Chapter 43

William looked unhappy. He did not tell Chloe the truth, but said in annoyance, "Don't pay attention to her!"

Chloe thought he was disappointed in Sophia, in mind very satisfied, so she turned to look at the door.

She secretly vowed to squeeze into this wealthy area at all costs.

Sophia drove out of Royal Palace . Although she had let out her anger, she still felt very upset. She stepped on the accelerator quickly, and the car flexibly shuttled through the traffic. There was a call on her mobile phone, so she put on her Bluetooth headset.

"Say it!"

" Sophia , Entertainment Global has agreed! They said their boss personally made the decision and wants to buy the copyrights of the other three films at the same price!"


The car braked suddenly and slid off the auxiliary road.

Sophia gripped the steering wheel tightly, her pupils shrinking slightly in surprise.

" The boss made the decision himself?"

"Yes, his special assistant contacted me."

"Buy the copyrights of the other three?"

"Yes, including the first two boring essay collections."


Sophia was silent for a long time before she managed to say, "Is there something wrong with him? He is the richest man, he shouldn't be a rag collector, right?"

To acquire Montgomery family's several broken companies . He also wants the unfinished little stories . What's in the brain of a successful man ?

" Sophia, I don't allow you to say that about yourself." The person on the other end put away his shocked tone and corrected him solemnly, "How can you say that you are a rag?"

Sophia also regained her senses, "It was a slip of the tongue. Eighty million is too cheap for him. We should raise the price a bit."

Let him compete with her for the company, bastard!

"Then I'll sign it?"


There was silence for a few seconds, and then he sighed, " Sophia, I'm suddenly a little nervous. Originally, 80 million was not a big deal, but now it's increased several times. If it doesn't catch fire, it will be so embarrassing."

"I'm not embarrassed, why are you embarrassed?"

" I'm ashamed for you, you're promoting your own work, and if you fail,your reputation as a 'sharp shooter' will be ruined."



"You're a bastard if you don't make money! Making money from capitalists is like getting rid of harm to the people!"


I reasonably suspect that you are crazy about money , but I dare not say it.

After hanging up the phone, Sophia called Michael instead.

But the next second, he quickly hung up.

Entertainment Global has acquired all the copyrights of Lili and has not made them public. If she asks now, isn't that announcing herself? She silently clicked exit, accelerated the car, and drove straight to Montgomery Entertainment.

As soon as she arrived at the company, Sophia looked for Charlotte.


Sophia looked at Charlotte seriously, with a curious look, and the latter was terrified by her look, "Just say it, it's scary to look at me like this."

"Do you know the one from the Windsor family ?" Sophia asked bluntly.

Charlotte's eyes lit up. "Who?"

Sophia leaned back on the sofa. "The richest one! Are you familiar with him?"

Charlotte leaned closer with a smile, her eyes full of mystery, and was about to reveal something.

Then I heard Sophia speak seriously, pointing her slender finger at her head, "Is he, there is something wrong here?"

Charlotte, "..."