Chapter 5 Once the TOP ONE

A divorce agreement?

These four simple words touched a raw nerve in Mu Hanchen.

He had thought Xia Fanxing would, as before, speak to him in a soft tone and make him a delicious meal, after which the unpleasantness would pass.

But not this time.

Moreover, she brought up divorce right away, which annoyed him.

His voice was extremely low, "Xia Fanxing, I'm very busy."

His implication was clear: he didn't have time for her unreasonable tantrums.

Xia Fanxing's attitude, however, was very firm, as if she hadn't perceived the subtext of his words.

"I know, so is the divorce agreement ready? I can sign at any time; it won't take up much of your time."

A flash of anger crossed Mu Hanchen's eyes, "I'm asking you one last time, is this divorce absolutely necessary?"

Xia Fanxing replied without any hesitation, "Yes."

With a "bang," the phone was hung up.

Xia Fanxing was stunned—was he...angry?

But why would he be?

Hadn't he always been the one who wanted the divorce?

Now that his old flame had returned and she had considerately initiated the divorce herself, stepping aside, shouldn't he be pleased?

Why was he angry, then?

Mu Hanchen was truly an enigma.

Xia Fanxing thought about calling him again to ask when the divorce agreement would be ready.

She needed to be prepared; she couldn't just keep waiting at home for his notification.

But before she could make the call, another phone call came through.

It was Su Yajun, the boss of the agency she was signed with.

The two of them usually communicated via WeChat.

She hadn't noticed the WeChat messages because she was on the phone, so the other party was a bit anxious and called her directly.

"Fanxing, are you busy right now? I need a favor urgently."

"I'm not busy, go ahead."

"It's like this, recently there's an idol talent show looking for trainees, and some of the new boys in our company want to give it a try. However, their singing isn't that great, and we are hoping you can help mentor them a bit."

All talent agencies now were competing with their connections and capabilities to get someone to train their artists.

Those with fame or talent had already been recruited.

Su Yajun really couldn't find anyone else to help and had no choice but to ask her, the singer who'd topped the online music charts for three consecutive years.

They had signed her initially for her talent, aiming for a packaged debut.

Later, for some reason, she had to switch to working behind the scenes as a songwriter.

But even so, the songs she wrote received unanimous praise from the industry.

Many reputable singers sought her out personally for songs.

If she hadn't been so low-key, she'd have become vastly famous in the entertainment industry long ago.

But until now, very few knew what she looked like in person.

Xia Fanxing had indeed been popular online for a time, and many agencies had approached her for contract signings.

She had wished to debut and fulfill her music dreams.

But when Mu Hanchen had a car accident and his life was in limbo, she gave up her dreams to stay by his side and care for him.

Only after he woke up did she slowly resume her music career, not as a singer but as a songwriter behind the scenes.

Su Yajun helped her during her toughest times, so now that she was personally asking, Fanxing naturally didn't feel right declining, "Of course that's no problem, when do we start?"

Anyway, she was going to divorce Mu Hanchen and it was time to think for herself.

She could consider this as a fresh start in her career.

Su Yajun heaved a sigh of relief, "That's really great, if possible, I'd like to start tomorrow."

She had thought Xia Fanxing wouldn't agree so quickly because she knew her husband had a difficult temperament and didn't seem to like her working outside.

Her immediate agreement was actually quite a surprise.

Xia Fanxing nodded, "Alright, let's start tomorrow at nine in the morning. I'll come to the office to find you, and we can discuss the details in person."

When Lin Yao came home, Xia Fanxing told her about going to help Su Yajun.

Lin Yao cheered immediately, "That's fantastic, Xingxing, you're finally thinking for yourself and considering your own needs. I've always said you shouldn't have to abandon your career over a man."

"Even though you're not short on money, material things can't satisfy spiritual needs, and you love music so much and are so talented... It would be such a waste to not let you sing."

Xia Fanxing smiled faintly while sitting beside her, "Yes, you're right. I do miss the feeling of being a singer."

During the hardest times in the past, it was songwriting that had seen her through.

It was her spiritual pillar; how could she not miss it?

"Honestly, Xingxing, after you're done with the training, discuss the possibility of making a comeback with your agency. I'll surely be your number one fan!"

"We'll see when the time comes."

Xia Fanxing thought that no matter what happened, she had to first resolve the divorce with Mu Hanchen; otherwise, she would never be able to work in peace.