Where is my money?

Charlotte was shocked, "Sister-in-law is injured? Someone dared to hit her?"

He had seen how hard Sophia could beat people, but there was still someone who left her injured. How miserable must the other person be.


"I heard Fairfax cursing and mentioning Jones when he comforted her. Could it be related to the Jones family? Chloe auditioned for the second female role before, but the second female role didn't come today."

This makes sense. Jones took action against Sophia in order to secure a role for his youngest daughter. Michael lowered his eyebrows, and his aura was cold.

Charlotte sensed her eldest brother's mood and instigated him, " The Jones family is going too far in bullying my sister-in-law! Big brother, why don't you reveal your identity now? Kill the father and daughter, and then take over the Montgomery family business ! To deal with people like this, you should fight evil with evil!"

Michael glared at him with disdain, "Why are you acting like a drunk woman?"

Charlotte, "???"

Why are you attacking me personally? He was confused for only three seconds before his eyes suddenly lit up and he leaned closer. "What did my sister-in-law say when she was drunk? Did she ask you for help?"

Michael pushed him away with an ice pack and said lightly, "She wants to kill them too."

Charlotte, "..."

His sister-in-law will always be his sister-in-law.

So brutal.

But according to Michael's personality, he will not intervene easily. When he first debuted in the early years, he also made many mistakes. Even in his own company, his eldest brother watched coldly and heartlessly, saying that it was giving him a chance to grow. Now the eldest sister-in-law is not yet capable of standing shoulder to shoulder with the eldest brother, and needs more growth .

"Killing someone is against the law, but banning him is something we can consider." After careful consideration, the man came to a conclusion.

He didn't interfere in the Jones family's affairs to give Sophia room to develop. But it didn't mean he could accept these people bullying him.

Charlotte looked stunned. "Brother, do you really want to interfere? This is someone else's family affair. Besides, sister-in-law will accept the Montgomery family in the future . Don't you need some training?"

Michael turned around and said, "It's my family business now."

Charlotte was speechless. So I'm not your biological brother?

"By the way, are you going to live here soon?" Michael took two steps forward, turned around and asked him suddenly.

Before Michael got married, Charlotte had settled here in China. Of course, he was thinking about it now. But he was most afraid of his brother's sudden concern. He felt that it was a bit unreal and a trap. "Is it okay? Will my sister-in-law be suspicious?"

Michael curled his lips, "No, as long as you are shameless enough."

The next morning.

When Sophia woke up, it was almost noon. Just like many times before, there was no one around her. She rubbed her temples and sat up. The scenes of last night flashed through her mind, Jones's hateful face, Chloe's proud news, and she scratched her hair in annoyance.

If she compromised this time, there would definitely be a next time.

Jones is known as a filial son, and she knows he doesn't dare to do anything wrong. But when a dog is desperate, it will jump over the wall. What if he makes a mistake and attacks his grandfather...

Whether for herself or for her grandfather, she couldn't just sit there and wait for death . Sophia grabbed her phone and prepared to make a call. Then the next second, she was stunned by the account movement reminder on the screen.

A series of account movement messages , all of which were large amounts, ranging from six to seven figures. What did she buy? 

When I clicked on it, I saw that they were all stock exchanges.

My mind went blank. What Fairfax said last night suddenly echoed in my ears. Your husband failed in investment and just lost tens of millions...