Chapter 186 Need Your Help

Bai Qingzhu knew that this teasing was no longer amusing; even if she felt wronged, it was time to back down.

Xiao Lijin looked at her as if he was seeing a fake person, having known her for so long, when had he ever seen her admit her wrongs so easily.

"Are you sure you really know what you did wrong?"

She nodded desperately.

He studied her once more, his gaze filled with suspicion. Recalling the last time with the cooking incident, he began to feel nervous again. It couldn't be another one of her schemes, could it!

"Impossible, I won't let you off so easily."

"Then, what exactly do you want?"

Bai Qingzhu was really about to cry now, having truly understood the vast difference in strength between men and women.

"How did you torture me, have you forgotten?"

"Do you really want to torture me in return?"

"Right, I am considering that."

He had brought things with him, and while she didn't resist, he tied her limbs to the bed.

Bai Qingzhu was speechless.