Dora and her best friend Rina entered into the popular K¢F club and walked to a corner to sit

" Rina are you really sure of this place? I feel it's too dangerous" Dora said to her friend

" Dora can you please stop this? You are not a kid anymore and beside you need to get your mind off that asshole that calls himself jack okay?" Rina told her and she hesitated a little before replying

" Hmm... Okay" she replied calmly

Jack is her ex boyfriend, after finding out that he was cheating on her she broke up with him. Even though she felt heart broken, she was still glad that she didn't give him her virginity if not she wouldn't have been able to forgive herself

" Hey! What are you thinking about? I've been trying to get your attention for sometime now" Rina said and she immediately snapped out of her thoughts

" Hmm... Honestly speaking, I was thinking about jack" Dora responded

" Hey girl, I've told you before and I'll tell you again forget about jack " Rina adviced her

" Yeah I know and I'm trying my best to do just that" Dora replied

" Let's drink and get high today okay? At least it will help you to forget him for now" Rina said and they started drinking

" Rina stand up let's go and dance. I feel like dancing in the stage" Dora told Rina in her drunk state as she draged her to the dance floor

Rina who was equally drunk didn't object and started dancing with her

" This song suits my condition" Dora said to Rina as the DJ change the song and the both of them started singing to the lyrics of the song

~~ you told me that you wouldn't leave~~

~~ you told me that you'll be there when i


~~ you said that you'll be my shield~~

~~ Now I'm the one here with a broken heart


~~ I wish I never listen to your lies ~~

~~ But I did any way,and now I'm broken~~

~~ B..R..O..K..E..N

~~ I'm in pain oh oh I'm in pain~~

~~ I don't think I can love again~~

~~ I just want to be alone to face my pain...

At this time Dora was already crying unknowingly to her it was until Rina tap her that she realized herself

" Dora are you okay? Why are you crying? Don't you like it here? Do you want us to leave?" Rina bombarded her with questions

" I'm fine Rina, I just need to go to the wash room" Dora replied while forcing a smile

"Okay I'll come with you, let's go" Rina told her but she shook her head

" No no, you stay here I'll go alone" Dora said

" No you're drunk Dora and by the way, it's dangerous for a girl to go to the washroom alone" Rina insisted

" I'll go alone. I need some alone time for myself, if you don't see me in ten minutes time you can come find me" Dora told her and she reluctantly nodded

" Just ten minutes" Rina said as Dora staggered towards the wash room

As she was going to the washroom,she came across a good looking guy

" Wow! Hot " she subconsciously said and the guy turned to her with amazement in his eyes

" Who are you ?" He asked her coldly

" Hmm... I'm somebody and you look hot" Dora said boldly through the effect of the alcohol that she took

" What are you doing in such a dangerous place?" He asked her and she chuckled lightly to his amazement

" Why don't you stop this your questions....ehn handsome?" Dora said

" My boyfriend cheated on me so I want to cheat on him too, let's have sex" Dora said and he smirk

" What make you so sure that I'll accept your offer?" He asked her

" Because I'm pretty and many guys will die just to have me" she responded with confidence

" Well I must admit that I like your confidence but sorry to disappoint you I...." The guy said and was cut shut by a kiss from Dora

He kissed her back and carried her to a private room then shut the door behind them