Adrian King

Riley sat in her small, cozy living room, nursing a cup of coffee as the morning sun filtered through the curtains. She was still adjusting to her new life in the quiet town, the events of the past few weeks a whirlwind in her mind. Her thoughts often drifted back to Brian, to the betrayal and heartbreak she had endured. But she was determined to move forward, to build a new life for herself and her unborn child.

The silence was broken by the chirping of her phone. Riley reached for it, expecting a message from one of her few friends or perhaps a notification from the local job listings. Instead, the name on the screen made her heart skip a beat: Adrian King. She hadn't spoken to Adrian in years, not since he and Brian had been business rivals. Why was he reaching out now?

Curiosity and apprehension mixed in her chest as she opened the message.

"Riley, I hope this message finds you well. I have a proposition that I believe could benefit us both. Could we meet for coffee tomorrow? Adrian."

Riley's mind raced. Adrian King was a name she hadn't thought about in a long time. He was a powerful billionaire, known for his ruthless business tactics and his icy demeanor. Yet, there was a time when she had seen a different side of him, a side that was kind and thoughtful. What could he possibly want from her now?

After a moment of hesitation, Riley typed a response. "Sure, I'd like to hear what you have to say. How about 10 AM at the Corner Café?"

Almost immediately, Adrian replied. "10 AM it is. See you then."

Riley set her phone down, a mix of excitement and anxiety churning in her stomach. What could Adrian King want with her? Whatever it was, she was determined to find out.

The next morning, Riley arrived at the Corner Café early, her nerves on edge. She chose a table by the window and ordered a cup of tea, trying to calm her racing thoughts. She glanced at the clock on the wall, watching the minutes tick by. At precisely 10 AM, the door to the café opened, and Adrian King stepped inside.

He was as striking as she remembered, with his dark hair perfectly styled and his sharp blue eyes scanning the room. He spotted her and made his way over, his presence commanding attention from everyone in the café. Adrian was a man who exuded confidence and power, and Riley felt a shiver of anticipation as he approached.

"Riley," he said smoothly, taking a seat across from her. "It's been a long time."

"It has," Riley agreed, her voice steady despite her nerves. "What brings you here, Adrian?"

He smiled, a hint of warmth in his otherwise cold demeanor. "I heard about your situation with Brian. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Riley's heart tightened at the mention of Brian, but she pushed the pain aside. "Thank you, but I'm moving on."

"That's good to hear," Adrian said, his eyes studying her intently. "Which brings me to why I'm here. I have a proposition for you, Riley. A contract marriage."

Riley's breath caught in her throat. "A contract marriage? Why?"

Adrian leaned forward, his gaze never leaving hers. "We both need something, Riley. You need stability and security for your child. I need a partner who can help me with a personal matter. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement."

Riley's mind raced, trying to process his words. "What kind of personal matter?"

Adrian hesitated for a moment, then spoke. "My family is pressuring me to settle down, to find someone who can be a suitable partner. I've always admired your strength and resilience, Riley. I believe we could help each other."

Riley sat back, her thoughts spinning. A contract marriage with Adrian King? It sounded like something out of a novel. But as she looked into his eyes, she saw sincerity and a promise of stability, something she desperately needed.

"What would this entail?" she asked, her voice cautious.

Adrian smiled, sensing her curiosity. "We would live together, present ourselves as a married couple to the public, and support each other in our respective goals. You would have financial security and a safe environment for your child. In return, you would help me navigate my family's expectations and maintain my image."

Riley's heart pounded as she considered his offer. It was a lot to take in, but the prospect of a fresh start, away from the pain of her past, was tempting. She had always prided herself on her independence, but the reality of her situation was daunting.

"How long would this arrangement last?" she asked.

"One year," Adrian replied. "At the end of the year, we can reassess and decide if we want to continue or part ways."

Riley took a deep breath, weighing her options. A year of security and stability in exchange for helping Adrian with his personal matters. It was a daunting decision, but one that could change her life for the better.

"I need some time to think about it," she said finally.

"Of course," Adrian said, his smile reassuring. "Take all the time you need. But know that I believe this could be a good opportunity for both of us."

Riley nodded, her mind swirling with possibilities. She watched as Adrian stood and left the café, leaving her to ponder his proposition. It was a lot to consider, but deep down, she felt a spark of hope. Maybe this was the fresh start she needed.

Riley spent the next few days in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Adrian's proposition lingered in her mind, tempting her with the promise of stability and a new beginning. She knew it was a risk, but it was also an opportunity she couldn't ignore.

Finally, she made her decision. She called Adrian and agreed to meet him at his office. The following morning, Riley stood in front of the towering skyscraper that housed King's Enterprises, her heart pounding with anticipation. She took a deep breath and walked inside, determined to face her future head-on.

Adrian greeted her with a warm smile and led her to his office. They sat down, and he handed her a contract detailing the terms of their arrangement. Riley read through it carefully, noting the clauses and conditions. It was a straightforward agreement, outlining their roles and responsibilities.

"Are you sure about this, Riley?" Adrian asked, his tone serious. "This is a significant commitment."

"I am," Riley said firmly. "I believe this is the right decision for me and my child."

Adrian nodded, his eyes reflecting admiration and respect. "Then let's do this."

They signed the contract, sealing their agreement. As Riley put her pen down, she felt a sense of finality and a spark of excitement. This was the beginning of a new chapter in her life, one that held promise and hope.

"Welcome to the family, Riley," Adrian said, his smile genuine. "We'll get through this together."

Riley smiled back, feeling a sense of relief and anticipation. She had made her choice, and now it was time to move forward. With Adrian by her side, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. This contract marriage was more than just a business arrangement; it was a chance for a fresh start, a new beginning.

As they left the office, Riley felt a mix of emotions. The future was uncertain, but for the first time in a long while, she felt hopeful. She glanced at Adrian, who gave her a reassuring nod. They were in this together, and she was ready to embrace whatever came next.

Riley took a deep breath, stepping into her new life with determination and courage. This was her chance to rebuild, to create a future

filled with love and happiness. And she was ready to take it, one step at a time.