Chapter 65: One Thousand One Hundred Years of Black Blade Shadow WeaselTwo days later,.

Chapter 65: One Thousand One Hundred Years of Black Blade Shadow Weasel

Two days later,.

The moon is bright, the stars are sparse, and silvery moonlight is pouring down from the sky.

Below is a huge, star-shaped forest with lush, tall trees and dense shrubs and thorns.

The moonlight stubbornly penetrated through the gaps between the dense branches and leaves, falling on the dead branches and rotten leaves on the ground, dotted the pitch-black forest with many silver spots.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew through the woods, bringing with it a rustling sound.

A graceful figure, holding a little boy, flew and landed on a flat, open space.

These two people are Bibi Dong and Ye Qifeng.

After two days of searching, they still hadn't found a soul beast that met the requirements of Ye Qifeng's soul ring.

Soul-beasts with dark attributes were indeed rare. On the first night, the three of them went out to search within a ten-kilometer radius around the campsite but found nothing.

After a whole day's journey, we returned to the campsite to rest for the second half of the night.

The next day, the three did not choose to rest but continued to search. However, there were even fewer dark soul beasts active during the day, making it more difficult to find, and they also found nothing.

At night, we expanded the search area and continued.

Although he encountered several suitable dark-attribute soul beasts, they were too young; only a few hundred-year-old soul beasts didn't meet Ye Qifeng's requirements, so he gave up.

Tonight, they searched more than ten kilometers deeper.

After the two landed on the ground, Bibi Dong took out the lighting orb from her soul guide and dispelled the darkness around them.

She looked at Ye Qifeng's slightly tired face, afraid that he would be disappointed and anxious, so she explained to him:

"Xiaofeng, dark-attribute soul beasts are much less than soul beasts of other attributes, and the Xingdou Great Forest is also large. If you want to find a dark-attributed soul beast that meets the requirements, it will probably take a long time."

"Although there are many soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, it will take a soul master a lot of time to hunt for soul rings that are suitable for his own martial soul in the Star Dou Great Forest. It usually takes three to five days, or as long as a month. Three to five days are when you are very lucky. This is for ordinary soul beasts. For dark attribute soul beasts, it may take even longer."

Ye Qifeng smiled at Bibi Dong and said slowly, "Teacher, it's okay. I'm not in a hurry. This is all within expectations."

"Just take your time to look for it. There's no need to rush."

"Well," Bibi Dong nodded and said, "If we still haven't found a suitable soul beast tonight, then let's search deeper. I wonder how Nihuang is doing."

As there was no result after two days of searching, Bibi Dong asked Nihuang to search separately. With the help of two Titled Douluo, the efficiency of the search was greatly improved.

Just as he finished speaking, a graceful figure surrounded by a fiery yellow light flew over from deeper in the forest and landed in front of Bibi Dong and Ye Qifeng.

It was the Ninth Elder Nihuang.

"Ninth sister." Ye Qifeng shouted happily when he saw Nihuang.

After Nihuang landed, she first withdrew her fire-attribute soul power, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

"Nihuang, how is it going? Have you found a suitable soul beast?" Bibi Dong asked Nihuang.

"Your Holiness, Xiaofeng, there is indeed good news."

Ni Huang nodded and said, "I found traces of dark attribute soul beast activity about ten kilometers ahead. Judging from the aura, it is a thousand-year-old beast. However, it seems that the dark-attributed soul beast has a strong ability to conceal its aura. The aura it left behind is very weak, and it seems that a long time has passed, so it is intermittent."

"I followed its aura for more than ten kilometers, but then lost its trace. Therefore, I did not see the true form of the soul beast. I am not sure what kind of soul beast it is, but I have determined the approximate range of its body."

Ye Qifeng's eyes lit up.

"Let's go and take a look." Bibi Dong said.

"Okay, follow me." Nihuang said that and flew away first.

Bibi Dong took Ye Qifeng's hand and condensed a soul power shield to protect him. She then took off into the air and followed Nihuang's figure into the depths of the forest.

A few minutes later,.

The three of them landed behind a tree that was so thick that several people could hug it, and they concealed their breath.

"It should be in the area in front. The soul-beast has a strong ability to hide its breath. Even I can only vaguely sense its faint breath but cannot determine its exact location. It is worthy of being a dark-attribute soul beast!" Nihuang sighed softly.

"Teacher." After listening to Nihuang's words, Ye Qifeng turned his gaze to Bibi Dong.

Although Nihuang had just been promoted to Titled Douluo not long ago, she could not fully sense the breath of the soul beast, so she had to ask Bibi Dong to take action.

Bibi Dong's cultivation is much higher than Nihuang's. Her mental power is not comparable to Nihuang's. Her perception ability and distance are much stronger than Nihuang's. I believe she can locate the soul beast and determine its identity.

"Yeah." Bibi Dong nodded slightly, then closed her eyes. A huge amount of mental power instantly emanated from her delicate body, and she carefully scanned and explored the dense forest in front.

"What a huge spiritual power! Is this the realm of His Holiness, the Pope?! Too strong!"

After sensing Bibi Dong's mental power, Nihuang couldn't help but sigh, and her eyes were burning with admiration and envy.

"found it!"

After a moment, Bibi Dong suddenly opened her eyes and said, with a smile on her lips,

"I'm lucky. It's a thousand-year-old black-blade weasel. It's hiding behind the tallest tree a few miles ahead."

"Xiaofeng, wait a moment; I will catch it for you." Bibi Dong said, and her figure flashed and flew out directly.

In less than a moment, Bibi Dong's figure appeared again; the difference was that this time she was holding a dark soul beast in her hand.

With a bang, Bibi Dong threw the soul beast to the ground.

Ye Qifeng looked at the soul beast on the ground and found that it was completely black. It looked somewhat similar to the ordinary wild beast weasel. The difference was that its limbs were as sharp as knives, and its body was much more sturdy. It was undoubtedly the Black Knife Shadow Weasel.

Judging from its body length of about one meter and one centimeter, this black-bladed shadow weasel is probably around one thousand one hundred years old.

At this time, the Black Knife Shadow Weasel was lying quietly on the ground, without moving at all. It had been knocked unconscious by Bibi Dong.

"Xiaofeng, how about this Black Blade Shadow Weasel? It just meets your requirements." Bibi Dong looked at Ye Qifeng and said,.

Ye Qifeng said, "Well, this is it. The year of 1,100 is just right."

"Isn't this year a little too high, Xiaofeng? I'm worried." Nihuang was still a little worried.

"What Nihuang said makes sense. Why don't we spend some more time and find one that is a younger year?" Bibi Dong was also a little worried.

She looked at Ye Qifeng and said, "Xiaofeng, are you sure you want to absorb it?"

Ye Qifeng nodded and said, "Teacher, Ninth Sister, don't worry; believe me, I can do it."

"Okay then." Seeing Ye Qifeng's determined eyes, Bibi Dong stopped talking.

She wiped her wrist, took out a dagger from the soul guide bracelet, and handed it to Ye Qifeng.

"Xiaofeng, then you should kill this black blade shadow weasel. Only the soul rings produced by the soul master killing the soul beast with his own hands can be absorbed by the soul master himself."

Ye Qifeng took the dagger from Bibi Dong, then pulled it out of the scabbard, revealing the blade that was shining with cold light.

He squatted in front of the unconscious Black Blade Shadow Weasel and looked at it carefully. This would be the first soul beast he hunted, and certainly not the last.

(End of this chapter)