Chapter 36

Michael paused, his heart beating violently.

He lowered his eyes to look at the little girl in his arms. When she was sober, she always looked cold and aloof, with an air of "I have money, I will protect you" all over her body.

This is the first time that she has shown such a pitiful and feminine side.

It's not the first time,also acted like a spoiled child in the car when I came back today. But that was just a trick, and was afraid of being blamed by him.

But he didn't care about the big house, and never knew that she was so obsessed with the big house.

"You want it that badly?"

He lowered his eyes, his voice low and husky, inexplicably sexy.

The girl's closed eyelids trembled, and her lips pursed, "I don't want you to be wronged, I want to buy it for you."

Michael was silent for a few seconds, then said in a deep voice, "Okay."

Sophia , "???"

What does good mean?

She seemed to ask, but her eyelids were too heavy but she couldn't keep going anymore, fell asleep.

Michael put the Sophia down gently and went to the balcony to make a phone call.

"Pay attention to the Montgomery family's business activities. If there are any assets being sold during this period, spread the word that the Windsor family is planning to acquire them."


Moore was very good at guessing his boss's thoughts, but this phone call still confused him.

Why spread the news?

Are you worried that your wife doesn't know?

But the boss didn't give any clear instructions, so he didn't ask any more questions, but just replied respectfully, "Yes."

Michael was silent for a moment, then asked, "I heard Jones wants to buy a house in the Royal Palace?"

This matter was widely circulated in the upper class circle, so Moore naturally knew about it a long time ago. "Yes, it is used as a wedding house for daughter and son-in-law. The deposit has been paid, and the house will be delivered at the end of the month."

"Full payment?"

"No, only 60% and the rest in installments."

"Instruct Horizon Homes Corporation that from today onwards, the houses in Royal Palace can only be delivered in full. Installment payment is not supported."

The implication of this was obvious. Moore's eyes lit up. Was the boss finally going to reveal his identity?

Michael continued, "There is one more thing you need to do..."

Sophia slept uneasily that night, with all kinds of data circling in her mind. She was thinking about how to swallow up the assets sold by Jones , and even more about how to get those assets at the lowest price.

Tossed and turned until the early morning before falling into a deep sleep.

After waking up, mind is still full of data,the side of is empty.

Habitually reached for my phone and took a look. There was a missed call and several messages.

It was Jones and William , who condemned her for what happened yesterday from their own perspectives. Especially William , who acted like he had some serious illness and accused her of being vain and materialistic?

Could she be more vain and materialistic than him?

She blocked the message and clicked on the very novel bank card spending reminder.

That's the card for Michael .

I've never seen him brush it.

Clicking on the message, her confused vision slowly focused and her pupils dilated.

1, 2, 3, 4... 8 digits!

Didn't she give him a supplementary card? Why can it be used to spend so much money?

Oh! Damn it! The card she gave him yesterday was not a supplementary card!

She sat up suddenly, threw back the quilt and rushed out of the room to look around. There was no one in the room, so she quickly found the number marked "husband" and dialed it.

The phone rang for a long time without anyone answering. Sophia paced back and forth in the living room, biting her fingers.

My mind was in a mess, and I was thinking about all kinds of conspiracy theories. Then I heard the sound of someone entering a password outside the door.

She turned her head sharply.

I saw a man in home clothes, with fluffy short hair, standing lazily at the door. He was holding a small bag in his hand, without a logo, and looked quite ordinary.