Chapter 10: Rest and Soul Cultivation Effects

  The next day, although Kato Mikaze had just learned the Soul Cultivation Technique last night, he rested late in order to try out the various effects of the Soul Cultivation Technique.

  Perhaps it was because of a great breakthrough in strength, or perhaps the Soul Cultivation Technique had a greater bonus on the spirit and soul, Kato Mikaze got up quickly in the morning.

  First, he did his daily morning exercises at the family's small training ground, and when he was doing the morning exercises, he used the Soul Cultivation Technique once, the ability of the soul to leave the body, and adapt to the state of trying the soul body during the day.

  Kato Mikaze did not consume too much chakra in the morning exercises, but just warmed up to make the body move.

  As of today, the three-day short vacation given by the village to Kato Mikaze's team due to the last long-term mission, the patrol and alert mission in the eastern border defense zone, has ended, and today they will report to the Ninja Management Office of the Hokage's House.

  After the morning exercise, Kato Mikaze took a comfortable bath, and then made a hearty breakfast by himself. The staple food was fried egg bacon sandwich, two; a bowl of oatmeal porridge, and a glass of milk.

  A good day starts with a comfortable hot bath and a hearty breakfast in the morning, and then Kato Mikaze puts on his standard Chunin equipment and goes out.

  Kato Mikaze first went to the place agreed with his teammates three days ago to meet his team members, Takenouchi and Minami Yuta. Then the three of them walked towards the Hokage's House and reported to the Ninja Management Office.

  After not seeing each other for three days, everyone inevitably had some daily greetings and got to know each other about the movements of their teammates during the holiday.

  Kato Mikaze's team is a young Chunin team of three people, with team members aged between 17 and 23.

  Kato Mikaze is a senior elite Chunin, 23 years old, the captain of the team, good at ninjutsu and perception. In the team, in addition to the leadership position of the captain, he mainly undertakes the responsibilities of ninjutsu output and auxiliary perception, and is the core of the team.

  Nanri Yuta, 20 years old, is a Konoha Chunin with a carefree personality. He is a physical technique Chunin. His main means of attack is a family-inherited katana. He is good at Konoha's fluid swordsmanship and has a family-inherited sword technique.

  Takenouchi Shu, the youngest member of the team, is only 17 years old this year. He was just promoted to Chunin last year. He has average characteristics and knows a little bit of ninjutsu, illusion and physical techniques.

  Last year, Kato Mikaze's team lost a member during a spy mission in the Land of Lightning. At the beginning of this year, Takenouchi Shu just filled the gap in the number of people in the team.

  At 8 o'clock in the morning, the three of them rushed to the Hokage's house, the Ninja Management Office, to report for leave while chatting.

  The village did not immediately assign outbound missions. Most ninjas except for those in individual positions, such as the guard ninjas in various places in the village, the guard ninjas at the gate, the guard ninjas at the weak points of each barrier, the Hokage Guard, etc.

  Other ninjas do not need to sit on duty, and mainly deal with various commissioned tasks in various villages.

  When they are not on a mission, they are on standby and need to report to the Ninja Management Office at the Hokage's House every day. They can practice and do their own things during the rest of the time, but they must ensure that they are on standby in the village at any time.

  Once there is a suitable mission or an emergency, the Mission Management Office will notify the person at any time, and the ninjas at the Jonin level are basically contacted directly by the Hokage.

  Ninjas like Kato Mikaze's team who have returned from long-term missions are generally not arranged to go out again immediately after the holiday, especially long-term missions. Most of them are on standby, and at most they are arranged for some short-term missions or missions close to the village.

  However, according to the information Kato Mikaze has, the situation in various countries in the ninja world has become increasingly tense recently, especially between the three major ninja villages of Konoha, Sand Village, and Iwagakure, which are almost at the point of being like fire and water.

  It is estimated that the Second Ninja World War in Kato Mikaze's memory is not far away.

  The three-person team was not assigned any tasks and was put on standby. They agreed on emergency contact information and disbanded after leaving the Hokage's House.

  In the following days, Kato Mikaze's team had no suitable tasks and had been on standby in the village.

  Kato Mikaze took advantage of this period of time when he was not busy in the village to step up his familiarity with the various effects of the Soul Cultivation Technique.

  Let's talk about the effect of soul separation first. Kato Mikaze can separate more souls, but not counting the one left in his body, more than one soul will be separated, that is, more than two souls will be separated.

  The control difficulty of Kato Mikaze, and the consumption of chakra and soul power are all increased by geometric powers.

  Moreover, simply increasing the number of souls and souls leaving the body is currently quite impractical. After more than one soul, the soul power of each soul will become very weak. Not to mention killing the enemy, it is good not to be killed by the enemy.

  When the Soul Cultivation Technique divides the soul, it is not as simple as distributing the soul power in equal proportion or copying the original soul. Whether it is the soul that stays in the body or the soul that leaves the body, there is basically no distinction between the primary and the secondary.

  Each soul is equivalent to Kato Mikaze's soul. The result of the death and disappearance of the soul body that leaves the body is equivalent to Kato Mikaze's permanent loss of this part of the soul.

  It is easy to cause Kato Mikaze to lose his personality, or his personality changes drastically, or even a mental disorder.

  At this stage, Kato Mikaze is better at dividing his soul into a soul body at most. Maybe in the future, as his strength increases, especially as he becomes more proficient in the Soul Cultivation Technique, he may be able to divide more souls.

  Enhancing soul power, mental power, and perception ability are the same as the effects of the Spiritualization Technique, but there are still differences between the two.

  In general, the Soul Cultivation Technique is better than the Spiritualization Technique in increasing these abilities.

  For example, in terms of the perception range, it can be increased by about 30%. If the original range of perception of the Soul Transformation Technique was one kilometer, the Soul Cultivation Technique can be used to perceive about 1,300 meters.

  This is a very good ability enhancement.

  The most unexpected effect of the Soul Cultivation Technique is the Soul Cultivation Effect. The description in the Ninja System is that the Soul Cultivation Technique has a certain probability of nurturing the souls of some low-intelligence creatures that meet the conditions, cultivating spiritual wisdom, and then cultivating souls.

  These days, Kato Mikaze has made many attempts to use the Soul Cultivation Technique to nurture the souls of animals. Check out the specific effects of nurturing souls.

  There are some highly intelligent ninja beasts in the Naruto world itself. Not to mention the intelligence of the animals in the three major spiritual holy places, even some ordinary ninja beasts have intelligence that is not inferior to that of humans.

  The Soul Cultivation Technique seems to have great potential in the cultivation of ninja beasts.

  However, after trying, the probability of successful nurturing is quite low, and not just any animal or plant can succeed in nurturing.

  The probability of animals is higher than that of plants, and it also depends on the qualifications of the animals and plants themselves, chakra affinity, and their own qualifications.

  It is not possible to successfully cultivate souls in one go. It requires multiple soul cultivation techniques. Each time, the consumption is not small, not only the consumption of chakra, but also the consumption of Kato Mikaze's soul power.

  Now it can only cultivate souls for living things. In the future, when the strength is stronger and the soul cultivation technique is more proficient, will it be possible to cultivate souls for objects, such as weapons?

  In general, the soul cultivation effect of the soul cultivation technique has great development potential.