Chapter 61: It's not just the soul beasts that are dangerous; there are also people.

Chapter 61: It's not just the soul beasts that are dangerous; there are also people.

Bibi Dong was a little dazed at this moment and found that her disciple's knowledge of the Star Dou Great Forest was beyond her imagination. In some places, he even knew more and in more detail than her teacher.

This suddenly made her feel awkward and unsuitable to be Ye Qifeng's teacher.

Bibi Dong's cheeks flushed slightly, but she still acted like a teacher, and after hearing what Ye Qifeng said, she praised him first:

"Not bad, Xiaofeng; it seems that you have understood it in detail."

Then he continued:

"The Xingdou Great Forest is a good place. There are many soul-beasts there. It can be called the cradle of soul-beasts. It is the favorite place of powerful soul masters."

"Almost every soul master who wants to break through can hunt for the soul ring that suits him best."

"But it is also an extremely dangerous place. Many soul masters die there every year."

"Unlike the Soul Hunting Forest, where soul beasts are kept in captivity, the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest are extremely dangerous and aggressive, and they have no good feelings towards humans. As long as humans enter there, they may face attacks from thousand-year-old or even ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts at any time."

At this point, Bibi Dong spoke at full speed:

"Don't stick to the division of soul-beast regions described in the classics."

"In the Xingdou Great Forest, it is difficult to ensure that there will be no accidents. It is possible that the ten thousand-year-old soul beasts or even the hundred thousand-year-old soul beasts in the inner circle will run to the outer area. It is also possible that this will trigger a beast tide, causing the high-age soul beasts in the inner circle to swarm to the outer area."

"So when you enter the Star Forest, you must be very careful."

At this time, Bibi Dong's face became serious.

"In addition, remember one thing: the danger does not only come from soul beasts but also from soul masters who are also human beings."

"Human greed is terrible—so terrible that you can't even imagine it. In this world, there are always some people who like to take risks, disregard human lives, and hunt others for resources."

"Therefore, you must understand that people's hearts are hidden in their stomachs and that wealth should not be shown off. Also, don't trust others easily, especially in the Star Dou Great Forest."

Bibi Dong paused for a moment and looked at Ye Qifeng with her beautiful eyes.

"Xiaofeng, you are not a soul master yet. After entering the forest, you must always remember not to leave your teacher and Nihuang too far away."

"I won't say much about the other teachers."

"Okay! Teacher, I understand!" Ye Qifeng nodded and replied.

At this moment, the Neon Phoenix soul power driving the carriage came in:

"Your Holiness, we are already within a hundred kilometers of the Star Forest. There is a small town ahead. It is already afternoon, and it will soon be sunset. Should we stay overnight or go directly to the Star Forest?"

Bibi Dong thought for a moment, and after a while she sent a voice message to Ni Huang, saying, "Let's go directly to the Xingdou Great Forest and camp in the forest at night."

Bibi Dong and Ni Huang are not weak women. They often slept outdoors when they were carrying out missions and hunting spirit rings.

Even though the place where they camped was the Star Dou Great Forest, they were not afraid. After all, they were both Titled Douluo, and what they needed to be afraid of were the soul beasts in the forest.

Besides, Bibi Dong also intends to train a disciple and let Ye Qifeng see what the Starry Forest looks like at night.

"Okay." After receiving the reply, Nihuang immediately drove the carriage through the outer town and continued on the road.

Half an hour later.

The carriage stopped; they had arrived at their destination, the edge of the Star Forest.

After arriving here, the carriage can no longer move forward. Further ahead is the Star Forest. There are no roads that can be used by carriages, so the only way is to walk.

The carriage needs to be taken care of by someone.

"Your Holiness, we have reached the edge of the Star Forest." Nihuang transmitted a message to the carriage.

After Bibi Dong and Ye Qifeng received the spiritual message from Nihuang, they walked out of the carriage and jumped off.

Not far away is the lush and verdant Star Forest.

Looking around, there is an endless green ocean, like a huge green beast crawling on the ground.

There are breezes blowing across your face, carrying the unique fragrance of plants and soil, refreshing your heart, and giving you an indescribable feeling of comfort.

The roadside where the carriage stopped was a temporary gathering place.

In the gathering place, many people had already set up tents. Some were making fires and cooking while there was still daylight, while others were simply eating the dry food they brought with them.

As expected, these people are all soul masters.

Ordinary people don't dare to appear in this place. The Star Dou Great Forest is very dangerous for soul masters. Ordinary people have only one fate here, and that is to become snacks in the mouths of soul beasts.

Judging from the clothes of these people in the gathering place, most of them are civilian soul masters with little power.

Some people want to obtain soul rings, form a team on their own, or spend gold soul coins to ask others to help hunt soul beasts.

Some people do it to earn gold soul coins to support their families.

These people usually organize themselves into a group and work together to help soul masters who need to break through their realm to hunt for soul rings and then receive rewards.

This kind of group has an exclusive name: the Soul Hunting Group.

The gathering place was a little noisy, but not chaotic, and it was obvious that someone was responsible for maintaining order.

Suddenly, a gorgeous carriage arrived, and the people in the gathering were immediately attracted to it. They saw two stunning beauties with a little boy in gorgeous clothes, and they were all stunned.

Especially the male soul masters in the field, their eyes were suddenly fixed on Bibi Dong and Nihuang, never moving away for a moment.

Someone almost had his ears pulled off by his female companion, and he screamed in pain.

There were also a few unscrupulous people whose eyes couldn't help but reveal obscene looks.

Although everyone was curious, no one dared to approach and talk to her.

Because the unique mark on the carriage, which was shining and eye-catching and consisted of six patterns of chrysanthemum, ghost, dragon, sword, hammer, and crown, reminded them all the time that this was the carriage of the Spirit Hall.

There is no doubt that the person on the carriage is someone affiliated with the Spirit Hall and is most likely a big shot.

They can't afford to offend.

After getting off the carriage, Nihuang's spiritual power spread out and swept through the gathering place.

From the fluctuations of their soul power, it can be sensed that none of the people in the gathering place have a soul power lower than level 30.

Usually, soul masters, before reaching level 30, obtain soul rings by hunting in the Soul Hunting Forest, where soul beasts are specially raised in the empire.

Unless there is really no suitable soul beast to be found, almost no one would come to the Star Dou Great Forest to obtain it when they have the first or second soul ring, as Ye Qifeng did.

Therefore, no one in the gathering place has a soul power below level 30.

(End of this chapter.)