Chapter 33: First meeting

Chapter 33: First meeting


After Qian Renxue left, Bibi Dong turned around and looked at Qian Renxue running away, feeling a little reluctant.

She was upset for a moment.

Just as she was about to sit down on the throne again,.

But her eyes inadvertently fell on the pink and purple gift box on the ground.

Bibi Dong swayed as she descended from the high platform. She bent down and picked up the gift box. She was stunned for a moment and then opened it casually.

An exquisite rosewood jade comb came into her beautiful eyes, and she also saw the names and portraits carved on it, which were hers and Qian Renxue's.

The complexity in Bibi Dong's eyes grew stronger.

She bit her red lips lightly, sighed, and then put it away carefully.

Looking at the direction in which Qian Renxue ran out again, she found that Qian Renxue did not go directly back to the Worship Hall but ran towards the West City District.

She thought about it, then flashed and followed secretly.


Worship hall.

Qian Daoliu kneeled under the statue of the angel god and prayed.

However, his mind was not completely focused at the moment.

His enormous mental power was locked onto his granddaughter, Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue's every move was under his monitoring.

In other words, he had been paying attention to Qian Renxue since she stepped out of the Worship Hall to look for Bibi Dong.

He was fully aware of Qian Renxue's abnormal behavior during this period.

He remains supportive of his granddaughter's attempts to mend her relationship with Bibi Dong.

He did not interfere with any of his granddaughter's actions.

So, he chose not to go with them.

Instead, he seemed a bit laissez-faire, letting his granddaughter, Qian Renxue, do what she wanted.

In his heart, his granddaughter will always grow up.

There are some things that she will know one day.

However, he will still keep paying attention.

For safety reasons, he had no intention of withdrawing his mental power.

After all, Bibi Dong had a criminal record, and he was also afraid that Bibi Dong might go crazy and kill his granddaughter again.

He also needs to be prepared for rescue.

Fortunately, this time Bibi Dong did not lose control and show murderous intent.

When his granddaughter's attempt to transmit his spiritual power failed again and she ran out crying, Qian Daoliu sighed silently: "Are you so cruel, Bibi Dong?"

Suddenly, Qian Daoliu's expression changed.

He sensed that Bibi Dong was chasing in the direction of his granddaughter, Qian Renxue.

He couldn't sit still anymore.

His figure flashed and disappeared directly from the cushion under the angel statue.

Rushed over quickly.


Next to the orphanage, by the Blue Lake.

Today is the day when Bibi Dong is crowned.

The orphanage director, Li Qing, and most of the teachers went to the central mountain of Wuhun City to witness that historic moment.

Only two elderly doormen were left in the orphanage, responsible for looking after the orphans.

Ye Qifeng is still young, so naturally, he cannot stay away from the orphanage.

He still came to the Blue Lake and lay down on the rocks in the shade by the lake.

He was leisurely flipping through the books that Hu Liena had sent him yesterday.

This time, the number of books Hu Liena sent over was quite large, with dozens of them in total.

As Hu Liena's martial soul training is gradually getting on track, after attending her teacher Bibi Dong's Pope coronation ceremony today, she, Xie Yue, and Yan will be arranged to go to a special venue for training.

Next, she will not be able to come back to see Ye Qifeng for at least a month.

So Hu Liena borrowed dozens of books from the Spirit Hall's collection room at one time.

If he wasn't worried about the dissatisfaction of the old scholar who manages the collection room,.

She even wanted to get a book with hundreds of books because dozens of books were not enough for Ye Qifeng to read. He read too fast.

However, she finally gave up.

Hu Liena was also afraid that if she borrowed too much, she would make the administrator angry. It would be bad if the matter was reported to the teacher.

She couldn't bring shame to the teacher.

The few books placed next to Ye Qifeng were specially selected by him from the books sent by Hu Liena.

Those are some books that are very old; they can even be called ancient books.

Of course, except for the one he was holding in his hands.

That book was the "work" of a certain useless master, thrown in a corner, gathering dust, and despised, and no one read it.

Ye Qifeng would occasionally flip through the book in his hand and then flip through several ancient books beside him, comparing the two.

It seems like something was discovered.

Then a hint of sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, a beautiful golden figure ran quickly from not far away.

It was Qian Renxue who had just run out of the Pope's Palace, crying.

It immediately attracted Ye Qifeng's attention.

He gave a curious look.

The reason he was attracted was because the girl in front of him was crying so miserably.

The girl was seen running and crying.

Finally, she came to the edge of the lake and sat down on the ground, crying and gasping for breath. She kept wiping the tears from her eyes with her hands, but she couldn't stop them.

"I will never forgive you again! I hate you!"

The girl shouted loudly, grabbed the gravel beside her, and threw it into the lake, creating ripples and venting her anger, pain, and sadness.

As soon as these words were spoken, a beautiful figure in the dark couldn't help but tremble slightly. It was Bibi Dong who had just arrived.

Hearing the hatred in Qian Renxue's words, Bibi Dong felt bitter and secretly regretted.

But she had no choice; she couldn't let go of the grudge in her heart.

She also had a vague desire to destroy Qian Renxue in her heart, and she was afraid that she would lose control and kill her again like she did a few years ago.

She can only keep Qian Renxue away from her and not let her get close to herself.

That was all she could do.

"Maybe making her hate me is the right choice." Bibi Dong thought to herself.

On the other side, Qian Daoliu, who followed Bibi Dong closely, also sighed, but he did not choose to show up to comfort his granddaughter.

His granddaughter had suffered such a blow and needed to be alone, so it was not appropriate for him to be there at this time.

It's good to let the granddaughter vent her emotions. Keeping them in your heart is bad for your body and mind.

Qian Daoliu hid in the dark and was on guard against Bibi Dong.

He knew that Bibi Dong knew of his existence.

Until much later.

The girl was still crying but seemed tired. She stopped shouting and just sobbed quietly, wiping her tears.

Ye Qifeng, who had been watching from the side, saw that the girl had almost finished crying and couldn't help but ask, "Little sister, why are you crying so sadly?"

His voice is childish, but his tone has a sophisticated tone, like that of a little adult.

Ye Qifeng's voice immediately attracted Qian Renxue's attention and also attracted the sight of Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu, who were in the dark.

"Who is it?" The sudden voice scared Qian Renxue.

She didn't bother to cry; she quickly got up from the ground and pulled out a golden sword from her soul guide.

As a level 37 soul master, he still has basic vigilance.

That's right, more than three months have passed, and Qian Renxue's soul power has increased by two levels.

Following the sound, Qian Renxue found the source of the sound on a flat boulder in the shade.

A little kid, about four years old, is as delicate and pretty as a piece of jade.

The cheeks are round and plump.

She was so busy crying that she didn't even notice someone was there.

Then all her embarrassing moments would be seen by everyone.

Qian Renxue felt both embarrassed and a little annoyed.

Her eyes, which were already red from crying, turned redder at this moment, and she became angry and embarrassed for a moment.

"How will you be here?"

Qian Renxue asked, and out of the anger in her heart, her tone unconsciously took on a hint of dominance.

"Huh? Why can't I be here?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Qifeng looked at Qian Renxue with a question mark on his face.

He saw the girl's face.

You're not even mentioned.

The girl was indeed very beautiful, with picturesque features and skin whiter than snow.

She had long blond hair and a slightly protruding chest, showing that her body had begun to develop. She looked similar to the twelve- or thirteen-year-old girls in his previous life.

At such a young age, she is so stunning and beautiful, with a face that is as beautiful as Bibi Dong.

Wait, this gorgeous golden hair, skin whiter than snow, a straight nose, slightly slender phoenix eyes, and a stunning face with a bit of majesty...


Could it be Qian Renxue?

(End of this chapter.)