Watch out!

 Commander seth and Sebastian's Still standing at the door eavesdropping regent aoi and his son's conversation.

 Commander Sebastian already had an instinct that told him to leave the door step else an unexpected incident will happen.He pull commander seth, but he refused to go.

 "Wait, a little more patience sir". Seth begged.

 General Akio is an hyper vigilant person,he paused his father's conversation point at the shadow at the door step.General kenji blew out the candles leaving the lantern, Kenji silently tiptoed and suddenly opened the door.

 Commander Seth was hiding behind the door, commander Sebastian was shivering like the whole place is freezing.

 The other solidiers of regent Aoi grabbed the two commanders inside the house, hitting them with a whip.

 "What were you two doing at the door step of my house". regent Aoi questioned them.

 "Or were you eavesdropping our conversation", general Kenji asked.

 "How dare you walk into a lion's den", General Akio shouted.

 Both commander Sebastian and seth was locked in the dungeon like slaves.

 Prince daisuke was running fastidiously in the backyard of the dungeon.

 An anonymous solidier is after him not knowing whose soldier they are or where they are coming from, he encounters an obstacle and fell.

 Easily the soldiers were able to catch him with no stress. Prince daisuke can't read, talk nor write in Regent Aoi's sight, he couldn't say a word till he got to regent aoi's office.

 Prince daisuke was knelt before regent Aoi, stammering like a silver bird.

 "Now that your father has embarked on a journey of no return, there is no hope for you to be the emperor". Regent Aoi declared.

 "In few days time your brother will be assigned to the throne". Kenji giggled.

 "According to aidoru's corpus, the younger brother must not take the throne while the elder one is alive". Regent Aoi said.

 Prince Daisuke could not say a word looking deaf and dump like a puppet. "And again you dare not say a single word about the throne in front of the governors". General Akio said.

 "Let's not bother, he can't talk". General Kenji said.

 Princess Sakura knows about regent aoi and empress dowager plans, she came along with her soldiers, court ladies and servants searching for the imperial seal.

 Princess Sakura finally found the imperial seal, she handed it back to her enuch shane.

 "Mission accomplished your highness." Her court lady chie said.

 Halfway to the inner court princess Sakura and her court ladies encountered regent aoi. The inner court is a place where no man can search except the emperor.

 "Sakuraaaa", regent aoi shouted furiously.

 "Regent sir, why the sudden change?" princess Sakura asked.

 "Where is the imperial seal Sakura?" Regent Aoi asked.

 The princess regent has all rights to take the imperial seal once her father is Dead". Princess Sakura said.

 "I am the regent I will take the seal and hand it over to the new emperor". Regent Aoi said.

 "Sakura Don't be a stubborn princess". General Akio said.

 General akio stepped further, suspiciously Sakura was thinking he wanted to force fully take the seal. General Kenji pointed his sword at them threatening to kill anyone that crosses his or her boundaries.

 "If we don't have the imperial seal we will consider it as a stolen power". General Kenji shouted.

 "I am princess Sakura the Prince regent of the Yamato dynasty,to kill me is treason". Princess Sakura.

 "Kenji put the sword back". His father commanded.

 "If anyone of you dares to move an inch threatening any of my servants, it means you are seeking for my red eye". Princess Sakura said with action.

 But father...kenji was shuned.

 "Hmm Sakura wise like a serpent", regent Aoi said moving forward.

 "No place is permanent forever regent". Sakura said.

 "But remember whether you like it or not einosuke is our new emperor after all traditional rights has been performed on late emperor eiken". Regent Aoi said.

 "Do you think you can get away with all the mess that you and your useless children has caused the yamato and minamto people. You possibly can't Aoi". princess Sakura laughed.

 She walked pass them hitting their shoulders while they were re silent and could do nothing about it.

 Commander seth and Sebastian are in jail lying in the floor like animals.

 Seth as a loyal soldier could notice tears rolled down commander Sebastian's face without any reason.

 "Sir, I can see tears in your eyes. What's the reason for crying", commander seth asked.

 "Emperor eiken is dead, this might be our last day on earth because we are most likely to be executed by regent aoi," commander Sebastian answered.

 "No sir let's not think that way", Seth said.

 "This bracelet on my wrist, it's other pair is with my late wife. If i die anytime look for tsmugi my daughter with this bracelet the second one is with her", commander Sebastian wept.

 "I caused everything,I implicated you sir",Seth wept.

 "Noooo seth, it's never your fault". commander Sebastian said.

 "If any questions comes from regent aoi, Blame everything on me". 

 Cracking sounds of unlocking a dungeon gate distracted seth,eth commanded. regent Aoi and his son's appeared all of a sudden.

 "Untie and release them". regent Aoi commanded.

 Seth and Sebastian was released, they were tied around a chair with no idea of what they want to do.

 Commander Seth and Sebastian was groaning in pain to deceive regent Aoi that they are in pains.

 "Halt". Regent Aoi shouted.

 "Please, regent sir! Spare us", commander seth and Sebastian begged.

 "What you people hear about the conversations with my son's?" Regent Aoi grabbed Seth's chin.

 "Regent sir I couldn't remember a single word from your conversation". Seth said.

"Continue with the torture". Regent Aoi said.

 "Don't you dare." Princess Sakura shouted.

 Seth fainted, general kenji took a bucket of water and splashed it on his face.

 "Sirer sir...." Seth stammered.

"Now talk what is it that you people have heard?" General Kenji asked.

 "We were just standing at the door step yesterday's night when the voices caught our attention, so we decided to eavesdrop but could not hear clearly what you people said". commander Sebastian answered.

 "Do you people think we are fools or what". General Akio said.

 "We have heard enough of Regent Aoi's machinations, Sooner or later they will be released." Princess Sakura said.

 "No sir we aren't making a fool of you". commander Seth said to general akio.

 General Kenji angrily clenched his fists and teeth, looking at commander Sebastian with one sided eye.

 Commander Sebastian pretended to have collapsed making it look like he gave up the ghost due to excessive threat.