Chapter 3 Addition

  This izakaya is one of the places where Kato Mikaze often goes for entertainment, mainly for drinking.

  "Welcome! It's Kato-kun. It's been a while since I came here. Have you just returned from a mission?"

  "Good afternoon, Aunt Kikukawa. It's true that I just returned to the village not long ago. I was walking in the village and walked nearby. That's why I came here. It's the same as usual. First, give me a bottle of shochu, and then two signature dishes that you are good at."

  Aunt Kikukawa led Kato Mikaze to a seat against the wall by the window. "Okay, it happens that your old seat is still empty. You take a seat first. I'll serve you tea first, and the food and drinks will be served soon."

  "Okay, don't bother me too much. Aunt, you can greet other guests first. I'm not in a hurry. Is business good recently?"

  "Business is okay. It's all because of you old customers who take care of our family. Have a cup of tea to moisten your throat first." Aunt Kikukawa said while pouring tea.

  The izakaya is called Kikukawa Izakaya, and it is located in a less prosperous corner of the snack street in Konoha's commercial district.

  Business is so-so, but it's still acceptable.

  This is the izakaya opened by the mother of Kato Mikaze's teammate who died. Kikukawa Daichi was Kato Mikaze's teammate during his Genin period. At that time, it was still a six-man ninja team system. He was the first teammate that Kato Mikaze witnessed die.

  At that time, Kato Mikaze and his friends had just graduated from the Ninja School for more than a year, and they were all rookies among ninjas.

  Although the First Ninja World War had ended for several years at that time, the Ninja World was generally peaceful. However, Konoha is the center of the Ninja Continent and has always been the overlord. The Third Hokage had just ascended to the throne not long ago, and there was still some unrest in the Land of Fire.

  Kikukawa Daichi was killed and sacrificed when he encountered a rebel ninja from the Land of Water during a mission to search for thieves in the Land of Fire.

  It was an emergency. The original mission target was not that group of rebel ninjas. As a result, the rebel ninjas thought that the Konoha ninjas were searching for them. Daichi Kikukawa was the first to discover the suspiciousness of the group of rebel ninjas and issued a warning signal.

  Then he went to track the suspicious target alone. Before the Konoha Jonin who led the team arrived, Daichi Kikukawa was killed.

  After Daichi Kikukawa's death, the life of the Kikukawa family fell into a slump. Former teammates such as Kato Mikaze would patronize this Kikukawa izakaya more often in addition to their mission training, which was also considered to be taking care of the families of former teammates.

  In addition, Daichi Kikukawa's name was at least engraved on the Konoha Village Memorial Monument. Konoha Village also has a policy of pension and care for the families of the sacrificed ninjas, so the life of the Kikukawa family can still be acceptable.

  Kato Mikaze didn't get drunk. He said goodbye to Aunt Kikukawa before dark and went home after getting slightly tipsy.

  Daichi Kikukawa was the first teammate of Kato Mikaze who died. Not counting his father and mother, this was his first encounter with the ninja world and the death in battle, and the death was still his teammate and companion who he had been with day and night.

  It was still a shock to Kato Mikaze, but this was not the only teammate of Kato Mikaze who died. In all these years of his ninja career, there were at least seven or eight teammates who died, if not a dozen.

  Kato Mikaze is not strong enough now, and he can treat his teammates who died with a normal heart.

  In addition to mission training, take care of their families more.

  Kato Mikaze has to work harder to live, and he has to become strong enough to protect himself and the people he wants to protect.

  After returning to the clan, he reported his safety to the elders of the family. After a few words of greeting, he learned that his eldest brother Kato Dan had not returned from a mission, and several familiar brothers of the same generation were also busy with their own things, so he went back to his room to rest.

  In the bathroom of Kato Mikaze's home, a naked young man with a well-proportioned body, a tough and handsome face, sword-like eyebrows, starry eyes, sharp muscles, and a head full of light blue hair, was taking a comfortable bath in the steamy bathtub. His

  starry eyes narrowed slightly and glanced at his handsome reflection in the water of the bathtub.

  A blue bath towel was hung around the young man's neck and hung on both sides of his chest, just covering the young man's well-developed chest muscles.

  This was Kato Mikaze, who had just returned to the village after completing a mission. After getting tipsy at Kikukawa Izakaya, he just came home to take a bath to relieve his fatigue.

  At this time, he was adding points to the ninja system in his consciousness.

  Ninja System

  Name: Kato Mikaze

  Ninja Level: Chunin

  Faction: Hidden Leaf Village

  Physical Attributes:

Physical Strength 59

Strength 55

Spirit 75

Speed ​​62

  Chakra Attributes:

Wind 62

Lightning 43

Earth 39

Water 0

Fire 0

Yin 75

Yang 59


Wind Style [Wind Blade Style, Wind Breathing Style, Wind Light Style,]

Lightning Style [None]

Earth Style [Small Swamp Style, Earth Wall Style]

Three Body Styles [Transformation Style, Substitute Style, Clone Style]

  Physical Style: Basic Physical Style, Basic Sword, Shuriken, Kunai

  Secret Style: Spiritual Transformation Style (Not Learned)

  Remaining Attribute Points: 176

  Based on Kato Mikaze's experience in studying the system for so long, the Yin and Yang attributes in the Chakra attribute are currently gray and cannot be selected, but the values are the same as the physical strength and spirit in the physical attribute, corresponding to each other. The Yin and Yang

  attributes are more advanced than the Five Elements attributes in the Naruto world. The values of the Yin and Yang attributes in the system are different from the Five Elements attributes.

  It only means that he has the Yin and Yang attributes in his body, which does not mean that he can skillfully use the Yin and Yang attributes of the Chakra.

  The Five Elements attributes, once the value exceeds 60, basically begin to involve the nature changes of the five elements of the Chakra.

  Kato Mikaze himself has the three attributes of wind, thunder and earth, but the original values are not so high.

  The two attributes of physical strength and mental strength affect the chakra content and personal energy. According to previous experience, 60 points is a threshold for the attribute to break through 60 points. Corresponding

  to the real ninja world, it is basically the gap between the level of Chunin and Jonin.

  Strength and speed. As the name suggests, it is the literal meaning, affecting the strength and speed of the body.

  "System, add points."

  Kato Mikaze silently clicked on the physical strength of the physical attribute in his consciousness and chose to add points.

  "Do you want to consume 50 attribute points to increase physical strength? Are you sure?"


  "Do you want to consume 6 attribute points to increase physical strength? Are you sure?"


  "Do you want to consume 5 attribute points to increase strength? Are you sure?"


  Repeat the same steps as the previous step 3 times (to save you from accusing me of using the system to increase the word count)


  After a series of operations, in Kato Mikaze's consciousness, the following attribute changes were made in the ninja system:

  physical strength changed from 59 to 61, consuming 56 attribute points; strength changed from 55 to 59, consuming 20 attribute points; the remaining attribute points changed from 176 points to 100 points, and the rest of the items remained unchanged.

  (The above detailed system content was originally listed here repeatedly, but Qingjiao deleted it all for the same reason. If there is no need for the plot later, Qingjiao will try to reduce the detailed listing of the system. The above.)

  The consumption of attribute points increases with the increase of attribute values. For example, if the attribute value is 50 to 60, 5 attribute points will be consumed for each increase, and 6 attribute points will be consumed for each increase from 60 to 70. When the

  attribute value breaks through every ten levels, the attribute points of the current level need to be consumed. For example, if it breaks through from 59 to 60, 50 attribute points need to be consumed, and if it breaks through from 69 to 70, 60 attribute points need to be consumed. And so on.

  Consuming attribute points to practice and study ninjutsu, depending on the difficulty of the ninjutsu, the attribute points consumed each time are different. For example, the three-body technique, this basic ninjutsu, consumes about 1 to 10 attribute points each time.

  And it does not mean that you can definitely learn it by consuming attribute points. It depends on whether Kato Mikaze's own qualifications and conditions are suitable for learning the ninjutsu and can help him learn the ninjutsu better.

  The results are not certain. Take the small swamp technique in Kato Mikaze's ninjutsu list for example. He originally learned the B-level ninjutsu swamp technique. Because he did not study the nature of earth attribute chakra enough, and the amount and control of chakra did not meet the standards, he only learned the small swamp technique.

  As you can see from the name, compared with the genuine swamp technique, the range is much smaller. But it is also a control skill, which is better than nothing.

  As for the effect of controlling people in actual combat, it depends on the timing, and sometimes it depends on fate and luck.

  For the remaining 100 attribute points, Kato Mikaze is ready to stay and fight the spirit transformation technique.

  This technique is the secret technique of the Kato family and the highest level of ninjutsu he can access at this stage. And it is very difficult. Every time he studies and studies, he will consume 50 attribute points.

  Now continue to take a bath, get enough rest today, and during this short vacation, first adapt to the attribute value of the body after adding points before talking about the spirit transformation technique.