Chapter 2: Young Master, Young Master (Part 2)

Original Title: The Extraordinary Butler ("极品家丁")

Original Author: Yu Yan

Translator: Junyin_Pan

Contact for Copyright or Conflict of Interest Issues:

The following is the main text:

Seeing Lin Wanrong's shabby attire, the scholars quickly regained their arrogance. Their good self-esteem returned, and they completely ignored Lin Wanrong's looks, instead finding immense confidence in his poor appearance, and began to mock him.

Before arriving in this world, Lin Wanrong was a marketing manager in a mid-sized company. After graduating from university at 21, he worked hard for four years and became the youngest department manager at 25. Naturally, he had met many different people.

Seeing the looks in the eyes of those around him, Lin Wanrong knew exactly what they were thinking and couldn't help but sneer internally. It turns out that disdain for the poor and admiration for the rich has such a long history, existing in every era, not just in his world.

Hou's three decorated boats also slowly departed, and the crowd gradually dispersed. The women beside Lin Wanrong stole a glance at him, blushing as they left.

Lin Wanrong saw that the scenery on the lake remained unchanged, as if nothing had happened, and couldn't help but laugh. In his university days, he had seen countless scenes of boys pursuing girls. Compared to those, Hou's confession was truly child's play.

Lin Wanrong felt a faint sense of nostalgia, thinking of his old dormitory friends and his first girlfriend, and the pained look in her eyes the night they broke up.

Even though she had gone to the United States, Lin Wanrong knew her feelings for him were deep. She had repeatedly asked him to go with her, even preparing his visa and plane ticket, but he had refused without hesitation.

At Peking University and Tsinghua University, going abroad was fashionable, but Lin Wanrong was different. He didn't even choose big companies after graduation, opting for a mid-sized company instead.

He had a deep sense of attachment to his homeland and believed his words would leave a lasting impression on his girlfriend: "I don't want to see a world with my black eyes that they see as blue."

He didn't go to the airport to see her off, not out of heartlessness, but because he didn't know what to say. It was her choice, and everyone must be responsible for their own actions.

He heard she cried her heart out and almost missed the flight. Lin Wanrong felt both heartache and a sense of revenge. Who says men can't be petty?

For the next four years, Lin Wanrong worked hard and dated many girls. His career flourished, but his relationships were numerous. "I'm naturally not a faithful person," he often joked to concerned friends.

He lived comfortably until that girl joined the company, and everything changed. That girl, with her vice-president title, was his superior and seemed to have a grudge against him, always targeting him and never showing a kind face.

If it weren't for her father's influence, Lin Wanrong would have dealt with her long ago.

By the way, her father was the chairman of the company.

Thinking of that annoying girl made Lin Wanrong grit his teeth. If not for her, he wouldn't have ended up in this place. He recalled the moment he fell from Mount Tai, and the girl's expression seemed off, almost pained. In a daze, he remembered she tried to pull him up, or perhaps he pulled her down, and she followed him.

Of course, these memories were unclear, and he couldn't be sure what had happened.

Lin Wanrong didn't believe the girl would jump herself. If he fell, she would probably be delighted.

He gritted his teeth at the thought of the girl and decided not to think about her. He was an optimistic person, even a bit arrogant, and in this new, unknown world, if he didn't act arrogant, who would?

Lin Wanrong refocused on his current situation. Xuanwu Lake sparkled, with countless romantic stories playing out. The beautiful Jinling scenery lived up to its reputation.

He heard that the north was embroiled in war, but these so-called scholars and beauties seemed unaware, indulging in frivolous activities, living up to the phrase "Northern wolves, southern scholars."

Having been here for a while, Lin Wanrong began to see things from a local perspective.

"The warm wind makes tourists drunk, thinking Hangzhou is Bianzhou," Lin Wanrong softly recited, feeling that the scene matched the verse. As for the original author, it didn't matter. Here, any poem he recited was his own.

Shamelessness knows no bounds!

As a marketing manager who had seen all kinds of shamelessness, reciting a poem made Lin Wanrong feel as pure as a virgin.

Seeing another scholar being invited onto a noble lady's boat, Lin Wanrong felt a bit unfair about his own plight and spat disdainfully into the lake.

"Pah, drown, you fools who risk your lives for girls."

"Such a splendid verse, 'The warm wind makes tourists drunk, thinking Hangzhou is Bianzhou,' truly marvelous," a clear voice praised from behind Lin Wanrong, accompanied by the sound of a small fan tapping a palm.

The clear voice repeated his verse slowly, with genuine admiration.

Finally, someone appreciates me, Lin Wanrong thought, smiling. Although the poem wasn't his, he could recite it, which wasn't easy. His father, a rural primary school language teacher, had made him memorize many classical poems to improve his memory.

Lin Wanrong turned slowly to see an exceptionally handsome young man smiling at him.

He was indeed exceptional, with fine eyebrows, phoenix eyes, lips like red dots, and eyes like morning stars. Holding a white fan and dressed in a pale yellow robe, he stood like a willow in the wind, exuding charm.

Lin Wanrong had never seen Song Yu or Pan An, but he estimated they couldn't compare to this young man.

Although Lin Wanrong considered himself handsome and charming, he still felt out of place here and was repelled by the environment. Moreover, this young man had a delicate aura, clearly a rich playboy, unlike Lin Wanrong's rugged style.

So, in terms of looks, Lin Wanrong had to admit he couldn't compete. None of the people he'd seen in the past month could match this young man's beauty.

Beside the young man stood a handsome servant, equally good-looking.