Chapter 26: Embracing the Sun

  Hughton will drink the empty bottle of wine casually thrown to the ground, directly lying down on the sofa said: "Source power growth pathway is nothing more than three, one is to use the way of meditation to precipitate their minds, so that their will to enter the cells and even the depths of the gene, will be released to unearth the potential; the second is like physical training, consciously drive the body source power operation, so that they naturally grow; the third is to fight to feed the war, through the battle to maximize the stimulation of their senses to let the rapid growth. is to use battle to feed battle, through battle, in the moment of life and death to maximize the stimulation of one's senses, so that the source power grows rapidly."

  "Of the three methods, only the third can serve the purpose of quick claiming. But boy, this method will have many side effects. For example, it basically only applies to the early stages, and when your source power has accumulated to a certain level, and your body and mind have adapted to the brutal killings, it will be difficult to continue growing your source power through this method. How could someone who already wouldn't even blink an eyebrow at killing or being killed have a strong view of the moment of life and death? To use war to feed war was, to put it bluntly, to squeeze one's potential through strong sensory reactions to make it grow quickly. This practice is tantamount to killing the chicken to get the eggs, but for you, soon the death ring will begin." Hughton glanced at Allen, "At that time, you will have to kill whether you want to or not. So as long as you are able to survive to the end, the nine source power vortexes will accumulate very quickly. After all, you've only just come into contact with the world of source power not long ago, and your body's senses are not yet numb, so this method will work for you."

  Allen nodded, and Hughton added, "But you must remember, if you can survive, do not follow the path of a Berserker in the future. This path is too narrow and has limited growth potential. You should use all three methods together like many powerful nobles train their children. Channeling your potential, polishing and hammering your own source power through your will, and then going into battle from time to time to accumulate combat experience and sharpen your combat skills. Only in this way can one step out onto a straight path."

  At that, Hughton yawned and waved his hand, "Go go go, your little girlfriend came to the door ..."

  At the end of the sentence, Lucy's voice had sounded from the communicator at the gate, "Alan are you there?"

  Hughton was asleep by the time Alan left. Outside the door, Lucy grinned with her arms crossed, "Well done, you're at the top of the rankings again this week, get a lot of rewards boy!"

  Reaching out and giving Ellen a firm pat on the shoulder, today Lucy wore her hair in a double ponytail. The two long blonde ponytails waved in front of Ellen's eyes, just like Lucy who just couldn't stop for a moment. Ellen rubbed her shoulder that was hurt by her pat and said, "The rewards are not as many as you think, there are only one or two that can be used."

  "Is that so?" Lucy's body suddenly probed forward and their noses were almost next to each other.

  The position was ambiguous, and Alan forced a smile, "What, do I have dirt on my face?"

  "No, you look strange today, like you don't have much energy."

  Alan lost his smile, "Do you think anyone is like you, so spry at all times?"

  "My old man said that sadness and loss are signs of lack of self-confidence." Lucy straightened her body and gently patted her chest with her hand and said, "It's only natural for someone as confident as this young lady to be in high spirits at all times! You also cheer up, today I thought of a very interesting training program, come on."

  The young girl dragged Ellen and ran towards the elevator, her hand was held in her palm and the warmth seemed to burrow into her heart as well. Emotions can be infectious, sunshine like Lucy, naturally can make the people next to her also become cheerful. Ever since he met Lucy, perhaps even Alan himself didn't realize that the ice in the depths of the teenager's heart was melting away little by little.

  I wish I could hold your hand like this forever.

  Because by holding you, I can embrace the sun!

  Wishful thinking is nice, but reality is a different matter. So after the two got into the elevator, Lucy let go of Alan. A slight loss swept through the teenager's mind, but soon, both ears had been filled with Luci's voice. Ellen shook her head and lost her smile, maybe with Lucy, there wasn't even time to lose it, because the blonde teenager would always pull your attention to her.

  So Alan didn't even notice when the elevator reached the top floor and the doors opened, still responding to Lucy's conversation. It wasn't until Lucy pushed him out the door that the teenager realized the elevator had stopped.

  There were two people standing outside the door, one was Lucy's friend Emily, and the other had his back to Alan and the others. The other one had his back turned to Alan and the others. He was a male, and he looked like he was saying something to Emily, and then he said "I should go". When he turned around, both Alan and Lucy froze, because this man was Lucy's mentor's lover. Both were slightly embarrassed as they didn't expect to bump into each other here.

  The man, apparently unaware of what they had done, even nodded to Lucy and got into the elevator. After he left, Lucy caught Emily and asked, "Did he do anything to you yet?"

  Emily looked at her sister strangely, "He's my mentor Mr. Haney, what would he do to me?"

  Lucy then poked her tongue out at Ellen to show that she was blindly nervous.

  "Come on, let's train." The blonde girl, who was used to giving orders, raised her hand and said, pulling Ellen in stride towards the functional training area.

  In the following days, Allen was like a tightly wound machine, performing repetitive, but laborious training every day. Just as Hughton said, there was no shortcut to the growth of source power. Allen could only honestly use meditation and hammering to enhance his source power, it just wasn't easy to sink his will through meditation and into the depths of his genes. Especially without the help of the kind of initiation potion that was used when the fire was lit, Allen was always unable to enter that strange sea of source power stars in the depths of his genes. As for driving the source power for conscious sharpening, the results could not be seen in a short period of time.

  Over the course of a few days, the growth in source power was very limited.

  The only gain was the application of the "spin" technique. Under Hughton's guidance, Alan was able to use the spin to avoid most of Hughton's attacks. After learning the Spin and String Moon techniques, Alan finally formed a preliminary framework for his fighting system.


  During free time at noon, Alan made his way to the top floor training hall. Lucy didn't seem to be here yet, and Alan stepped out of the elevator and ran head-on into an older boy.

  "Hi Alan." The boy with the light brown curly hair beckoned, "Lucy's waiting for you in the fighting area, come with me, she said she wanted to do some squad versus squad training today."

  Alan frowned slightly, this man was one of Lucy's friends, named Mike. Hanging out with Emily's kids and Lucy, it was like a small team. Usually Alan didn't like to train with these people, the hostility in their eyes made him feel uncomfortable. But today Mike seemed to be a little more enthusiastic, see Alan did not move, Mike came over and whispered: "Listen, I do not like you. But the Ring of Death starts in two days, and there will be plenty of opportunities to beat you up then, and I'd like to finish you off if I could. But not now, and I don't want to upset Lucy, understand?"

  Hearing him say that, Alan was relieved instead. The two came to the fighting area, where three or so teenagers were fighting each other, but there was no sign of Lucy. Mike called a nearby teenager who was watching the fight and asked, "Where's Lucy?"

  The teenager shrugged and said, "Walked off with Emily, said it was a girl's secret or something."

  Mike smiled helplessly at Ellen, "Women always have endless secrets, so Ellen, play with me for a while? Don't worry, I won't beat you up and hurt you." After saying that, he and the other teenager looked at each other and smiled.

  The disdain that passed unnoticed between Mike's eyes gave Alan a tingling sensation, and he nodded and said, "Come on."

  The two men walked between the fields, exchanged glances, and began sparring. Both sides were the first to pounce on their opponents, followed by punches and kicks. It could be seen that Mike's fighting foundation was very solid, and there was a good balance between attack and defense. Alan, on the other hand, was very flexible, and once he found a break, he let go and attacked. The two men had very different fighting styles, and the fight was hard to distinguish.

  Attacks and defenses alternated throughout the fight, and Mike seized an opportunity to lean his shoulders over Alan's arms, toppling him out of the way. While Allen was still backing up, Mike suddenly had a cold look in his eyes, and the man kneaded his body, thrusting a fist towards Allen's throat. The fist blade drove the air, forming a sharp whistling, vaguely forming a cone-shaped ripple in front of the fist blade!

  This was likewise one of the ten dozen techniques in the military, called stabbing. With the source power concentrated in the fist blade, the high speed propulsion formed a penetrating attack. Even though Mike was only using the most basic techniques of the jab, if he was given a solid punch, there would be a hole in Allen's throat.

  He tried to kill me?

  As the thought flashed by, a wave of anger surged through Alan. Instead, his body was already under instinctive control, using his toes as an axis, and the source power drummed up, taking his body to lightly spin away from Mike's left side.

  Evading his attack with a spinning step, Alan popped his foot up, his toes pulling an arc of faint ripples pointing at Mike's temple.

  String Moon Kick!

  Mike's reaction was quite fast, and immediately closed his fists to protect his head, and used the crook of his arm to receive Allen's kick. At the same time, his toes pointed to the ground, and he slid to the side, letting the kick that was enough to explode the iron puppet, only to cause Mike's footsteps to be scattered, and finally fell to the ground without being able to stop himself.

  Alan retracted his legs and said in a deep voice, "What is this? Just now, you tried to kill me?"

  Mike's face grew grim as he rose from the ground and nodded, "That's right, you and Lucy got too close. That spot of yours was supposed to be mine until you showed up! Originally, I wanted to save it for the start of the death ring to finish you off, but I couldn't help myself. I'm going to waste you today."

  After saying that, he suddenly slammed into his face, and immediately blood flowed out from the cracked corner of his mouth. Mike wiped the blood around his mouth and laughed cruelly, "Of course, you can also call for help. But when the time comes, I'll say that you started it, so me crippling you is nothing more than self-defense."

  "They, for one, will be happy to testify."

  It was then that Alan realized that several of the teenagers from earlier that were still sparring had gathered around. They were skillfully blocking behind Allen and Mike so that even if someone passed by the fighting area, they wouldn't see anything. And by the looks of it, they were on Mike's side.

  Alan nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't scream."

  It was an unexpected answer, and somehow a chill crawled up Mike's back at the sight of Alan's clear eyes.