Chapter 47: Earth Golems

"Guys, stay alert for Earth Golems. They could emerge from the ground at any moment," Cedric cautioned, prompting everyone to scan the floor for any signs of an ambush.

Ethan's senses were on high alert, his [Predator's Instinct] sharpening his awareness to a razor's edge. Suddenly, he felt a surge of danger—a tingling at the base of his skull that signaled an imminent threat. "Watch out!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the stillness like a knife.


A massive Earth Golem burst from the ground, its attack colliding with the Holy Dragonian Blade in a deafening clash.

"Huala, gulu...!" The Earth Golem began to crumble under the overwhelming force, its guttural cries echoing as it fell apart.

"Phew! That was a close one. Good job, Ethan," Cedric said, relief evident in his voice.

"More incoming!" Yona shouted, her bow already drawn and aimed at the advancing enemies.

Ethan quickly used Appraisal: