Chapter 9 This Time It's Stable

"Benefactor... please accept my bow!"

With tears streaming down his face, Su Yunshan was about to kneel before Lu Ning.

"Dad... what are you doing?"

Su Muxue hurriedly supported her own father and looked at Lu Ning, wondering if this scoundrel had fed her father some kind of love potion.

Otherwise, why would her father suddenly be calling someone a benefactor and trying to kneel?

It was as if he were under some kind of spell.

"Old gentleman, could you hear my voice at that time?"

Lu Ning had roughly guessed the reason.

At that time, Su Yunshan's heartbeat had stopped; he had only entered a state of "suspended animation."

However, his hearing and thinking remained clear.

"Yes, benefactor. At that time, I was in a daze, as if I had already seen Naihe Bridge, but then I heard your voice saying you would help me this once for Xue'er's sake. Then, your hand was placed on my chest, and I suddenly came to!"

Su Yunshan nodded with excitement.

"Oh... it was just a helping hand, nothing worth mentioning. Well, if you'll excuse me, I need to take a leak."

Lu Ning waved his hand and didn't think much of it.

Although he had played poker with the man's daughter, it was obvious that Su Muxue looked down on him.

Besides, burdened by a deep-seated vengeance, he had no mood for romance.

"Ah... sorry, you go take care of your business. I'll wait for you outside the door. You have saved my life, and I, Su Yunshan, will surely repay you!"

Su Yunshan said with a sincere expression.

"No need... President Su already gave me twenty thousand yuan, that was repayment enough!"

Lu Ning left the hospital ward like a wisp of smoke and hurried into the restroom.

"Dad... I'm a bit confused. What life-saving grace? He's just a junk collector who knows nothing about medicine!"

After Lu Ning left, Su Muxue asked Su Yunshan with full confusion on her face.

"What? A junk collector? Could it be that Lin Zhengdong told you that you and a junk collector... it's him?"

Su Yunshan also came to a realization, his expression filled with shock.

If that was the case, it could only mean fate!

"Yeah... I was under the influence of Charm Medicine at the time... I had no choice!"

Su Muxue said in an extremely quiet voice.

A blush spread across her delicate face to her earlobes.

"Hahaha... that's fantastic. Xue'er, I've decided, this young man is to be my son-in-law!"

Su Yunshan laughed out loud.

"Dad... you haven't asked for my opinion yet! And besides, you must be mistaken, how could he possibly be your lifesaver!"

Su Muxue stamped her foot, looking both embarrassed and annoyed.

"Xue'er, do you really think your dad has become senile? I heard the young man's voice very clearly at that time. Furthermore, I could feel his every move.

Otherwise, do you think your dad's life was really saved by those useless doctors at the hospital? If they were really that capable, would they have let you transfer hospitals?"

Su Yunshan said with a stern face and a somewhat serious tone.


Su Muxue bit her lip, replaying the images of her acquaintance with Lu Ning in her mind as if watching a movie, reviewing it carefully.

First, Li Biao had been holding a knife and was about to bleed him.

However, Lu Ning appeared very calm, showing no sign of fear. Moreover, Li Biao inexplicably stabbed himself.

Secondly, on the rooftop, he was able to effortlessly catch her leg whip.

If this man was really just a junk collector, he couldn't possibly have such good mental quality or such good skills.

The most crucial point was that after her father's heartbeat had stopped, he told her that her father wasn't dead yet.

At the time, I thought he was talking nonsense and didn't take it seriously.

Now that I think about it, if he really was a ragpicker, how could he tell just by sight that a person whose heartbeat had stopped was actually still alive?

It makes no sense!

Su Muxue shook her head, feeling that this man seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist.

"Alright, Xue'er, that settles it. The young man, despite his plain clothes, has clear eyes and a reserved aura. You can tell at a glance that he has a firm mind and a good nature. Nowadays, such young men are rare!"

Su Yunshan patted his daughter's hand and spoke with heartfelt sincerity.

"Dad... marriage is not a trifling matter. Even if I were to consider him as your son-in-law... I need to test him thoroughly!"

Su Muxue's pretty face turned red as she bit her lip and said.

"Haha, fine, the day after tomorrow is my sixtieth birthday. We'll invite him over to our house and get to know him better."

Su Yunshan laughed heartily.


Meanwhile, at the hospital parking lot.

Lin Zhengdong held a cigarette in one hand and his phone in the other, his face grim: "Biaozi, that kid has shown up. Have Black King Kong make his move as soon as it gets dark. I want to make sure he doesn't see tomorrow's sun."

"Don't worry, Brother Dong. This time it's a sure thing. My buddy is the undisputed champion of the Wu City underground boxing ring. He could kill a cow with just one punch. Dealing with that dumb kid will be like flicking away a fly!"

Li Biao assured confidently.

"Good, that's what I want to hear!"

Lin Zhengdong nodded.

He had heard about a fierce fighter in the Wu City underground boxing ring who could KO his opponent in less than ten seconds every time he fought.

He hadn't expected this person to be Li Biao's buddy.

Heh, a ragpicker and a foolish kid...

Lin Zhengdong seemed to already envision the scene where Lu Ning would be pinned to the ground by Black King Kong and ruthlessly dragged across it.

In the blink of an eye, evening came.

Lu Ning had been standing guard in Tang Hu's ward, waiting for him to wake up.

As time slowly passed.

Around seven o'clock, Tang Hu's fingers twitched slightly.

Then, he opened his eyes faintly.

"Where am I..."

Having been in a coma for a full three years, his memory still lingered on the night he had brought Lu Ning, covered in blood, to the hospital.

"Uncle Tang... you got hurt trying to save me. But now you're okay, as long as you wake up, you'll be mostly fine!"

Lu Ning held Tang Hu's hand, his voice a bit hoarse as he spoke.

If not for Tang Hu, he would have been a wandering soul three years ago.

Let alone having the chance to investigate his family's killers and seek justice for his parents.

"Oh... It looks like you're alright, too. That's a relief!"

Tang Hu nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Tang, I'll go and bring Auntie and Yunyun over. They will be very happy to see you awake."

Lu Ning thought for a moment and then said.

"Hehe, I've missed them too!"

Tang Hu smiled warmly.

"Then I'll be back soon!"

Lu Ning left the ward and got into a taxi on the street.

Before long, a black Toyota car followed at a discreet distance.

Lu Ning narrowed his eyes slightly, sensing a very strong killing intent.