Chapter 19 Lucy (above)

  On Babylon, there are actually more ways to absorb knowledge. For example, the Thinking Brain, which could connect to the Federation's database, which contained a huge amount of electronic books for reading. Books in the form of paper media are not seen much nowadays, and the three books that Hughton threw to Allen were already crumpled, and it could be seen that they were already some years old.

  The three books were "Biographies of Famous Generals", "Strategies of Powerful Men", and "Playboy"! Alan looked at the third book, which was more of a magazine than a book. On the cover of the magazine, a sexy woman was posing seductively, Allen made a sign and wondered how this book would help him. Suddenly, Hughton blitzed back the magazine and coughed dryly, "This is the wrong one."

  Then without moving, he threw over another book, but an Illustrated Book of Creatures about dangerous species.

  The Ring of Death mainly favors a brutal competition between the contestants, but it also puts in a certain number of dangerous species to increase the difficulty of the competition, and at the same time offers more fun for the spectators. That's why this "Biological Illustrated Book" was very useful to Alan, he could learn more about the dangerous species and their habits.

  As for the other two books, the teenager was much less interested; after all, he wasn't yet old enough to be keen on mind games and scheming.

  After lunch, there is free time. There were two periods of free time in a day, one at noon and one in the evening, each lasting two hours. Alan left after lunch and took the elevator to the top floor. When the elevator opened, a vast space was presented in front of Alan's eyes.

  With the open design, when the elevator door opens, you can see the 5,000 square meters of space on the top floor. This wide space alone has an incomparable shocking power. Allen's small mind was shocked once again, but after coming to Babylon, he had been shocked quite a few times, so this time he quickly regained his senses.

  Coming out at the elevator entrance, there was an information wall with a floor plan of the training hall. Alan could see the structure of the training hall on it. The training hall consisted of a central meeting place, and several training areas with different functions. The central meeting hall was a place to rest and climb the ladder, while the other training areas had another instructor or trainer who guided the participants in using the tools in that area.

  The best place to make friends was naturally the central venue, but Allen was in no hurry to run to the venue. He was more interested in the training area with different functions, and anyway, it wouldn't take much time to sneak around, and then he would go to the central venue to get to know the competitors this time, and there was still plenty of time.

  The functional areas were centered around a central meeting place, and were spread out in a circular pattern along a passageway. There were arrows on the floor as an indication, and Allen went in a clockwise direction, when first there was a shooting area. It was subdivided into several smaller areas, and there were two teenagers practicing inside. One of them was using a sniper rifle, while the other was using a bow and arrow.

  Allen was not interested in shooting, and continued on, the next was a fighting area. In the fighting area, you could fight against each other in a two-player battle, and you could also have a simulated fight with the brain, Allen stayed here for a moment and then continued his tour.

  After walking most of the way around, he stopped at a functional area for training reflex nerves. Inside, there were several teenagers training at the same time, wearing helmets and holding a short metal baton, constantly swinging something into the air. Sometimes they would also make dodging and flipping movements, as if they were in a fierce battle with invisible opponents.

  A woman approached next to her, in her early twenties, wearing a tight silver uniform that emphasized her beautiful figure. Alan saw a nameplate on her chest that read "Trainer Tessa".

  "I know you, young master Alan from District 13, right?"

  Tessa, the trainer, walked up to Allen, got down a little less and said to him, "How about it, interested in a tour inside?"

  The angle was just enough for Allen to see the pair of murderous weapons hidden under the collar. The rounded silhouette was so lethal to the teenager that Allen naturally reacted by stepping back a little in slight embarrassment and saying, "What are they doing?"

  "Those are sensors, and using them, you can train on the reflexes and nerves in scenarios simulated by the Smart Brain. They can make you faster, more accurate, and calmer." Tessa came up behind Alan and pushed him, "Go, try it."

  Tessa stood up straight just as Alan came to her breasts. The teen then realized that things were unusually soft behind his breasts, when Tessa whispered in his ear, "I can let you pilot something else if you like. But now is not the time."

  Another killer line.

  Tessa took him to another vacant training area, helped Allen put on the sensing helmet, and handed him a short metal rod. The trainer explained as he did so, "The sensing helmet will put you in a simulated scenario, and the body sensor in your hand can simulate a weapon you're familiar with, depending on your habits. All you have to do is to shoot down virtual Frisbees. Each Frisbee you shoot down scores a corresponding amount of points, and when the points accumulate to a certain level, the difficulty will gradually increase."

  "Alan it's your first time, so just start on the easiest difficulty."

  After the dressing was completed, Allen's eyes were first dark, that was because the vision was blocked by the helmet visor. A moment later, a shimmering light began to appear, the light gradually brightened, and eventually Alan saw an open grassland, which was the scene simulated by the Thinking Brain. At the same time, Allen also heard the prompt from the Thinking Brain, "Please choose to use the weapon."

  Then a menu appeared in front of his eyes, in which there were many options, able to choose from a wide range of weapon styles. Allen then chose a combat knife, and the body sensor in his hand immediately changed from a short stick to a long tactical knife that was about a meter long.

  Then it was adjusted for weight, length, width, and other details. A few moments later, a large knife similar to the Mad Butcher appeared in Alan's hand. After Allen tried the feel of it, and after a few were no different from the Mad Butcher, he softly said, "You may begin."

  Then the word "LV1" appeared in the space in front of him, and then a rotating flywheel suddenly appeared, whistling and smashing towards Alan's chest. Allen's hand up knife down, cut on the flywheel, flywheel immediately burst into a ball of fluorescent light.

  Flywheel after flywheel either flew straight, swept diagonally, or hovered, flying towards Alan at different angles and orbits. Allen swung the battle knife in his hand and smashed these things with unparalleled ease. After knocking down a dozen or so flywheels, the difficulty of the Smart Brain Boost rose. In the next moment, two flywheels came crashing in at the same time, and Allen's battle knife swung out, knocking them down.

  When the difficulty was raised to LV3, Allen couldn't make it as easy as before. He began to have to avoid and observe the trajectory of the flywheels, and even used prejudgement to be able to successfully knock down each flywheel. After the difficulty level was raised one more level, the number of flywheels that appeared at the same time reached four, and the speed was also doubled! In this way, the time left for Alan to react was even shorter.

  Just like this moment, the four flywheels almost encompassed the space that Alan could normally avoid, constantly retreating or moving sideways, he was bound to hit one or two of them. Seeing the flywheels crashing into him, Allen suddenly leapt forward and passed through the gap between the four flywheels in a thrilling manner. He landed on the ground and swung his body, and the calculated trajectory of his sword knocked down the four flywheels almost simultaneously!

  Wearing sensors, he didn't realize that a group of people had gathered outside the training area at some point. Inside were the instructors and trainers of the training area, as well as some people from the organizing committee, and some of them had even turned on their brains and were recording something. In addition, there were also some teenagers who participated in the death ring, and they were all staring at the scoreboard over the training area.

  As the score jumped to the number 485, one girl couldn't help but exclaim, "He broke Lucy's record!"

  "Who is this guy?"

  "Don't you know. It's Allen from District 13, the dumbass who volunteered for the death ring."

  The teens were talking, when there was another gasp and someone pointed to the scoreboard and yelled, "It's over 500 points already, oh my god, that's level 5 difficulty!"

  Now, appearing in Alan's eyes had been 5 flywheels attacking at the same time. Finally, this difficulty had exceeded the limits of what he was capable of, and after successfully knocking down two sets of flywheels, he was finally struck on the left chest in the third wave of flywheel attacks, and the brain prompted the end of the training.

  After taking off his helmet, Alan saw Tessa. The woman excitedly hugged him solidly, leaving Alan buried in those almost breathtaking bosoms. Allen had a hard time breaking free before he realized that there was a crowd standing outside the training area. Most of the people applauded him for the score he had achieved, as for the teenagers who had competed, they cast hostile glances at Alan, so Alan knew that those few people could be crossed off his list of alliances.

  "Well done for breaking my lady's record!" A toe-curling voice rang out, and the crowd parted to the sides as a young girl of Allen's age strutted in.

  Behind her, there were just like four or five teenage girls following her.

  The young girl had long sunny golden hair, which was tied into a ponytail and jumped restlessly behind her head as she walked, like a blaze! Her features are delicate as a picture, eyebrows full of flamboyant jumping off the air, a pair of rare turquoise eyes, like a good green agate reflected Allen's silhouette. She circled around Alan twice, in which she "accidentally" knocked Tessa away for a few steps, and suddenly reached out her hand and put it on Alan's shoulder, saying: "I like you, come on, become my subordinate!"

  Behind the girl, a couple of teenagers looked away, with obvious smiles on their faces. Ellen, however, couldn't smile at all; admittedly, the girl was beautiful. She also had an aura that Allen liked, one that was high and distant, like distant mountains and forests.

  But this girl was so flamboyant, so flamboyant that she was almost arrogant. Ellen picked up her small hand on her shoulder with two fingers and blandly said, "I refuse."

  "Why?" The girl gave a surprised look.

  "I don't want to be anyone's minion, especially a woman."