Chapter 177: Being married makes you something special?

Shangguan Liuyun stared dumbfounded.

Hey, thinks he's something special because he has a wife now!

He actually just left the three of them behind.

"Hey, Yaoran, where are you going?"

"To watch billiards!"

Shangguan Liuyun was taken aback; the couple obviously wanted some quiet time to themselves, and wouldn't his following them be like a glaring 1000-watt light bulb?

Bai Qingzhu didn't mind being anywhere; after all, she wasn't familiar with anyone.

Yet, when she arrived at the billiards table, Xiao Lijin proactively threw her a cue, saying, "Wanna play a game?"

She still accepted it, "I don't know how!"

"No problem, I'll teach you!"

In fact, he was waiting for just those words from her.

"Come here!"

Could Bai Qingzhu refuse?

But when in Rome, do as the Romans do; she might as well play for a bit!

As she walked over, he first demonstrated a standard stance.

"See? Just like this!"