Chapter 84: Ghostly Pursuit

Chapter 84: Ghostly Pursuit

At this time, a ghostly voice sounded in Niu Bu Tong's ears:

"How far is it?"

The voice was hoarse and cold, like an eternal block of ice, hitting Niu Yitong's eardrum. A chill suddenly spread from head to toe, causing him to shiver involuntarily.

Niu Bu Tong roughly determined the direction and responded hastily.

"Your Majesty Ghost Douluo, it's just past the hill in front, about two kilometers away. There are many soft-boned rabbits living there. We were attacked there yesterday when we were hunting a thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit."

"Yeah." The ghost nodded, lowered its flying altitude, landed below the densely covered forest, and started leaping between the trees.

After a while, he stopped on a towering tree, carrying Niu Bu Tong.

Niu Bu Tong pointed to an empty space below and said:

"Your Majesty Ghost Douluo, this is it."

In the black robe, ghostly eyes glanced down.

There was a mess below; obviously, it had been through a battle. There were many corpses of soul beasts scattered around; probably those were the soul beasts that died in the battle.

After a day, the flesh and blood on the soul beast's corpse had been eaten up by the soul beasts in the forest, leaving only some bones.

The ghost asked coldly:

"Where did the little girl riding a rabbit that you mentioned appear?"

"It's there." Niu Bu Tong pointed to a more hidden bush and said,.

"You wait here."

The ghost said it coldly and flashed away.

The ghostly figure instantly landed in the hidden bushes, and then strong mental power surged out from the black robe, carefully sensing the surrounding breath.

In a short while, Guimei discovered the extremely strong aura of a soul beast.

This smell is out of tune with the surrounding environment and is also different from the lingering smell of soul beasts that have been around for hundreds or thousands of years. It has a unique, fishy smell that contains a hint of charm. It is not much different from the smell of the soft-bone rabbit, but it is stronger.

In addition to this scent, there is another relatively faint scent.

Judging from the information provided by Niu Bu Tong, this lighter scent should have been left by the three-meter-tall soft-bone rabbit.

Judging from the height, it should be a 30,000-year-old soft-bone rabbit.

And that little girl was undoubtedly the transformed form of a hundred thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit.

At this moment, the ghost's brows, which were covered by his robe and hat, suddenly frowned and said coldly, "It stinks!"

Guimei couldn't help but think that this was too different from the aura of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor that he had seen before.

You should know that the scent emanating from the hundred thousand-year-old Blue Silver Emperor transformed into a soul beast is a fresh and natural plant fragrance that smells particularly comfortable.

However, this one hundred thousand-year-old transformed soul beast had a strong smell of stinky rabbit.

Guimei almost started to wonder if something went wrong.

However, even though the smell is terrible, it also has its benefits.

Because the smell is not easy to dissipate, it is very helpful for tracking.

Now, only one day has passed. By following the scent, Gui Mei is sure and confident that he may soon be able to find the whereabouts of this 100,000-year-old transformed soul beast.

Following the scent, the ghost transformed into a ghost again, shuttling back and forth in the woods, not stopping until he had tracked for dozens of kilometers.

At this time, he had come to an extremely hidden valley.

The outskirts of this valley are surrounded by dense bushes and thorn forests, and it seems that there is no path at all.

If ordinary people don't pay attention, they won't be able to find this valley at all.

Suddenly, a soft-boned rabbit jumped out of the dense bushes and thorns, just in time to come face-to-face with the ghost.

The soft-bone rabbit was stunned for a moment, then kicked its legs and turned to dive into the dense forest, but was grabbed by the ghost with quick eyes and hands and strangled to death with five fingers.

"It looks like this is a rabbit's nest. The target may be in the valley. It's daytime now, when rabbits are active. It's not advisable to investigate for the time being. I should retreat first and come back at night. Night is more beneficial to my martial arts soul," the ghost thought in his heart.

Then Guimei took the soft-bone rabbit that he had strangled to death and left the valley, returning to where Niu Bu Tong was along the original route.

"Your Majesty Ghost Douluo, you are back."

Looking at the ghostly figure rushing from deeper into the forest, the bored Niu Bu Tong stood up quickly.

"Yeah." The ghost nodded coldly.

"Your Majesty, what is the result?" Niu Bu Tong asked cautiously.

Hearing this, Gui Mei suddenly looked at Niu Bu Tong. His aura changed instantly, and his momentum suddenly increased, causing Niu Bu Tong's scalp to become numb. He then said, hoarsely and coldly,

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

"Okay, okay, okay." Niu Bu Tong nodded quickly and covered his mouth with a palm as big as a palm fan.

Oh, my god. It's so scary. He thought he was going to die just now. The title, Douluo, is really terrifying. Niu Bu Tong wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his heart was trembling.

"This is..." He looked at the soft-bone rabbit in the ghost's hand and asked.

"I caught a rabbit. Go, skin it, and roast it for dinner." Guimei threw the soft-bone rabbit in his hand to Niu Bu Tong and gave the order in a cold voice.

"Okay!" Niu Bu Tong quickly flattered.

He held the soft-boned rabbit, ran to the side to process it, and then built a fire to grill it.


As the night deepened, the ghost transformed into a misty shadow and reappeared on the outskirts of the secret valley.

At this time, the soft-boned rabbits in the valley have all returned to their rabbit burrows to roost.

The ghost concealed its breath, passed through the dense forest, and entered the valley silently.

Entering the valley, the view suddenly becomes bright.

There are no tall trees in the valley. The bright moonlight shines from the deep night sky, and a small stream flows quietly through it.

Different from the chirping of insects and roaring of animals in the forest outside, the valley seems extremely quiet and incompatible with the outside world, like a paradise.

When the ghost entered the valley, he confirmed that this valley was indeed a rabbit hole, surrounded by a large number of soft-bone rabbit holes.

As soon as the mental power is released, one will find that there is a lingering, strong smell around him, which is all the fishy smell of the soft-bone rabbit.

Among them, there was an extremely strong breath, which was the breath of the transformed soul beast sensed during the day.

The breath comes from deep in the valley.

The ghost hid its body and followed the stream, continuing to explore deeper into the valley.

Finally, at the end of the valley, we found a small wooden house, a simple wooden house, similar in structure to the houses where civilians lived in the rural towns of Douluo Continent.

At this time, a dim light shone through the window of the wooden house, and it was obvious that someone was living there.

"Human houses?"

A ghostly figure appeared behind a huge rock, with a slight frown on his brows beneath his robe and hat.

Soon he shook his head again and denied it in his heart:

"No, that's not right. This is the Star Dou Great Forest. Humans can't live in a place like this. So, this is the residence of the transformed soul beast."

"It must be. After a soul beast transforms into a human, it needs to live according to human habits in order to grow."

As soon as he thought of this, the ghost's eyes flashed under his robe and hat, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Found it!"

Then he released his mental strength and cautiously probed forward.

(End of this chapter.)