Chapter 80 Brother, it’s your turn!

Chapter 80 Brother, it's your turn!

At this time, Yan thought calmly in his heart:

"Vine. If that's the case, Xiaofeng's soul skill should come from a certain plant-type soul beast. What are plants most afraid of? Fire!"

Thinking of this, Yan used the skill of the first soul ring:

"First soul skill: Hell Magma Rush!"

As soon as he finished speaking, red magma rushed up from Yan's body into the sky.

The originally dark red flames on his body suddenly turned into red flames. The temperature became even hotter and more explosive. Even the air around his body became distorted due to the burning.

However, unexpectedly again, the shadow vines that bound him showed no signs of being damaged and still bound him tightly.

Yan didn't believe in evil. If it didn't work once, he would try again. Hell, Lava Rush!


The vines were indifferent and still didn't change at all. Yan's face finally changed, and he decided to try again.

Hell, magma rush! Hell, magma rush!

After several attempts, there was still no effect, and there was no way to break free from the restraints.

Yan was helpless. His soul power had been exhausted, and he was unable to fight anymore. He looked at Ye Qifeng with a bitter face, admitted defeat, and said,

"Xiaofeng, you win. I can't get rid of the shackles on your soulskill. What kind of soul skill is this? How many years does it last?"

It seems that the Soul-Eating Ghost Vine's ability to be restrained by fire has been eliminated under the dark rules of the Shadow Martial Soul.

The second soul skill, Shadow Binding, is not afraid of fire, Ye Qifeng thought to himself.

Then he smiled faintly, put away his soul skill, and replied:

"This is the second soul skill of the Shadow Martial Soul, Shadow Binding! The age is close to five thousand years."

"Pervert!" Yan was a little shocked. There was no way he could get rid of this control skill, which was at the level of nearly five thousand years.

Yan jumped off the fighting arena in a depressed mood.

When he came to Xie Yue's side, Xie Yue asked him:

"Yan, what's wrong with Xiao Feng's binding skill? You are a beast martial spirit; can't you break free with your strength?"

Yan nodded and said,

"I can't break free. You saw it. I used both Granite Rock and Hell Lava Soul Charge together, but I still couldn't shake it at all."

"Xiao Feng's second soul skill has too much toughness and binding ability. He is not afraid of my flames. You should know that the Flame Lord has top-level fire attributes."

Yan looked at Xie Yue and continued:

"I just asked Xiaofeng about it. That is Xiaofeng's second soul skill, called Shadow Binding, a control skill close to the 5,000-year level. With the cutting ability of your martial soul, Moon Blade, it's probably difficult to break through its restraints."

Hiss—Xie Yue sucked in a breath of cold air. This soul skill has been under control for nearly five thousand years, and even Yan couldn't get rid of that soul skill. He probably wouldn't be able to get rid of it either.

"Oh, how embarrassing! I was defeated by Xiao Feng's soul skill. How embarrassing!"

At this moment, Yan suddenly sighed.

Seeing this, Xie Yue didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only pat his shoulder and say,

"Don't worry, no one will laugh at you."

Hu Liena kept laughing secretly at the side. After hitting one player, it was her brother's turn next.

She reminded him, "Brother, it's your turn."

"Yeah." Xie Yue nodded.

Just before Xie Yue went on stage, Hu Liena suddenly raised her little fist and said to him coquettishly,

"Brother, come on, don't lose too badly."

Xie Yue staggered. The first half of the sentence sounded comfortable, but the second half was like,

"The little cotton-padded jacket is really leaking air." Xie Yue felt like crying but had no tears.

Xie Yue shook his head helplessly and jumped onto the fighting spirit stage.

He stood opposite Ye Qifeng and tried to negotiate.

"Xiaofeng, can you please not use your second soul skill? Your soul skill's restraining ability is too strong. Even Yan can't break through the restraint, so it's difficult for me.

As long as you don't use your second soul skill, I won't use my strongest attack skill. How about it?"

Xie Yue was a little embarrassed at this time. It was really embarrassing to ask the opponent not to use a certain soul skill before the soul fight.

The opponent was Ye Qifeng, who was three years younger than him. Xie Yue felt a little embarrassed and a little ashamed.

"No problem, sure." Ye Qifeng nodded and agreed.

Ye Qifeng searched for information about Xie Yue from his memories of his previous life.

It was learned that the strongest attack skill he mentioned should be his self-created soul skill, Full Moon.

It was a soul skill that could fight across realms, and its attack power and lethality were extremely strong.

But there is a side effect, which is that it will consume a lot of soul power.

Xie Yue can use this skill alone or in the spirit fusion skill released in cooperation with Hu Liena, the Charm State.

In the demonic state, the power of the brother and sister combined to cast the full moon will be even more terrifying.

However, the two of them probably haven't worked out the martial soul fusion technique yet because he hasn't heard Hu Liena mention it.

Then, the two of them introduced themselves by name, martial soul, and level.

"Xie Yue, martial soul Moon Blade, twenty-fifth-level weapon soul master, please give me your guidance."

"Ye Qifeng, martial soul shadow, twenty-fifth level combat soul master, please give me your guidance."

The fighting spirit begins.

Xie Yue summoned out his martial soul, Moon Blade. At the same time, two yellow soul rings rose up under his feet, one after another, floating up and down around his body.

Xie Yue has not one but two moon blades, both four feet long, blood red, and curved like a crescent moon.

The two moon blades can not only be used separately but can also be combined into a full moon.

When used separately, one can use soul skills by holding the blades in both hands; when used together, one can use a powerful self-created soul skill, Full Moon.

Generally speaking, scimitar weapons such as the Moon Blade are extremely difficult to control. If you are not careful, you can easily hurt yourself. However, Xie Yue used it with ease and skill.

At this time, Ye Qifeng used his first soul skill.

"First soul skill, Black Blade Dark Moon!"

Ye Qifeng chanted the soul spell, and the first soul ring on his body immediately lit up, emitting a charming purple light.

Xie Yue on the opposite side saw the soul ring on Ye Qifeng light up, and his eyes immediately showed vigilance, and he subconsciously took defensive actions.

However, no soul skills attacked him, nor did he feel that he was being controlled.

Xie Yue had some doubts in his heart:

"Hmm? Xiaofeng, isn't he a control-type soul master? His second soul skill is a binding soul skill, which belongs to the control type. Logically speaking, his first soul skill should also be a control type."

Soon, Xie Yue's doubts were answered, but he became even more confused.

After the first soul ring on Ye Qifeng's body lit up, a jet of inky black aura floated out from the soul ring, quickly flew to the position in front of Ye Qifeng, and then condensed into a strange hilt.

Ye Qifeng reached out and held it.

The moment the hilt was grasped in his hand, black flames surged instantly, extending rapidly outward from the hilt and finally condensing into a slender knife.

The next moment, a strange black knife covered with black flames appeared in Xie Yue's sight.

Yan in the audience stared with his eyes wide open, with question marks written all over his forehead. He looked at Hu Liena beside him and asked doubtfully:

"Hey, Nana, isn't Xiaofeng's martial soul a humanoid martial soul called Shadow? How did it turn into a knife? Could it be that Xiaofeng's martial soul is a weapon martial soul?"

Hu Liena shook her head and explained with a smile:

"No, that's Xiaofeng's first soul skill."

Yan was stunned, feeling a little dumbfounded.

"Ah? Soul skills can be turned into weapons. I've never heard of it."

Hu Liena smiled calmly and explained:

"Xiao Feng told me that it's called a weapon-type soul skill."

"Weapon-type soul skills are an extremely rare soul skill, produced by some special and rare soul beasts."

"When you use a weapon-type soul skill, you will summon a weapon. Xiaofeng's first soul skill is called Black Blade Dark Moon. The soul ring comes from a 1,100-year-old Black Blade Shadow Weasel."

(End of this chapter.)