Chapter 24 Yu Xiaogang was slapped in the face.

Chapter 24 Yu Xiaogang was slapped in the face.

"What an ungrateful guy! Bah!" The dean of Notting College cursed inwardly again.

Then he remembered something, turned around, and gave the logistics director some instructions:

"Since the master is gone, he can leave. So, clean up the room that the master has vacated and prepare it for other teachers to live in. Don't waste it."

The room was originally lent to Yu Xiaogang by the dean of Notting College for temporary residence. Who knew he would be so shameless and stay there for several years?

The dean of Notting College is a friend of Yu Xiaogang. When Yu Xiaogang came to seek refuge, the dean valued Yu Xiaogang's title of theoretical master in the world of soul masters and needed his reputation to attract students to Notting College.

Therefore, Yu Xiaogang was specially hired as a teacher at Notting College, hoping that he could teach students some theoretical knowledge of martial spirits.

Who would have thought that Yu Xiaogang would not even want to attend a single class, being so aloof and arrogant that the dean of Notting College was helpless and could only accept it?

He thought if he kept Yu Xiaogang, his reputation would still be of some use, but it turned out that no one knew him at all.

What an invincible master of theory!

No one believes that he is just a liar who eats and drinks for free.

The dean of Notting College didn't want to chase Yu Xiaogang away, as he thought Yu Xiaogang still had some dignity and would leave on his own accord.

As a result, Yu Xiaogang was like a stinky toffee and refused to leave.

The dean of Notting College felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a dead fly. He cursed Yu Xiaogang countless times in his heart.

"Disgusting! You are such a shameless loser! You are such a shameless bastard!"

There was no other way; the dean of Notting College had to turn a blind eye and just treat it as having an extra dog. No, it was a waste.

Yu Xiaogang is not even as good as a dog. At least a dog can loyally guard the door for you.

"It's better to go!"

The president of Nottingham College was very happy.

Out of sight, out of mind.


Three days later,.

Yu Xiaogang spent twenty gold soul coins to hire a carriage, traveled all night, galloping at full speed, and finally arrived outside Wuhun City, exhausted.

He paid and got off the carriage.

At the city gate.

The knights guarding the city are conducting a checkpoint check on the long queue.

Yu Xiaogang was anxious and couldn't wait to run to the front. He didn't queue up and went straight to the city gate.

"Hey, what are you doing? Do you know how to queue?"

A city guard knight who was in charge of maintaining order stopped him and said it with a frown.

"You dare to stop me? Do you know who I am?"

Yu Xiaogang was anxious to get into the city quickly, and in anger, he pretended to be an expert.

Back then, he was the honorary elder of the Spirit Hall. With the title of the invincible master of spirit theory, he thought he was also a well-known figure in the Spirit City.

The knight guarding the city's face darkened: "I don't care who you are; get in line."

However, Yu Xiaogang did not follow the instructions of the city guard knight and went back to queue up obediently.

He puffed out his chest, put his hands behind his back, and proudly showed his profoundness. He introduced himself:

"Have you heard of the master who is invincible in martial spirit theory? It's me."

"I never heard of it. Go line up!" The city guard knight pushed him with a dark face.


Yu Xiaogang was not paying attention and was pushed to the ground, falling flat on his face.

"Bah, bah!" Yu Xiaogang quickly got up, spit out the sand in his mouth, and then roared angrily, "How could you do this?!"

The shout made the city guard knight who stopped him look unhappy. He flashed the knight's sword at his waist.

"If you shout again, I will chop you down with my sword. Just stand in line!"

Seeing the knights defending the city displaying their weapons with ill intentions, Yu Xiaogang shrank his neck, trembled a few times with his lips, and dared not say another word.

He got scared.

Seeing that his master status was of no use, he decided to find another way.

After a moment, an idea suddenly occurred to him, and he thought of another method:

"I know the saint, and I'm her friend. Can you let me in?"

"Haha--!" The knight guarding the city ignored him and smiled coldly.

Then she looked at him expressionlessly and said,

"I've seen a lot of people like you. In a year, I don't know how many people claim to know the saint or are her friends. There must be hundreds of them, if not a thousand. Do you dare to lie? You're asking for a beating."

As soon as he finished speaking, the city guard knight suddenly drew out the long sword in his hand; four yellow and purple soul rings appeared under his feet, and he slashed at Yu Xiaogang with a sword.


Yu Xiaogang was caught off guard and hastily stretched out his hand to block it, and the aura of the soul power belonging to a great soul master was revealed.

But he was still knocked four or five meters away and fell to the ground.


Yu Xiaogang held his twisted arm and screamed in agony.

The city guard knight stared at Yu Xiaogang with a bad face and said sarcastically:

"Heh~~ It turns out he's just a level 29 Great Spirit Master. Where did this piece of trash come from? With this ability, do you dare to pretend to be a friend of Her Highness the Saint? You really don't know how to live or die!"

"Two yellows and two purples? The best-fitting four-ring Soul Master?! Damn it, they actually let people at the Soul Master level guard the city gate!" Yu Xiaogang was horrified.

"Either get in line or get out of here."

The city guard glanced at Yu Xiaogang and warned him coldly, "This is your last warning. If you dare to make trouble again, you will die."

Seeing that the other party was actually a Soul Sect member, Yu Xiaogang didn't dare say anything. He held his injured arm, endured the pain, walked to the end of the line in a dejected manner, and lined up obediently.

Standing in the team, Yu Xiaogang's face was gloomy, and he said to himself, "Damn it! When I enter the city, I will make you suffer."

Seeing this, the knights guarding the city ignored it and continued to perform their duties.

An hour later.

Yu Xiaogang gritted his teeth, enduring the severe pain. His face was pale, and beads of sweat the size of beans hung on his forehead.

In front of the city gate, it was finally his turn.

Yu Xiaogang walked quickly forward, wanting to go directly into the city.

"Hey, what's up? Did I tell you to go in?" The knight guarding the city stopped him again with a sullen look on his face.

"Why are you stopping me? I'm already in line. I want to go into town."

Yu Xiaogang discovered that the person who stopped him was the city guard knight, who had broken his hand before, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

His hand was broken, and the pain was unbearable. He wanted to go into the city quickly and find a healing spirit master to help with treatment.

"Haha. You can enter the city if you want. Bring me the customs documents!"

The city guard knight smiled and stretched out his hand to signal Yu Xiaogang.

"What clearance document? I don't have it. Since when did I need a clearance document to enter Wuhun City? I am a great soul master, and I am qualified to enter Wuhun City."

Yu Xiaogang frowned. He remembered that anyone who was a great soul master could enter and leave Wuhun City freely.

He began to suspect that the knight guarding the city was deliberately picking on him.

"No? Then I can't let you go. Get out of here right now." The face of the knight guarding the city darkened again.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang became more certain. So he just provoked you, and you are upset with me and want to take revenge? Humph, can't he cure you? Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he came up with an idea.

Immediately, Yu Xiaogang shouted, "You are using public power to take revenge on your own. I will report you."

His voice was so loud that he quickly attracted everyone's attention.

There are so many people here. I don't believe you dare to be so rebellious and take revenge on personal enemies. You will be despised by everyone. Let me go.

Yu Xiaogang acted like a master, with one hand behind his back, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, looking righteous and awe-inspiring.

However, things did not develop as he expected.

He was greeted with a big slap.


A loud slap was heard, and Yu Xiaogang's body turned a few times on the spot and then fell to the ground. Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and the right side of his face was visibly red and swollen.

Yu Xiaogang was suddenly slapped, and he fell to the ground, stunned for a moment.

The city guard knight kept his hand out and did not retract it, cursing:

"Fuck, I hate people like this who are both incompetent and pretentious. Are you asking for a fight? Get out of here right now. Otherwise, I don't mind throwing you into a tube building."

The expression of the knight guarding the city became increasingly unfriendly.


Suddenly, a shrill howl was heard, coming from Yu Xiaogang.

It was because when he fell, Yu Xiaogang's broken hand was pressed under his body. When he came to his senses from his confusion, he felt a severe pain, causing him to wail continuously, and he temporarily ignored the slap on his face.

"Why are you howling? If you keep yelling, I'll chop you to pieces!"

The knight guarding the city felt unhappy when he heard Yu Xiaogang's miserable screams and kicked him again.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang was shocked. Seeing that the city guard knight's hand was about to touch the hilt of the sword, he quickly closed his mouth.

He had to hold my mouth and make a whimpering sound, and the pain made me cry and snot flow.

"Haha, you deserve it. Well done. You have the nerve to show up here without any clearance documents."

"Don't you know that this is a special period, and anyone who wants to enter Wuhun City must hold a customs clearance document issued by Wuhun Hall before they can enter?"

"Where did you come from, you idiot? Are you here to make people laugh?"

At this time, the audience on the side spoke up.

They watched Yu Xiaogang's performance from beginning to end. He was really inexperienced and pretentious.

Instead of sympathizing with him when he was beaten, people were full of disgust and ridicule.

Listening to what everyone was saying, Yu Xiaogang didn't expect that not only did they not help him, but they laughed at him instead.

For a moment, Yu Xiaogang was disheartened and felt very aggrieved.

He couldn't enter Wuhun City, and he didn't have the face to stay there any longer.

Yu Xiaogang struggled to get up, taking one step at a time, and staggered in the direction away from Wuhun City.

After walking a long way,.

Yu Xiaogang turned his head and looked in the direction of Wuhun City, his eyes flashing with resentment.

"Wuhun Palace, the humiliation you brought upon me, one day I will pay it back a thousandfold!"

Today's experience made him hate the Spirit Hall even more deeply.

(End of this chapter.)