Chapter 46 - Accidents

  Ansdang blanched at both when he heard Lucien exclaim. He threw down a freshly shot beaver in his hand and was about to dash back to the campsite. Suddenly Miniature made a sharp stop and swung to the left like a willow in the wind. Immediately a faint line of fire swept past, and there was a bullet hole in the trunk of an arbor in front of him! Anse immediately flashed to the side behind a camphor tree, shortened down and whispered, "Lucy?"

  "Hey, Anse." Lucy's voice rang out a hundred paces away, along with the sound of gunfire.

  Anse shrunk his whole body behind the tree, the ground beside the tree continuously splashed several sparks, and the ground gave a few gouges. Anse laughed bitterly, "This is really out of my expectation, you guys even caught up."

  "Indeed, so, like the surprise?"

  Lucy's voice had moved in from another direction and was slightly louder than before, indicating that she had closed the distance between them. Anse made a split-second decision and rolled toward a shrub to his left, and as he did so, fire erupted from the side of the tree he was hiding in! Anse drilled into the shrubs, his feet did not stop, and flashed to a tree, before saying: "This kind of surprise is not to be. But it's hard to say who's surprise is whose, haven't you ever thought that maybe Lucien and I were separated on purpose to lure you guys out?"

  As he spoke, Anse felt down a revolver from the back of his waist, the trophy that had been stripped from Verne. At the same time, a shrub behind him on the right side fifty meters away suddenly shook, as if Lucy was shaken by his confidence and could no longer maintain a high degree of concealment. Anse immediately fired two shots in that direction, the bullets hitting the shrubs and exploding them, but the expected image did not appear.

  Ansley knew it was going to be bad and immediately rolled short. Two shots rang out almost simultaneously, creating a continuous sonic boom. The tree trunk he was leaning against before had a bowl-sized bullet hole, ordinary bullets couldn't produce such an effect, it was the precision of the two attacks at the same point that could cause such destruction.

  Gun Technique - Double Shot!

  Cold sweat oozed from Anse's forehead, if he had been slower just now, judging from the height of the bullet hole, I'm afraid a hole would have opened up in his chest. At this time, Lucy's voice rang out, "Alan is not as useless as you say, watch, he will come as soon as he finishes Lucien."

  Pinpointing the location of the voice, Anse swooped in with a flurry of revolvers, "You'd better worry about yourself, Miss Lucy!"

  From the tongue of fire that erupted from the muzzle of the gun, bullets discharged, whirling and nailing into the shadows near several ancient trees. The shadows suddenly burst into flames, and in the flickering light, Lucy's small face loomed large. In the mid-air, there was a clanking sound, Lucy even accurately intercepted Anse's bullets with her pistol in the air! At the end of the day, she also raised her hand, and with a tongue of fire, she returned a shot to Anse.

  Anse violently twisted his waist and slid sideways, a sliver of fire still grazed past his left cheek. Three meters away, a mass of flowers and grass exploded, Anse's face at the same time pulled open a slit, that is to give the bullet grazed the wound. He was quite helpless, Lucy was far more skilled than him in shooting, and this kind of jungle shooting was extremely unfavorable to him. After all, he wasn't much of a shooter.

  Continuously backing away, he didn't stop until he hit a tree trunk Anse. He reached up and wiped his hand on his cheek, frowning at the red splotches of blood scattered between his fingers. Suddenly, without warning, his heart skipped a sharp beat, the sensation of extreme danger. Anse's heart was flabbergasted, his toes stepped on the ground and he spun around, turning away in an instant like a gyroscope. Behind the "snort" a sound, the tree trunk suddenly drilled out a cut dark red energy blade. Ans hastily drew back, straight slide back several meters, before stopping.

  Behind the tree, Allen walked out carrying Mad Butcher. The moonlight sprinkled thousands of silver spots through the leaf gaps, shining on Alan's body as if shedding a silver glow. At this moment, Allen exuded a cool aura, but his red pupils were like flames burning under extreme ice.



  The two men greeted each other by name. Alan kept a close eye on Anse, inviting his attack whenever the other man moved. Lucy also emerged from the shadows, leaning towards Alan with her pistol in hand, moving but maintaining a stance ready to shoot. Facing two great enemies, Anse didn't dare to move, he revealed a helpless smile, "So, that fat pig Lucien has already been killed by you?"

  The berserker shook lightly, a hint of dark red blood under the dark blade. Alan ended his reply, but Anse had understood.

  "I have a suggestion to get us out of here peacefully, what do you two think?" Anse smiled, seeming to have a plan.

  Alan looked at him and said, "I have no ill feelings towards you, but you know the rules of the death ring. So, I'm sorry, I don't want to miss this opportunity."

  "I guess so, so you two have decided to go all out lo?" Anse suddenly dropped his revolver, an action that left both Allen's a bit puzzled.

  With that, Allen suddenly saw the source power glow on Anse's body light up and flow according to certain rules. The dangerous aura of this tall and thin teenager in front of him was getting stronger and stronger. Allen couldn't figure out why this was happening, no matter how you looked at it, Anse should be at a disadvantage right now.

  Inspiration was like a surge of electricity that flashed through Allen's head. He struggled to capture it and finally thought of something, and couldn't help but lose his voice, "Engraving? Genetic Circuit? Could it be that you have ..."

  "That's right, just because you're not at the top of the rankings doesn't mean you're necessarily gifted. Alan, honestly I don't want to show it at this time, but unfortunately that pig Lucien is too useless. Otherwise, this will give you guys a big surprise ... "Anse raised his right hand, only to see several black and purple glowing lights flowing across the back of his hand. The trajectory of the glowing light formed a pattern on the back of his hand that was like an electronic circuit, and finally formed a black and purple color on the back of his hand that was like a vortex-like engraving!

  Ans gripped the air in the void, and at that moment, a dense dark purple light gas rose around the two Allen people. The light gas was like a fog, constantly converging towards the center and forming a dark core. That core has great gravity, pulling Alan and Lucy towards the core. Alan's face changed and he shouted, "Get out of here!"

  The two desperately tried to escape from the light aura, yet it was like being in the middle of a dark current under the sea. A gush of darkness pushed them towards the pitch-black core, Allen broke off and the energy sharpness of Berserk Slaughter was activated, popping out a dark red energy blade. The source energy vortexes collided dramatically, a full seven vortexes crashed into each other, the huge impact of the eruption caused Allen's skin to glow with an unnatural red light, and then exploded into a faint mist of blood!

  The Mad Butcher buzzed with a sound and instantly popped up, pulling out a dark red moonflash. The moonflower hit the purple and black light energy, and the two canceled and annihilated. Rawly, Allen was able to chop out a crack from this mass of light qi!

  "Go!" Ellen yelled, tugging Lucy hard toward the chasm, finally disengaging before the light aura could be fully incorporated into the core.

  After all the light energy was collected into the core, the core lit up with several purple lines, and then exploded, creating a dark purple fireball. The shockwave lifted Alan and the two of them to the ground, the place where the explosion occurred turned grass and trees into ashes, the ground was even dyed with a layer of strange dark purple color, and emitted the fishy smell of rotting soil. Allen's face changed several times, Ans had actually constructed the circuit and activated the engraving that belonged to himself.

  And from the ability shown by this engraving, it was true that after advancing to the level of engraver, there was a world of difference between them and their source power users. Alan pulled up Lucy and quickly left, and in a few moments he had already disappeared into the depths of the dense forest.

  Anse didn't go after him, he held onto the trunk of a tree to catch his breath and laughed bitterly, "To think that you were able to escape the Shadow Vortex, Allen, you're really a dangerous guy."

  The mark he activated was called "Shadow Monarch", which was able to utilize the power of spatial shadows. At night or in dark places, the ability of the mark would be increased to a certain extent. "Shadow Vortex" is the first ability of this mark, which can distort the shadows of space, causing it to form a dark current of energy that pulls and pushes towards the center, eventually causing an explosion.

  This ability combines control and attack, which can be said to be a very excellent ability, yet it still gave Allen a crack and a lucky escape. However, in order to use this ability, the source power in Anse's body was almost drained clean, and now his whole body was weak. If not for Allen's fear of his engraving, he might be the one in bad luck right now.

  Anse stood in place for a full quarter of an hour before finally regaining a few moments of source power. He picked up his revolver again and fluttered away.

  After they all left, a metal ball swept over the woods where the two sides fought. Meanwhile, in the command hall of the Death Ring, a light screen was replaying the fight between Allen and Anse just now. Alstair held his hand on the bridge's fence and said with half-smiled eyes, ''Accidental accident, I never would have thought that this dark horse Anse would have secretly advanced and constructed a genetic circuit. But Allen being able to break through Ans' ability with only the power of an eighth level source power user is also an anomaly."

  "My lord, according to you, what are Anse's chances of winning next?" The assistant asked cautiously, after all, he was also the one who had placed a bet on Anse, so he naturally hoped that Anse, the dark horse, would win successfully.

  Alstair hemmed and hawed, ''The chances of winning are extremely high, after all, engravers and source power users are not even on the same level. Allen got away with it this time, but what about next time? Maybe it won't be so lucky."

  It was quite a relief for the assistant to hear him say that. After all, there were two other people on Allen's side, while Anse was a lone wolf. If judged by numbers, Anse was undoubtedly at a disadvantage.

  "But ..." Alstair suddenly threw out a word that made his aide's heart beat faster, and the finance minister spread his hands, "Alan's talent is also good, who knows if he'll succeed in constructing circuits at the critical moment to activate an interesting engraved mark. In that case, it's hard to say whether the winner will win or lose."

  The assistant's face couldn't help but become quite ugly, and as if he didn't see his bitter face, Alstair gave him a firm pat on the shoulder and said, ''But isn't that what's so interesting about a death ring? No one knows which one is the winner until the very end. The ring still has days to go, so watch on."