"Who knows? Jack said. 


"Alright kids, time for you guys to go to school, Mom said. 


"No making trouble, alright, Dad. 


"Yes, mom and dad,both said. 


We both left the house and walked to school. I've been thinking the whole day about teaching Ben how to fight and defend himself, so I hope he's alright with what he learned, but I will show him some moves so he can fight in the future. I hope he can learn quickly, but a guy can dream, can't I? Jade is the most beautiful girl I know. I can't believe I almost kissed her last night. I still can't believe we are friends. I don't know why she wanted to talk to me. Be friends with me either. I'm happy and glad I've met her. I took the courage to talk with her, and that day she came to the parkour building. We had so much fun. I want to be with her. She's like my dream girl. I want her to be by my side. I want to be by her side. Her personality and cute laugh make me happy. I want to hear it every day. Holding hands with her felt right to me. It was a gut feeling. It felt right. I felt happy that I ran to the ally next to the school. I looked around for my pathway and smiled to myself. 


"Go!"Zack said 


Zack started running, ran to the wall and ran to it, jumped, ran sidewalk, pushed off, and grabbed hold of the ladder hanging down out. He didn't climb up it, but hanging there smiled at him. Self started moving and swinging on the ladder, pushed off, and did a front flip 360 landed on my feet. I started running again, ran to the dumpster, and while running up the side of the of the dumpster, a back flip on my feet landed. I then looked at the exit of Ally, ran, did a handspring x4 360 in the air, landed on my feet, rolled on ground on my back, grabbed my backpack, left the Ally, ran, did a handspring x4 360 in the air, landed on my feet, rolled on ground on my back, grabbed my backpack, left the ally way, I walked to the corner to turn to the sight of the school, then I started hearing whispers. 


"Hey, it's the guy. I heard that school queen kiss him kissed!"Guy said 


"What a nobody like him k-k-kissing the queen, the girl who stole every guy's heart in the school!" Guy 2 said 


"That must be a lie. Why would a school queen kiss a guy like him!"Guy 3 said 


"No, I won't believe it is impossible. I would die if it's true!! Guy 4 said 


"Hey girls, look at him; he's the guy from the rumors everybody is talking about, the girl said. 


"He's cute, but why would a popular girl like her go for him?Girl 2 said:. 


"That's the guy from videos who beat up those two bullies, Alex and Brock. He's strong, finishing off two guys in two moves!" Girl 3 said


"That's him; he doesn't look strong!" Girl 4 said 


When I was walking, a guy came up to me with a smirking snarl that made me raise my eyebrow. Everyone who was whispering looked our way to see what was going on. The guy put his hand on my shoulder and tried to put pressure on it. 


"Why would a beautiful girl like school queen Jade kiss a little grunt like you!"Guy said 


"..."Zack said 


"You little shit, why are you ignoring... or are you scared of me? Hahahahahaha!" Guy said 


"...."Zack said 



People are coming over to see what's going on. 


"What's going on? Why are they fighting? the girl said.


"I don't know why George came up to him to pick a fight or something; I heard George had a big crush on the school queen, Jade. Guy said. 


"What seriously? Why is he bullying such a little dude? That's just not cool, even though you have a crush on someone!" Guy 2 said 


"That small dude beat up Alex and Brock, the bully twins that ran rampant around here. That dude beat them in two moves; they had been sent to the hospital because of it, Guy said. 


"Oh no, that's scary!" Girl said 


"Damn, that small guy must be a powerful fighter to do that. I'm surprised. Then maybe George doesn't know about it yet. That's why he's trying to act tough!" Guy 2 said 


"Wow, George must be an idiot if he doesn't get the details about strangers, even if he doesn't know about rest in peace, Guy said. 


"So who are you? Zack said. 


"George, pain,George said. 


Zack gave a smirk. 


"So I'm Zack Payne, Zack said. 


"Whatever now, tell me what's little punk like you kissing the school queen!" George said 


"Oh, do you want to know why I am called Payne? Hehe!" Zack said



"Damn, there's a time when Zack will kill him, the girl said. 


"What do you mean he's going to kill him? Guy said.


"He laughed while asking him questions, but all of them were different; this time he asked about his last name, the girl said. 



"Oh damn, rest in peace, George, Guy 2 said:. 


"I don't know; tell me then, funny guy,George said. 


"Because people who touch me say ouch!" Zack said 


"Wait, why would I say...ouch!" George said 


George was speaking but stopped because he was hurt and landed on his back hard because Zack's leg swept him on the floor. 


"Down he goes!" Girl said 


"Wow, that was fast. I couldn't believe it,Guy said. 


"Yeah, George couldn't stand a chance against poor George falling on his back, Guy 2 said. 


"Hahaha, that's what they said—funny right, hahahahaha, Zack said. 


"Why are you little p-p-punk embarrassing me like that? I will destroy your puny body!" george said 


"Oh, okay, you said puny body; you're not a Marvel superhero like the Hulk; get a new catchphrase for your own big guy, Zack said.


Zack gave him a wide smile that made George angry. 


"Why, you little puke? I'm going to hurt you badly!" George said 


"Okay, try to hurt me, big George. Three people already lost against me like you will in a few minutes, so try your luck, big asshole!" Zack said 


"Asshole I'm an asshole. Okay, let's fight, kid!" george said 


"Okay, bring it on!" Zack said 


George ran up to Zack and tried to kick him in the gut, but Zack dodged it by doing a quick cartwheel to the left of his side. George twisted around, trying to use his head to headbutt Zack in the head, but Zack dodged it by dunking all the way down to the floor, but George was going to use his knee to punt him in the head. Zack saw the locker next to him, smirked, stretched his foot to the locker, and pushed off, making him slide away while George missed his mark. Zack did kick up, land on his foot, and smile at George. Then George got angry, and everybody else was surprised and shocked. How's this fight going? 


"What the hell is this!"Girl said 


"That dude, Zack, is dodging everything with ease that's impossible for a normal person!" the guy said. 


"That's freaking awesome!!!" Guy 2 said 


George charged at Zack and used combat punches. Zack dodged them all and caught some of them, making George surprised but making him angrier. Zack smiled, then kicked George in the side, making George slide into the lockers and slam into them. 


"Agh!!!"George said 


"Is that all, Big G? Zack said. 


"Nah, I want to murder you and make Jade, my woman, have my way with her. Get ready, shrimp!" George said 


Alex smiled, went away, and the dark expression he had on scared a few people. 


"O-ops, he pulled the wrong button on that one, Guy said. 


"Yeah, George is going to die for real this time." Guy 2 said 


"Fine, it's my turn. Here I go!" Zack said 


Zack dashed at George so fast it confused George, then when he got his senses back, he saw Zack right in front of him and felt to the ground. 


"Agh!!!"George said 


'How…did.. I did not feel his attack on me that made me fall to the ground, not getting back up,George thought. 


Zack came up to him, who was lying on the ground, trying to get up, but Zack jumped on the lockers and pushed off, hitting and dropping a knee on George's stomach, making him black out. Zack got off and smirked at himself. 


"Don't believe the school rumor; they are overrated. Good night, Zack said.