Chapter 45

When Michael heard what Charlotte said, he felt as angry as a force ten storm.

She called him baby?

Then what is he?

The phone was disconnected with a bang.

The cold busy tone made Charlotte's heart rise to her throat.

He dialed his agent's number and said, "Book a flight for me. I want to go to Paris to meet Raphael in person! Now, leave immediately!"

The agent was full of questions. Going to the airport to pick him up was already a sign of importance, but why go to Paris to pick him up? Does he really want to lower his status like this?

" Charlotte , We are now first-tier actors after all..."

"Stop talking nonsense, or l lose life!"


Sophia returned to the office and reviewed the company's recent situation. Since she took over, projects have been put on the schedule one by one, and variety shows, movies, and TV series have all started.

Even if she was not in the company, Lucas would still be running the business very well, and profits would undoubtedly increase several times over . However, these profits, compared with the false accounts Jones had made previously, were nothing.

His previous promise to transfer the Montgomery business to her if the profit doubled by the end of the year was simply impossible.

So she had to prepare for both scenarios: let Jones explain the inflated profits and lower the requirements. At the same time, she had to take over the assets that Jones sold.

" Lucas, you stay in the company. You are needed here. I need to go out now. "

After saying this, she grabbed the car keys and went out.

Arrived downstairs at Entertainment Global at 2:50.

Sophia never expected to meet an unpleasant face as soon as she walked in. Jones , his secretary and legal affairs officer were waiting at the front desk with a large team.

"Sophia, why are you here?"

As soon as he said this, Jones suddenly reacted and warned in a deep voice, " It is a great honor for the Windsor family to acquire the Montgomery family's business. Don't make trouble for me."

Sophia said in a mocking voice, "You sold my Montgomery family property to maintain the image of your illegitimate daughter. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Jones said coldly, "She is your sister, why do you have to be so harsh? Besides, isn't this all thanks to you? If you hadn't messed around, I wouldn't have sold off the company's assets !"

Sophia gave him a cold look, took two steps forward, and was about to speak to the front desk when a clear voice sounded behind her.


She turned around and saw Michael standing not far away . He had a handsome and tall figure and a strong aura, and was always the focus of the crowd.

He waved at her, "Come here."

Sophia was surprised for a moment, then walked over quickly. She didn't even realize how obedient her little steps were .

"Why are you here?" she asked in a low voice.

Michael put his arm around her shoulders and imitated her in lowering his voice, "Charlotte said you were coming. I came down to pick you up."

Sophia didn't notice how intimate the two were at the moment, but once reminded, she raised her hand and looked at her watch, "I have an appointment with your boss, I'm going to be late."

"He doesn't have time to see you today."


Looking at the puzzled look of the little girl in his arms, he pursed his lips slightly, glanced at Jones standing at the front desk , frowned and said, "There is a nice cafe nearby, I'll take you over there."

Sophia's mind was full of questions. She turned her head and followed his gaze. She saw Jones looking over here and then being led to the elevator . She narrowed her eyes and felt a chill in her heart.

The Windsor Group knew her identity and must know why she came . They received Jones and would definitely not receive her again.

It turns out that it's not that don't have time, it's that just don't want to see me.