Chapter 12 I Know You Well

He saw that Lady Xiao hadn't said anything and knew that this time, it truly had an effect.

"Someone, pay Miss Bai her money."

However, Bai Qingzhu smiled and said, "No rush, let's wait for the results. If you're very satisfied, it won't be too late for me to take the money afterward."

Lady Xiao's face turned red with embarrassment.

She could tell that if this were a swindler, they would not have stayed for ten days but would have taken the money and left by now.

"Miss Bai, here is your ID card."

She still accepted it, "Then I'll leave everything in your care for these next few days."

From beginning to end, she was very polite.

After bidding them farewell and walking out, her path was blocked by Xiao Lijin.

When she came out, she hadn't seen him and thought he wasn't home. It seemed she was overthinking.

"I'll escort you."

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao, but there's no need."

She walked on alone, and even though it was a bit far from there to the gate, she was very skilled at walking.

"You have healed my grandmother, it's only right for me to escort you."

Bai Qingzhu stopped in her tracks and lifted the corners of her mouth in a smile that lacked sincerity, "This is just the beginning, it's not over yet. How do you know I'll be able to cure her? What if I'm just a swindler?"

His charming face closed in on hers, his sexy thin lips parting as he spoke, "You've been practicing medicine since you were five, and although you're young, you have a deep mastery over it. These past years, even though you've been overseas, you've used Chinese medicine to successfully cure many ailments that Western medicine couldn't resolve, and foreigners revere you as a miraculous healer."

Feeling the heat of his masculine breath, she couldn't help but think of the kiss they'd shared earlier, her cheeks burning hotly. Subconsciously, she took a step back.

"You've been investigating me?"

"It's quite normal for me to look into someone treating my grandmother."

Bai Qingzhu had nothing to say in response and turned to leave, but once again, he blocked her path.

"Don't you really find me familiar at all?"

"I'm not familiar with you. Don't get too close."

She had no good feelings towards this man.

"Not familiar? But we've done everything together before."

Bai Qingzhu's steps halted again, and she glared at him, "I don't think I would do anything with a gay."


Even outsiders didn't dare to address him like that, yet she thought of him this way.

Could it be because of their encounter at the gay bar? Had she misunderstood?

"Miss Bai, does going to a gay bar automatically make someone gay? According to what you're saying, I also saw you at the gay bar that day. Does that mean the renowned healer Bai Qingzhu is actually..."

"It's none of your business."

The moment Bai Qingzhu encountered him, her whole demeanor became defensive, as if she had changed into someone else.

Xiao Lijin's lips curled up in a sexy and captivating smile, "Whether it's related or not isn't for you to decide, I'm the one who decides that!"

Why did this man always say such baffling things? She definitely wouldn't get involved with this kind of man. Oh, right, he might be planning to meet Dongfang Ling. She couldn't let her best friend fall into the hands of such a man.

She glared at him fiercely before quickly leaving.

Xiao Lijin watched her stiff figure walking away, the corners of his mouth lifting again. Apparently, she was even more interesting with her clothes on than off.

After returning, she wanted to find Dongfang Ling but couldn't because Dongfang Ling was suddenly busy. She could only send her a text, hoping she would see it.

—Lingling, are you going to meet Xiao Lijin, are you two having a match-making? I advise you, don't meet with him at all costs. That man is gay.