We're here now at the waiting shed because we're just going to eat and talk here. While the two of them are chatting, I'm just listening to them and sometimes laughing along.

Suddenly, someone bumped into me. It was a nerd, and he looked scared at what he did to me.

"Sorry, Ellise," he said, sounding afraid.

"It's okay, no problem. Are you alright?" I said to him, smiling. He just smiled back at me before leaving.

Then Jobert approached us, he's also my friend.

"Ellise..." he said to me.

"Yes?" I replied, standing in front of him.

"Can you do this?" he said, extending his hand towards me. I looked at him with a stern expression, so they burst into laughter.

"You better watch out, Jobert," I threatened him. Before extending my hand, he suddenly put a cockroach on it.

"Ah...p*tang*na mo, Jobert," I shouted at him, making them all laugh loudly. They were all laughing, including Dark's group, who were looking at us. Dark, in particular, was staring at me. I shouted at him, telling him to leave.

They were all laughing at me, and I saw Ellaine and Xyrene laughing as well.

Jobert is like my older brother. He already has a girlfriend, Ate Dennis, who is a nursing student in her 3rd year of college. I'm happy because I got to know him. He's kind, and his girlfriend, Ate Dennis, always hugs me when she sees me.

Dark is already in his 2nd year of college, along with his group of friends. While we're still in Grade 12 in senior high school. But when there are announcements in the gym, we're always beside Dark. We're also beside them during flag ceremonies.


We're here now in the room, having our classes. The teachers didn't come because they have a meeting for the upcoming Sports Fest. So, we're just talking and laughing in different parts of the campus.

Dark used to not pay attention to me, but now it seems like he's avoiding looking at me. I felt a bit sad, but I brushed it off.

We had classes the whole day, so we stayed in the room. I saw my classmates scattered everywhere, laughing and chatting. I quickly stood up and went out of the room. I planned to go to the cafe because my friends were there, and I wanted to have some milk tea since we've been gossiping a lot.

"Hi, Ellise," Jaydon greeted me.

I smiled at them before greeting them back.

"Why aren't your friends with you?" he asked.

"Oh, they're in the cafe. I'm just going there," I said to them.

They nodded in understanding.

"You can join us, King. Come on, Ellise," Levie said.

"Yeah, sure," I replied.

"Nice, go ahead and enjoy, King," they all said, pushing King towards me.

They all laughed, teasing King. I just chuckled softly at them, while we walked together. I felt a bit awkward around him, to be honest.

"Um...sorry about my friends," he suddenly said. I smiled sweetly at him.

"It's nothing, really. What about you?" I said to him, and I saw his ears turn red, making me laugh.

We arrived at the cafe, and all the students inside looked at us. We entered together.

"Sh*t, they look good together, kyahhh..." one girl whispered.

"Yeah, they're so hot."

"I thought Ellise was single?"

"I thought so too."

There were whispers and comments from the students, but I just ignored them and walked towards the counter. I ordered two milk teas and paid for them before leaving the cafe.

"Here," I said to Dark, handing him his milk tea.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Thanks for accompanying me," I said to him, smiling, and I held his hand, placing the milk tea in it.

We chatted in the hallway, laughing and enjoying each other's company. It turns out he's fun to talk to. He's just shy, that's all.

We reached his group of friends, and I said goodbye before leaving and going back to the room. I sat down and listened to their gossip.

The whole day went by, and I decided to go home. As I arrived, my whole family was already there. Kuya Denver was also here. I quickly went inside and saw them in the living room, talking.

"Kuya..." I greeted him happily, and he stood up and hugged me tightly. It made Mommy and Daddy laugh.

Our parents are so kind. They never forced us into arranged marriages. They always told us, "Choose where you'll be happy." That's why my brother's head got big. He's such a flirt.

I approached our parents and kissed them on the cheek.

"Get ready, dinner is ready. Our nanny prepared it," Mommy said, so I nodded and smiled at her before running to my room.

"Be careful," I heard my brother say.

I smiled sweetly because I missed him. I quickly went inside and changed into my home clothes before going to