
Right in front of the imperial hall, Reina Walked across. The cool breeze blowing her white garment and hair, she looked at Emperor Daisuke and Queen Hazel with one side eye.

"Happy Now, aren't you?"

"It's time to suffer your mistakes, we've had enough of what you and your father are doing." Queen Hazel stepped further.

"I promise to get back at you if it's the last thing, I will ever do." Reina lamented.

"Are you talking to me?" Queen Hazel asked. Emperor Daisuke was silent about the situation and could not say a word,he just kept staring at Reina's eyeballs to show he can keep deep eye contact with her.

"Of course, who else if not the half sane queen?" Reina Shouted at her manner less ly.

Queen Hazel is also a temperamental woman like Empress Reina, the way and manners Reina spoke to her triggered her anger.

Without hesitating the queen raised her hand to slap Reina, "You must respect my decisions. I am pregnant with your father in laws baby."

Reina fell like one that has no stamina, and collapsed. If that was the end of her life, none of the imperial bodies can arrest the half sane queen.

"Your majesty!" Court lady Himari gwaped lifting her limbs to check if she's still alive. The Emperor seemed not to care about her health whether she lives or survives.

After being examined by the imperial practitioners, the only saving grace Reina has. She is four weeks pregnant for the Emperor.

Hearing the good news, General Kenji and Akio's heart was filled with happiness. Their sister is pregnant with the imperial son.

"It's a boy!"

Regent Aoi was not bothered about Princess Sakura getting bailed, instead he focus on his daughter being monitored. It means Empress Reina is no longer going to the ice place.

Empress Dowager's thoughts flash back to the time she offered Reina a scenty perfume smoke. Lady mei would have swapped the perfume Empress Reina received as wedding gift from the Dowager, the perfume was meant to damage her fertility and make her sterile.

The Empress Dowager kept cracking her brain, thinking how Reina could have gotten pregnant.

"But I confirmed the spray." The dowager said to herself.

"What! Mummy don't tell me Reina is pregnant." Daisuke banged his hand on the table.

"She is your majesty, let's accept it as fate." Tsmugi said.

"Once Reina gives birth to that child, the game will be too hard to play on our side." Princess Sakura suggested.

The Dowager cleared he throat. "Can we abort the baby without her consent."

"Dowager! That's not an easy task. If we are being caught it can lead to your execution." Emperor Daisuke said.

Princess Zennosuke hesitates to say anything, he knows his brother is not the biological father of that child. He gently sipped his coffee. "Prince Ahaan should be able to perform the task perfectly with no traces."

"How?" Princess Sakura asked.

"No worries your majesty, I am the Court lady in charge of what we eat and drink. I will make arrangements on that."

Princess Sakura drops her drops her cup of wine. "I put all my trust in you Tsmugi."

Behind the transparent red curtains, Reina was relaxing on her bed with her face buried in joy and happiness. Ready to celebrate and jubilate the good news.

A plate of sweets and candy was placed before Reina in her lap, she didn't seem to care about any rules or consequences.

Her brother Kenji sitting on a chair was as looking at her enthusiastically, he knew his sister was a spoilt brat that is nonchalant.

"Careful Reina! You are pregnant. Avoid eating sweets!"

The fine looking sweets and scent drew kenji's attention to tastes one of them. He climbed his sister's bed and grabbed one in his hands, wanting to take a bite.

Lady mei announced the dowager's present, Reina collected the piece of candy from her brother and his the plate beneath her blanket.

Laying on the bed like a poor beggar. Behind Empress Dowager a maid brought in a plate of Japanese tofu.

"Eat the meal presented to you! it will make you gain energy and strength." The dowager persuaded her.

Reina has no deep thinking of the sudden reason the Empress Dowager begin to show some kind of generosity.

"Thanks your majesty."

The Dowager hid her facial expression to avoid suspicion, it was only in her imagination Reina could eat the food she brought to her. But she was quite astonished about Reina's sudden action, now she's pregnant her hormones will trigger with a more worse character.

The remaining tasks are flexible, it will slowly kill her baby till she has a miscarriage. No one will suspect the dowager, her daughter or Tsmugi.

After court lady Tsmugi, king Shigeto is their second informant. For the sake of he and his families lives, even though he doesn't like Shigeto. He must clinch with him for more information and enlightenment.

King Shigeto never gave up grudges against what Regent Aoi and his clans did to him in the past.

Memories of when he roped Tsmugi's father of planning a coup against the prince Daisuke back then. He even implicated him to the extent he was impeached as the king before Tsmugi could use the god aidoru has an opportunity to take things back to normal.

Regent Aoi has forgotten so fast how he made king Shigeto feel. Suddenly, he is now expecting him to join their clan when he noticed Regent princess Sakura is hindering his plans.

King Shigeto decides to plot revenge by betraying the Regent. He reciprocated the hatred Reina has for him.

"What an obstacle!" He said to him self. Sitting calmly like a king in his own chambers. "The game was a bit tough to win. No way I could defeat Reina with her pregnancy." He thought.

Tsmugi also can help them defeat the empress, not so easily like that but. Her father has seen the Minamato king as a friend not knowing he is a rebel.