Chapter 58 The Family (below)

  The hall was silent and everyone looked at Horn. Horn's face sank to the ground and he slowly turned to look at the boy who had spoken so boldly.

  Back then, Lanie was the one who eloped with a man of unknown origin and fled the floating island. It was only in a fit of rage that Horn removed this most beloved daughter from the family. Now ten years have passed, and that once visible wound is gradually healing. Especially retrieving Ellen was a comfort to Horn. Out of a compensatory mentality, coupled with Ellen's own abilities, Horn intends to nurture this grandson as an heir.

  But now this bold boy had opened Horn's wounds. The four "surface bastards" had rubbed salt into his wounds, and Alan's father was an absolute taboo for him. Now, this boy was speaking out with impunity.

  "Grandpa, didn't you say how strict the house rules were at Bethcord? How come I don't look like that, it can't be that you lied to me, right?" A voice rang out, but it was Adele of the Morson family. She looked at Kate with a face of naive innocence and said, "Look, a random brat jumps out to question Grandpa Horn's decision, this is also called the word strict family rules?"

  "Adele ...," groaned old Kate with a headache, and looking to her granddaughter, said, "Do me a favor and shut your woeful little mouth!"

  Also looking toward Adele were the older boy who had made the noise, and Roddy. Roddy's eyes were wide open, his eyes were rolling with anger, and his appearance was frightening. Adele spat out her tongue and ran behind Old Kate and said, "Uncle Roddy don't look at me like that, Adele doesn't know anything, don't take what I just said to heart."

  Rody laughed back in anger, the Morson family's goblin was already involved in taking care of the family's business at a young age, so how could she be someone who didn't know anything. If someone really treats her as a naive little girl, then it would be a hell of a thing.

  "Reyna, your family budget for the second half of the year is cut in half. Now get down there." At that moment, Horn said in a calm tone, and looked toward his eldest son, Roddy, "Perhaps you should have someone teach him what manners mean."

  "I'm sorry, father." Rody laughed bitterly, and when he turned to his son, he had changed his face to a scowl, "Reiner, get out of here!"

  "But Father ..."

  "Get out!" Rowdy practically burst out of his mouth full of steel teeth in this low voice, and would have roared if he hadn't taken into account the presence of an outsider like Kate.

  Reiner looked at Allen angrily, in a way that made him want to kill him on the spot. Allen looked at him calmly, which infuriated Reiner even more. As he walked past Allen, he said in a low voice, "You wait for me, my brother!"

  After Reyna left, Horn announced a free-for-all, followed by socializing time. It was Alan's first time to participate in the socializing of the high society, and he had no idea what to do. Roddy and the others didn't leave him out, and talked to him for a while. Especially Roddy, even though his own son gave Horn a heavy punishment, he still had a brash look on his face, joking and laughing loudly with Alan, as if he had forgotten that there was such a thing just now.

  As for the foreign guests, apart from Kate, some other guests also threw goodwill olive branches towards Alan. These people were able to become Horn's guests, which one of them was not a smart guy. Seeing Horn almost forcefully stating his position, they all surmised that Alan would be the next key cultivation son of Bethcord, and all of them rushed to talk to Alan. They knew very well that if they didn't seize the opportunity now to convey friendship to this lucky teenager. When Alan had his own circle, it would be difficult to break in again.

  Among them, there were even many who hinted that Alan could be good by marriage, which made the teenager from the surface a bit overwhelmed.

  In fact, Kate was among those who had such intentions. However, he also knew clearly that as soon as Alan had not yet entered the heir sequence, he could not blatantly bring up this idea. After all, Molson and Beskold are now the same name valve, how can they casually marry off the women in their clan.

  There was no need for them to be present as foreign guests at an event like today's. Horn arranged this to show his position to his friends in the circle and to promote Alan. On the other hand, he also wanted to use the power of the outside world to check and balance the family's internal calculations, in order to reduce the resistance of Alan's future path.

  Old Kate took it all in stride and had her own plans.

  Finally those guests let Allen go, and the teenager was relieved. Looking at the room full of lights, only to feel that he had thought that he had already adapted to the prosperity of Babylon, but still for this moment of pomp and circumstance shook his eyes. He quietly retreated to the corner, and suddenly sensed that something was looking at him. Looking in the direction of the sense, a hideous devil's head jumped into Alan's eyes.

  The demonic head gave way to hanging from the curtain wall in the center of the hall, held in place by metal branch supports. Alan walked over to the head and took a closer look at it. The skin of this head was dark red, I don't know whether it was processed through some kind of craftsmanship or it was originally like this, the surface of the skin had a metallic luster under the light. The surface of the skin had a metallic luster in the light, making the head look like a piece of red iron.

  On the forehead, numerous black bone spurs grew. The bulging cheekbones caused a pair of eye sockets to sink deeply, pulling out large shadows under the cheeks. In the shadows, a pair of eyes were as if they were covered in ice chips, flickering under the glow of the light. Alan initially thought it was just some sort of artifact, but looking from below, he was able to see the small cervical vertebrae that peeked out from under the neck.

  "This is a Blade Demon, one of the most most dangerous alien beings in the Outer Jotun." A voice rang out behind Alan.

  Alan looked back and saw a pretty boy. About the same age as himself, with a sunny face and a pair of navy blue eyes. The look was a bit similar to Bell's, especially the pupils of the same color. Only Bell's eyes reminded people of an ocean cut off with ice, while the boy in front of him let people see a clean long sky.

  "My name is Regis." The boy held out his hand, and that's when Alan noticed that he was still grasping a longsword in his other hand.


  After shaking hands with the brother, who seemed quite friendly, Allen asked with an open mind, "What is a Blade Demon?"

  "A creature that hates any life, their bones are hardened to near metal. There are certain parts of the body that can pop out bone blades like knife blades, and it's worth noting that the blood of these things is comparable to kerosene and can be used as fuel." Regis pointed at the head above the curtain wall and said, "That was a demon general, Habik, who conquered the Outland Jotun and beheaded it when Grandpa was young, which was a feat at the time. After all, apart from the armies of the Federation and Planet Idahuas, our Bethcord was the first noble to conquer the chaotic battlefield of the Jotun Starfield. Back then, the achievements made by grandfather were such that even the gentry looked at them, it could be said that it was the family's most glorious time." Regis' small face was filled with respect, "I hope that in the future, I can also be like grandpa, and conquer Yotun and kill those dirty guys!"

  Hearing this, Alan couldn't help but look toward Horn, when Regis added, "I heard you were the winner of the Death Ring?"


  Regis nodded, "I've seen footage of you fighting, and you're a good swordsman. Let's compete sometime."

  He lifted the sword in his hand and nudged Alan's chest with the handle.

  Alan gently pushed the handle of his sword away, "Happy to oblige."

  Regis laughed, "I'm starting to like you, Alan. Rainer and the others are too scared to compete with me, poorly." After saying that, the teenager walked to the other side.

  Alan smiled, he was not disgusted with this brother of Regis. Although Rejesus was young, he had already shown his sharpness, and from his eyes, Allen saw a vast expanse of sky. Perhaps this boy, is what Horn said, the teenager who mounted a piece of starry sky.

  At that moment, a ghostly voice rang out, "If it were me, I wouldn't have agreed to a sword match with Regis's little lunatic."

  Alan looked over as an older boy, impeccably looking and dressed, approached with glasses of wine and handed one of them to Alan. He said demurely, "I'm Kordoff, and Hedrick is my father."

  "So, my brother. I seem to have heard you agree to a sword fight with Regis just now?"

  "Any questions?" Alan asked as he took the glass.

  Kordoff shrugged his shoulders and said, "You know why we don't compete with that little kid? Because that's a little crazy, he doesn't call it a fight, he calls it a fight to the death. So if you fight him, always remember not to think of any mercy or anything like that. Or else ..."

  He made a motion to wipe his throat.

  Allen looked at him solicitously, and Kordoff laughed, patting little Allen's shoulder and saying, "Alright, alright, I was just teasing you. Although the little madman is a headache when he's mad, he's not the kind of person who doesn't know what's important, so just don't worry about fighting him."

  "Scared me." Allen patted his chest and said, it wasn't that he was afraid that Regis would fight to the death. It's just that in that case, he would inevitably have to use hard moves as well, and it wouldn't be good for anyone to hang up then.

  "You're funny, I'll have a chance to ask you for some interesting facts about the surface. In return, I can teach you how to be a real man." With a wink, Kordoff added, "I know a lot of girls."

  "Really? Then why don't I see you introduce me to them!" Adele's flailing voice interjected.

  Upon hearing her voice, Kordoff immediately changed into a bitter face, "The goblin of the Molson family, no, I get a headache when I see her, Ellen I'll go first."

  Then quite unrighteously, he left Alan behind and snorted with Adele, and Kordoff left in a bit of a lurch like a mouse running into a cat. Adele walked over to Alan, reached out and snatched the glass from his hand, and poured the unfinished wine inside into her mouth in one gulp.

  "That's ..." Alan was slightly embarrassed, he had just had a glass of wine, Adele did that, wouldn't it be tantamount to indirect kissing?

  Adele raised an eyebrow and said, "Why, what's wrong with buying me a drink when you should be thanking me for getting rid of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Snow Lizards of Bethcord for you?"