Mom likes Jade

"Hello im Jade I'm your son's girlfriend." Jade said 


Everybody was surprised at what she said; they were shocked that they couldn't move at all, but mom still shocked and walked up to us like a robot 


"So your famous Jade Zack always talked about," Mom said. 


"Yes, I am hehe," Jade said. 


"Zack!" Amber said 


"H-huh," Zack said. 


"You didn't tell me she was this beautiful!!!" Amber said 


"Oh well, I did say she was the most popular girl in school, and she's really beautiful, so I kind of did say that, sis," Zack said. 


"But you didn't hype it up enough, like, what the hell, she's gorgeous; she's your freaking first girlfriend, man. Like, what the living hell, how did you get with someone like her?" Amber said 


"I guess my charm," Zack said. 


Zack smiled brightly, but Amber had a deadpan face saying, Are you serious? But Zack still just smiled at her like he won, but she got annoyed by it. She was going to say something but got interrupted. 


"Nice to meet you, Amber Zack. You told me a lot about you," Jade said. 


"H-huh, yeah, nice to meet you as well, Jade. How did my unpopular brother get someone as beautiful as you?" Jade said 


"O!" Zack said. 


"Shut up, let her speak idiot!" Amber said 


"Well, he was the popular one at school, kind of because he always fought bullies, but mostly why I am with him is because he saw me for me, not the popular girl at school, and to be honest, I don't know why I am popular anyway, but I'm glad I am with Zack," Jade said. 


"Oh, that's sounds nice." Amber said 


Amber frozen for a second. I waved my hand in front of her eyes to see if she was moving. 


"Sis, are you alright? You see frozen, hahaha," Zack said. 


"Shut up, what does she mean you were fighting bullies by how popular you are?" Amber said 


"Yeah, son, what's that all about?" mom said. 


"Let me guess they tried to bully you when they saw you talking to Jade here, and you probably asked her out in front of them so some of the jealous guys came after you," Dad said. 


Zack wasn't surprised at what his dad said. Zack just smiled at him and nodded. Jade couldn't help giggle at this, but mom and Amber rolled their eyes at that. 


"Yeah, they tried to bully me, but I just had to teach them a little tough lesson, but Amber didn't like that, so I didn't punish them when they passed out anymore; I just knocked them off the butt and held them there until they were not in a fighting mood anymore," Zack said. 


"Um, what beat them until they get unconscious, Zack?" Amber said 


"Yo sis!" Zack said 


"Don't you tell me you badly hurt them like you did those guys who were harassing me," Amber said. 


"Um, yes, I guess you could say that." Zack said 


"Don't worry, Amber. I told him off about it, so now he won't do it again." jade said 


"Yes, yes, I have to listen to my girlfriend so she doesn't ignore me." Zack said 


"Idiot!" Amber said 


"Oi! I'm not  an idiot you are stupid!" Zack said 


"Oh yeah, your dumb and idiot!" Amber said 


"Stupid," Zack said. 


"Idiot!" Amber said 


"Stupid"Zack said 


"Idiot!" Amber said 


"I know I'm an idiot, but what are you?" Zack said 


"Stupid…" Amber said 


"Hahahaha, you admit it stupid!" Zack said 


"Zack!!!!" Amber said


"Amber!!" Zack said 


"I'm going to get you, idiot." Amber said 


"Hahahaha, try it, sis!" Zack said 


Zack started running away from where he was sitting, and Amber got up from her seat and ran after him when he saw the window open again. He smiled and kept running away from Amber. When he got closer, he dived through the window and rolled through the ground onto his feet and looked back at the window where his sister saw him with an angry face. 


"Zack!!!!!!" Amber said 


"Nice try, sis, hahahaha." Zack said 


"I'm going to kill you, annoying pest!!" Amber said 


"Try as hard as you can, sis," Zack said. 


Amber ran to the door open, looked back at Jade, and smiled at her. 


"Welcome to our home, Jade, and sorry for my idiot stupid ass of brother. Talk to you later while I get this jerk," Amber said. 


"Okay, have fun, haha." Jade said 


Amber left everybody saw them left dad looked at them got up got dishes and while Jade and Mom talked 


"Sorry about that, Jade; it doesn't usually happen around here." Mom said 


"It's okay, I could see they love each other their own way." Jade said 


"Yes, they do crazy kids of mine, hehehehe," mom said. 


"Yes, they are." Jade said 


"Jade," mom said. 


"Yes, Mrs. Payne," Jade said. 


"Thank you for looking out for my son and loving him the way he is," Mom said. 


Jade was surprised but smiled at her while hearing that. 


"My pleasure, but he gives me a lot of laughs and smiles, so I really adore him." Jade said 


"I like you, Jade, your great girl for my son," mom said.